English Abstract Within this study, an improved indicator was developed
to assess the ecological footprint of the inhabitants of a country, more
specifically, the Netherlands. Here, models for production and consumption,
on the one hand, and biodiversity, on the other, were linked. In addition,
an operational model was developed and calculations of consumption and the
effect of policy options as an example were carried out. In this improved
indicator, all influences of the inhabitants of the Netherlands are
important. These comprise not only land-use, but also climate change, land
distribution, pollution, use of (fresh) water, bio-exploitation (e.g.
hunting and fishing) and biological disruption (e.g. introduction of
strange species). The effect on biodiversity is expressed in the Natural
Capital Index (NCI), which was developed and discussed under the Convention
on Biological Diversity. In principle, the NCI enables the assessment of
both habitat loss and loss of quality in the remaining natural area as a
result of climate change, fisheries and logging. The model links the
relationship between the consumption of specific products, sectors and
individuals to the global loss of natural capital in terms of a single
indicator. Results will be used to support the discussion on the ecological
footprint and how it can be operationalized.
Rapport in het kort
Nederlanders hebben invloed op de mondiale
biodiversiteit binnen en vooral buiten de eigen grenzen. Nederlanders
hebben op vele manieren invloed. Toch kan de invloed op de biodiversiteit
in een maat worden uitgedrukt. Deze studie presenteert een indicator,
waarin de verschillende invloeden worden verdisconteerd in een maat voor het
verlies aan biodiversiteit of natuurkwaliteit op het land en in het water.
Dit is de ecologische claim. Deze indicator 'ecologische claim' is een
verbetering van de zogeheten voetafdruk van Wackernagel en Rees. De
methodiek geeft een integrale beoordeling van de effecten op de natuur.
Hiermee kunnen opties -of maatregelen- om de aantasting van de
biodiversiteit te verminderen worden vergeleken.