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Integrated Criteria document Chlorophenols
[ Basisdocument Chloorfenolen ]
Slooff W, Bremmer HJ, Janus JA, Matthijsen AJCM, van Beelen P, van den Berg R, Bloemen HJT, Canton JH, Eerens HC, Hrubec J, Janssens H, Jumelet JC, Knaap AGAC, de Leeuw FAAM, van der Linden AMA, Loch JPG, van Loveren H, Peijnenburg WJGM, Piersma AH, Struijs J, Taalman RDFM, Theelen RMC, van der Velde JMA, Verburgh JJ, Versteegh JFM, van der Woerd KF

349 p in English   1991

RIVM Rapport 710401013
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Bij dit rapport behoort een bijlage onder hetzelfde nummer getiteld: "Integrated Criteria document Chlorophenols: Effects:" Auteurs : Janus JA  Taalman RDFM; Theelen RMC en is de engelse editie van 710401003  

Toon Nederlands

English Abstract
This report contains data on chlorophenols concerning its sources and distribution pattern (soil, water, air, biota), the risks based on a careful consideration of exposure levels and toxic concentrations, the technical possibilities of reducing these risks and the financial consequences for the industries concerned of any measures to be taken. Chlorophenols are mainly brought into the environment via man (directly or indirectly). There is no industrial production of chlorophenols in the Netherlands. The damaging effects of chlorophenols to the environment has generally decreased in the past years. This decrease is the direct result of a sharp reduction of the use of chlorophenols in the last decennium.


RIVM - Bilthoven - the Netherlands - www.rivm.nl

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RIVM - Bilthoven - Nederland - www.rivm.nl
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM
( 1991-08-31 )