English Abstract This report contains general information on Aluminium
and aluminium compounds concerning the existing standards, emissions,
exposure levels and effect levels. The document is to be considered as a
first evaluation to be used for the national discussion during an
exploratory meeting on integrated criteria documents. In this report a
difference is made between the risk of aluminium exposure related to
acidification resulting into mobilization of (natural occurring) aluminium,
and the risk related to the discharge of aluminium in our environment.
Acidification results into increased dissolved aluminium levels in surface
water and soil. In most cases Dutch surface waters are sufficiently
buffered and therefore acidification does not present a problem in terms of
increased aluminium toxicity for aquatic ecosystems. In contrast to this,
Dutch soils are vulnerable to acidification with regard to aluminium: in the
process of leaching out first elevated dissolved aluminium levels at the
root zone are harmful to terrestrial ecosystems and, subsequently, may reach
levels in groundwater surpassing the current drinking water standards and
guidelines. As to emission of aluminium in the environment the figures show
an increase of industrial emissions in the last decade. There are
indications that current exposure levels may present a risk to both man and
ecosystems. Man may be at risk since a provisionally derived toxicological
limit value of aluminium in air (0.05 mug Al.m-3) is likely to be exceeded
in ambient and indoor air in the Netherlands. However, exposure data are
missing and the proposed toxicological limit value is rather conservative.
The risk of current exposure levels seems negligible, but for final
conclusions an evaluation update is needed. Aquatic life may be endangered
in some surface waters, but effects on aquatic species are definitively
expected to occur in the vicinity of emission sources. Bioaccumulation may
lead to high aluminium content of macrophytes and insects and so, depending
on the dietary intake of calcium and phosphoros, herbivorous and
insectivorous species may be at risk. It is recommended to initiate
activities to obtain further data needed for a more sound risk