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A one year experiment for the determination of deposition fluxes on heathland was conducted at the Elspeetsche Veld involving several research groups. Micrometeorological fluxes of SO2 (RIVM), NH3 (KEMA) and NO2 (TNO-ME) were measured, together with throughfall and bulk precipitation fluxes of SO4 2-, NH4+ and NO3- (RUU). In this report, annual average deposition fluxes and deposition velocities of SO2 and NH3 derived from micrometeorological measurements are presented. The NH3 measurements were made using two methods ; the thermodenuder instrument and the photo acoustic spectrometer. The results of the two methods are compared. The measuring period for NO2 fluxes was too short to obtain yearly averages. The annual average throughfall and stemflow fluxes are compared to those obtained from the micrometeorological measurements. Finally the co-deposition of SO2 and NH3 is investigated. No conclusive evidence could be obtained from the present data.

