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Monitoring Water Quality in the Future, Volume 3: Biomonitoring
[ De Toekomst van Waterkwaliteitsmonitoring, Deel 3: Biomonitoring ]
de Zwart D

83 p in English   1995

RIVM Rapport 719102049, Monitoring Water Quality in the future 3
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English Abstract
In general terms the problems with the existing water quality monitoring approach concern effective and efficient monitoring strategies. In 1993 the project "Monitoring water quality in the future" started in order to address these problems which will only increase in the future. In the framework of this project five reports have been produced, focussing on: Chemical Monitoring (Volume 1) ; Mixture toxicity parameters (Volume 2) ; Biomonitoring (Volume 3) ; Monitoring strategies for complex mixtures (Volume 4); and Organizational aspects (Volume 5). The specific objectives were to produce concise reviews of methods to signal changes in and control water quality (Volumes 1-3), to give a review of testing strategies for complex mixtures of chemical substances which can give more complete information at less costs (Volume 4) and to review existing practices and make recommendations concerning standardization, optimization and organization of monitoring activities in the European Union, with a focus on effectiveness and efficiency (Volume 5). In an executive summary overall recommendations are also made by drawing these together from the individual studies. The present report (Volume 3) includes a short description of existing biomonitoring methodologies and measurement strategies, as well as a discussion on possibilities, developments, limitations and financial consequences.


RIVM - Bilthoven - the Netherlands - www.rivm.nl

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RIVM - Bilthoven - Nederland - www.rivm.nl
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM
( 1995-04-30 )