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Surveillance van HIV-infecties in de regio Arnhem. Deel 2: Monitoring van laboratoriumdiagnostiek naar HIV-infecties, april 1989-juni 1991
[ Surveillance of HIV-infections in the region of Arnhem. Part 2: Monitoring of laboratory tests for HIV-infection, April 1989-June 1991 ]
van Lierop GS, Houweling H, Wiessing LG, Katchaki JN

44 p in Dutch   1992

RIVM Rapport 528910002
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English Abstract
In collaboration with the Regional Public Health Laboratory (RPHL), the Rijnstate Hospital and the Monucipal Health Service, a comprehensive program for surveillance of HIV infections in the Arnhem area is carried out. This program consists of three parts: (1) monitoring of laboratory tests for HIV infection, (2) a continuous questionnaire on indications and the risk factors for HIV infection to physicians requesting testing, and (3) surveys on the prevalence and the risk factors for HIV infection in specific populations. More than 40% of HIV tests are done for life assurance purposes. Over half of all tests for clinical purposes are requested for by general practitioners. A large proportion of tested individuals are sexually active heterosexuals without other reported risk factors. Relatively few homo/bisexual men and intravenous drug users are tested, whereas in these groups most infections are found. Data by risk group can be viewed only as estimates of the prevalence among selected subgroups. These data should be interpreted jointly with surveillance data from other sources, such as the surveys among homosexual men, drug users and pregnant women, that are carried out in collaboration with the Municipal Health Services and others. Taken together the surveys and the monitoring system prove to be a powerful means of gaining insight into the spread of HIV infection at the regional level. It is possible to expand the monitoring system in a relatively easy way to other infectious diseases.


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RIVM - Bilthoven - Nederland - www.rivm.nl
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM
( 1992-07-31 )