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Poel IR van de

112 p in Dutch   1991

Toon Nederlands

English Abstract
The following subjects are covered in this report: - The interlinkages between technical and social aspects of solutions to the greenhouse effect. How can these be conceptualised? As an alternative for the "conventional approach" an interactive system approach is presented. - Sustainable development ; which solutions to the greenhouse effect can be considered sustainable? Different aspects of sustainable development are discussed and criteria for the sustainability of solutions are developed. - What are research area related to (sustainable) solutions to the greenhouse effect? In looking for research area on sustainable solutions to the greenhouse effect the interactive system approach is used. In this approach 4 subsystems are discerned: the climate system, the production system, the socio-cultural system and the political system (policy making). Solutions to the greenhouse effect are seen as an interplay of changes in these subsystems. - A priority setting for research on sustainable solutions. With the criteria for sustainability the different possibilities for research are clustered in the research area and a first proposal for priority setting of these research area is formulated. - The implementation of the proposed priorities. Some possible drawbacks in the implementation of the proposed priorities are discussed.


RIVM - Bilthoven - the Netherlands - www.rivm.nl

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RIVM - Bilthoven - Nederland - www.rivm.nl

( 1991-02-28 )