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Effecten van synthetische IgE-afgeleide peptiden en anti-IgE conjugaatvaccins in het cardiovasculaire systeem van de rat
[ [Effects of synthetic IgE-mediated peptides and anti-IgE conjugatevaccines in the cardiovascular system of the rat.] ]
Wemer J, Vleeming W, Hoogerhout P, Poolman JT

27 p in Dutch   1994

RIVM Rapport 319001003

Toon Nederlands

English Abstract
In anaphylactic reactions IgE-mediated effects on the pulmonary and cardiovascular system play a pivotal role. The sequence of amino acids of the chains of the IgE-antibody is known and decapeptides can be synthesized resembling that part of the chains which binds to the mast cells resulting in the release of histamine and leucotrienes. In theory these synthetic decapeptides can be used as the first step for the vaccine development. Another approach would be the construction of peptides with binding capacity but no stimulating activity resulting in the blocking of IgE-binding sites on the target cells. In this feasibility study pilot experiments were performed on the isolated heart of the (actively TNP-ovalbumin sensitized) rat with coronary flow as parameter. Although the pilot experiments indicated an approach leading to either effective peptide antagonists or vaccines it was foreseen that reaching this goal the demand on research capacity would be substantial. In defining priorities the final conclusion was reasched to end these experiments.


RIVM - Bilthoven - the Netherlands - www.rivm.nl

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RIVM - Bilthoven - Nederland - www.rivm.nl
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM
( 1994-02-28 )