The use of NANoREG core materials was mandatory for all NANoREG partners.
For all the materials, a complete state-of-the-art physicochemical characterization was done considering key end-points in the OECD WPMN sponsorship program.

Dispersion SOPs and minimum requirements for characterization were established and laid down in a Guidance Document thus supporting reliability and comparability of data. For partners it was mandatory to perform their experiments in accordance with the Guidance Document. During the course of the project, those fundamental requirements were further refined.

The experimental data are available for further analysis via the NANoREG-eNanoMapper instance.

You can search the database and (in future) other databases with nanoEHS data via this link.

The experimental data on exposure  are available in the NANoREG Results Repository

If not indicated otherwise, the information in the NANoREG Results Repository is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Information on “commercial use” and attribution can be found here.