English Abstract Physical planning influences the mobility of people
(person and vehicle kilometers ; modal split) and the environmental impact
of this mobility. Studies show that the potential influence of physical
planning is significant. A key factor is the percentage of people living
and working in the same region. In the second, third and fourth report on
physical planning the Dutch government gives physical planning an important
role in solving the traffic problems. As far as the first three reports are
concerned the policies on this subject were not very successful. In the
fourth report the so called location policy is introduced. It aims to get
'the right business in the right plase'. The result has to be less car use
and more use of the alternatives, e.g. public transport, bicycle,
carpooling. The policy has a theoretical and empirical sound basis.
Nevertheless it caused many critical reactions. They show that this policy
can be improved. To make the location policy successful it is of great
importance that also other parts of the present Dutch policy on traffic and
transport will be realised successfully. The most important ones are
pricing policy for car use and public transport, parking policy and
improvement of public transport, especially the capacity of the railway
system and the quality of regional public transport.