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Knapen F van , Franchimont JH , Narucka F

16 p in Dutch   1991

Toon Nederlands

English Abstract
This report informs about the sero-epizootiological surveillance of T.spiralis infections in the dutch fattening pig population in the period 1985-1990. Blood samples were collected at random at abattoirs all over the country. For practical reasons the actual number of abattoirs was declined after 1988. care was always taken for a sufficient geographical spread in the origin of the animals. The investigations were carried out in the laboratory of the National Service for Animal and Meat Inspection, according to standard procedures as described earlier. In the period 1985-1990 no changes in the epizootiological situation could be demonstrated. This was supported by data obtained from examinations at selected farms. In farms where so-called 'seropositive' animals were found, other pigs present and rodents captured were examined for T.spiralis infection. No such foci could be spotted. In conclusion it can be stated that T.spiralis infections do not occur in dutch fattening pigs.


RIVM - Bilthoven - the Netherlands - www.rivm.nl

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RIVM - Bilthoven - Nederland - www.rivm.nl

( 1991-11-30 )