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Bijlage 3 bij RIVM-rapport 601714022 Specifieke verontreinigende en drinkwater relevante stoffen onder de Kaderrichtlijn water : Selectie van potentieel relevante stoffen voor Nederland
[ Appendix 3 to RIVM report 601714022 Specific pollutants and drinking water relevant substances in the context of the Water Framework Directive : Selection of potentially relevant substances for the Netherlands ]
Smit CE, Wuijts S

108 p in Dutch   2012

RIVM rapport 601714022-A Bijlage 3
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Toon Nederlands

English Abstract
Status of the information
The factsheets in this appendix present background information on compounds that were put forward by stakeholders as candidates for the new 'Dutch watchlist'. This list contains (new) substances for which monitoring data indicate that they might become a problem for the ecological and/or drinking water function of Dutch surface waters, but for which too little information is available at this stage for standard setting and/or inclusion in national legislation under the Water Framework Directive (WFD).

The Dutch watchlist has no legal status, but is meant to focus further research, e.g. concerning monitoring or (eco)toxicological risks. The factsheets should therefore be considered as a 'screening tool', and not as definitive substance evaluations. The information has been retrieved from various sources (e.g. databases, internet sources, evaluations from other countries), but underlying data have not been checked. This means that the information should be considered as indicative only. This especially holds for the risk limits that are presented. Unless otherwise stated, they do not have an official status and should therefore not be used as official water quality standards.


RIVM - Bilthoven - the Netherlands - www.rivm.nl

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Rapport in het kort
Dit rapport is een bijlage bij rapport 601714022

Factsheets nieuwe stoffen
De 'factsheets' in deze bijlage zijn opgesteld in het Engels om de uitwisseling van informatie in internationaal verband te vergemakkelijken.


RIVM - Bilthoven - Nederland - www.rivm.nl
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM
( 2012-07-18 )