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Update of the exploratory report phthalates
[ Update van het scopingsdocument ftalaten ]
Peijnenburg WJGM, van Ewijk M, de Haan MWA, Janus JA, Ros JPM, Slooff W, van der Velde EG

80 p in English   1991

RIVM Rapport 710401008
Dit rapport vormt een uitbreiding op 710401001  

Toon Nederlands

English Abstract
This report contains general information on phthalate esters concerning the existing standards, emissions, exposure levels, environmental fate, available methods of analysis and effect levels. The report is an update of the exploratory report phthalates, that served as a basis for the discussion during the exploratory meeting, which was held in November 1990 and was aimed at determining the contents of the integrated criteria document Pththalates. In spite of the large quantities of phthalates produced and finally ending in landfills, data on emissions, occurrence and effects are not available or insufficient. The present information does not allow an adequate risk assessment but indicates that the threat however, in the vicinity of point sources, the exposure concentrations to a limited extend may exceed the maximum acceptable risk levels. It is recommended to fill in some gaps (emission, toxicity and exposure data) before drawing the integrated criteria document on this group of compounds.


RIVM - Bilthoven - the Netherlands - www.rivm.nl

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Rapport in het kort


RIVM - Bilthoven - Nederland - www.rivm.nl
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM
( 1991-05-31 )