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Leemans R , Kreileman E

112 p in Dutch   1999

Toon Nederlands

English Abstract
IMAGE 2 is an integrated assessment model for global and regional climate change. The aim of the model is to simulate scientifically and thoroughly the policy-relevant issues in climate change. The model therefore simulates the whole cause-to-effect chain covering emissions from energy and land use, biogeochemical cycles, atmospheric chemistry, and circulation and impacts. IMAGE 2 consists of three major components: the Energy-Industry System, the Terrestrial Environment System and the Atmosphere & Oceans System. Interactions and feedbacks are modelled explicitly. Improvements and new modules (e.g. TIMER, agricultural economics model, land degradation, sulphate aerosols and sea-level rise) are described and some tests and applications highlighted. The full documentation of IMAGE 2.1 and its applications have been published in book form and as a User Support System on a CD-ROM. This report is intended only to summarise these publications, describing recent developments in working towards the IMAGE 2.2.


RIVM - Bilthoven - the Netherlands - www.rivm.nl

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RIVM - Bilthoven - Nederland - www.rivm.nl

( 1999-11-15 )