Hoogenboom-Verdegaal AMM ,
During M ,
Klokman-Houweling JM
145 p
in Dutch
Toon Nederlands
English Abstract The total number of reported foodborne illnesses showed
an apparent decrease in the period 1979-1990 from ca. 250 outbreaks (1700
patients) to ca. 160 outbreaks (1000 patients) per year. In the same
period, the percentage of outbreaks with unknown etiology increased slightly
from ca. 70 to ca. 80%. It is not known whether these changes reflect a
genuine change in the pattern of foodborne disease or a decrease in
efficiency of the passive surveillance system. Both Bacillus sereus and
Salmonella were important pathogens in reported outbreaks of foodborne
diseases. The incidence of Staphylococcus aureus and Clostridium
perfringens seem to decrease. Remarkable is the continuing role of Shigella
in contaminated food. Most frequently reported sources of foodborne
diseases were Chinese foods, followed by meat and meat products. Also
(shell) fish is reported frequently. Some increase of dairy products as a
source of infection seems to be noticeable. The most frequently reported
location where the suspected food was prepared is the restaurant. An
increase in complaints from cafeteria's and private houses is