English Abstract An investigation was carried out for the presence of
Toxocara sp. eggs in some public parcs and sandpits in the city of Utrecht.
The pollution of public parcs in this city with T.canis eggs is comparable
with reports from other European cities. T.cati eggs were found in
relative samll numbers only. Interestingly there was no difference between
parcs with or without formal exclusion of dogs. Differences between
districts within the city could not be clarified. Sandpits are merely
polluted with eggs of T.cati. Incidentally T.canis was found. Sandpits
which were obviously kept clean contained lower numbers of eggs than
sandpits which were clearly neglected. Some sandpits were closed to exclude
animals. If the fence or whatever was used did not fit well, the pollution
took place sometimes even more severely than in open sandpits. It was
concluded that public sandpits all over the city were contaminated with
Toxocara eggs.