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Bakkes JA , Smeets WLM , Thomas R , Veen AA van der

69 p in Dutch   1993

Toon Nederlands

English Abstract
The UN Economic Commission for Europe through its International Environmental Data Service delivered data to RIVM for a range of subjects. Deliveries of data on population (at subnational level) and emissions to air from combustion (specified by fuel) are looked back upon in this report. The emissions data specified by sector and by fuel are indeed digestible for RIVM and its calculation models. Apparent emission factors were reconstructed from the IEDS emission and energy data for the purpose of this evaluation. Apparent emission factors and absolute emissions were compared with reference values from other sources and with default factors that were estimated for the purpose of this evaluation. The analysis by RIVM of emissions data brought a great deal of detailed questions to the surface. The present data set is therefore not used at this stage. ECE has indicated however that answers are available to most questions. The problems relate in the first place not to the emissions data proper but to changes that national respondents made - or did not make - in the prefilled energy data. The subnational population data have been processed without noteworthy difficulties and have been used as background information for the work on Europe's Environment 1993 relating to groundwater. Population data of human settlements formed a puzzle, among others things because RIVM's modelling is based on the physical city (the conurbation) that is not necessarily identical with the administrative city. Also, cities and agglomerations seem to be mixed up in many data sources. The puzzle was however solved by RIVM and ECE and a new workable data set was constructed. From the various sources IEDS data were used most. A series of practical points is raised and recommendations are given. The service via IEDS, especially in its role as a clearing house, gets very good marks. The balance of the cooperation is certainly positive from RIVM's perspective.


RIVM - Bilthoven - the Netherlands - www.rivm.nl

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RIVM - Bilthoven - Nederland - www.rivm.nl

( 1993-09-30 )