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Planting KE , Engel HWB

37 p in Dutch   1991

Toon Nederlands

English Abstract
This report summarizes the current policy of vaccination for influenza in the Netherlands. The department of the Chief Medical Officer of Health recommends vaccination of limited risk groups. Old age, without further medical indication, is not considered to be a risk factor. The vaccination coverage of the recommended risk groups is estimated to be about 30%. This estimate cannot be confirmed since there are no detailed (age specific) prevalence figures on these risk factors, as there are no figures on the number of vaccins distributed in the Netherlands. In the current opinion, vaccination for influenza is considered to be a task of the general medical practitioner. This view is shared by the Influenza Vaccination Support Committee, as stated in this report. Computerized record systems in Dutch general practices would facilitate the determination of the actual size of the risk groups. Such systems would also facilitate vaccination campaigns among risk groups.In the Netherlands initiatives for implementing these systems are taken. Until computerized record systems are established in general practices, general medical practitioners should be supported in achieving a better vaccination coverage. A major role is to be played by the local health authorities Government, health insurances, patient platforms, local health authorities and drug companies could all take part in information campaigns, with appropriate coordination. Renewed efforts aimed at improved influenza vaccination coverage should join locally existing initiatives. Several of these joined initiatives have been launched. Currently this seems to be the most promising approach.


RIVM - Bilthoven - the Netherlands - www.rivm.nl

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RIVM - Bilthoven - Nederland - www.rivm.nl

( 1991-06-30 )