English Abstract In response to the 1995 review of the N-nitrosamine
problem in cosmetics at the request of the Inspectorate of Health Protection
(IGB), a GC-TEA method for determining NDELA in cosmetics has been developed
and validated. In a sample diluted with water, adsorbed onto a kieselguhr
column and eluted with n-butanol, the average recovery for NDELA is 99%
(N=4) and the limit of quantification 5 mug/kg. The GC-TEA method described
was used to determine the NDELA content of 48 cosmetics including gels,
shampoos, cremes, milks, conditioners and foams. All determinations were
done in duplicate and for every 10 cosmetics a recovery experiment and a
blank determination were performed. The results of these quality assurance
experiments were within the performance characteristics of the method
developed. Amounts of NDELA above the limit of quantification of 5 mug/kg
were measured in 4 out of the 48 cosmetics.
Rapport in het kort
In 1995 is op verzoek van de Inspectie Gezondheids
Bescherming de N-nitrosamine problematiek in cosmetische producten in kaart
gebracht. Voor het bepalen van NDELA in cosmetica is de GC-TEA methode
ontwikkeld en gevalideerd. De terugwinning voor NDELA is gemiddeld 99%
(N=4) en de bepaalbaarheidsgrens is 5 mug NDELA / kg cosmetica. De GC-TEA
methode is gebruikt om in 48 cosmetische producten, waaronder shampoos,
cremes, melk , conditioners en schuimen het NDELA gehalte te bepalen. Alle
bepalingen werden in tweevoud uitgevoerd en voor elke 10 cosmetica monsters
is een terugwinnings- en blanco-experiment uitgevoerd. De resultaten van
deze kwaliteitsexperimenten voldeden aan de kwaliteitskenmerken van de
ontwikkelde methode.Van de 48 onderzochte monsters cosmetica bevatten vier
monsters meetbare hoeveelheden NDELA.