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Inventarisatie, ten behoeve van het IDC, van de in Nederland beschikbare modellen voor real-time berekeningen aan de luchtverspreiding van radioactieve stoffen
[ List, for use by the IDC, of the models available in the Netherlands for real time calculation of the dispersion of radioactive materials in air. ]
Delfini MG, Slaper H, Pruppers MJM

38 p in Dutch   1990

RIVM Rapport 243201001

Toon Nederlands

English Abstract
In case of a nuclear accident it is necessary to perform real time calculations of the dispersion in the air of the released radioactive materials. Such calculations, together with radiation dose calculations, allow the authorities to take countermeasures in order to protect the population. In this report a list is made of the computer programs available in the Netherlands for such calculations. A short theoretical review of the main features of the different dispersion models is given as well as a short review of the methods for calculation of the radiation dose due to the main exposure pathways. Eight computer programs are illustrated and two of them are chosen for implementation in the IDC (Informatie Documentatie Centrum)


RIVM - Bilthoven - the Netherlands - www.rivm.nl

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Rapport in het kort


RIVM - Bilthoven - Nederland - www.rivm.nl
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM
( 1990-03-31 )