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Poel P van der

16 p in Dutch   1992

Toon Nederlands

English Abstract
This report presents the estimates which are used to calculate the PEC's (Predicted Environmental Concentration) in air and soil at or near the source for the use categories dealt with in the Dutch Risk Assessment System for New Chemicals (DRANC) so far, i.e. textile dyes, photochemicals, metalworking and hydraulic fluids, paperchemicals, intermediates and "general". The estimates are based on data in available reports on releases for these categories (see references) and the estimates made for the Priority Setting System for Existing Chemicals. In those cases where no data were available an educated guess was made.


RIVM - Bilthoven - the Netherlands - www.rivm.nl

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Rapport in het kort
Abstract niet beschikbaar


RIVM - Bilthoven - Nederland - www.rivm.nl

( 1992-02-29 )