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Study of the effects of waste disposal in a selected rock-salt formation (SESAM). Construction of a local geohydrological model for a selected salt diapir
[ [Studie betreffende de effecten van afvalopberging in een steenzoutformatie (SESAM). Constructie van een lokaal geohydrologisch model voor een geselecteerde zoutpijler.] ]
van Rheenen W, Slot AFM, Lieste R, Oostrum M

72 p in English   1993

RIVM Rapport 715205001

Toon Nederlands

English Abstract
To attribute to the validation of models for the simulation of transport of radionuclides in the geosphere, an example-location in the north-east of the Netherlands has been selected. For the selected location, a rock-salt diapir at shallow depth, radionuclide migration with groundwater will be modelled using the METROPOL programme package, developed at RIVM. This transport model was and is being used in the safety studies on geological disposal of radioactive waste in the Netherlands and in the international transport code validation project INTRAVAL. An evaluation of geological data for the selected rock-salt formation and its overburden was carried out by the Geological Survey of the Netherlands. The results have been presented in maps showing depth contours of the top of the successive geohydrological units. The geological data were stored in a Geographical Information System (GIS) for the study area. A regular horizontal grid was then constructed for this area, and values for the elevation (or depth) of the grid-points were obtained by interpolation of the geological data. Finally, the grid-data for each unit was combined to obtain a three-dimensional finite element mesh, suitable for simulations with the METROPOL package.


RIVM - Bilthoven - the Netherlands - www.rivm.nl

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RIVM - Bilthoven - Nederland - www.rivm.nl
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM
( 1993-03-31 )