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Nienhuis JG

185 p in Dutch   1994

Toon Nederlands

English Abstract
DEMNAT-2 is designed to predict the impact of national water management scenarios on groundwater-dependent ecosystems. A Geographical Information System (GIS) is used for spatial modelling with DEMNAT-2, along with a specially developed proces module. A GIS user interface is made to handle large amounts of different types of geographical data sets. Geographical data to DEMNAT-2 are hydrological changes, soil maps and ecosystem data. The hydrological changes are calculated by two hydrological models. Two different soil maps are combined with GIS. Input ecological data to DEMNAT-2 are 15 ecosystem types from a national floristic database. Output data are changes in values for nature conservation of these ecosystem types. GIS is used to map these effects and to overlay them with different areas with special interest for nature preservation.


RIVM - Bilthoven - the Netherlands - www.rivm.nl

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RIVM - Bilthoven - Nederland - www.rivm.nl

( 1992-12-31 )