English Abstract Preliminary Maximum Permissible Concentrations (MPC's)
in air are derived for 46 volatile compounds. Preliminary means that the
MPC's are based on information from revieuws only. Preliminary MPC's are
derived aiming at the protection of man as well as the ecosystem: MPChuman
and MPCeco, respectively. Both MPC's are compared and one is selected being
the preliminary MPC in air. For derivation of the MPChuman the selected
compounds are divided into two groups. The first group contains 12
compounds for which limit and/or target values have already been set. For
these compounds the data-set was only updated to see if these values have to
be re-evaluated. It is concluded that this was not the case. The second
group comprises 34 compounds, for which no limit and/or target values have
been set. For these compounds information from reviews was collected.
Because only reviews are consulted, uncertainty factors are applied rather
rigid on results from toxicological studies. For 24 compounds a preliminary
MPChuman could be derived.