English Abstract The long-term crop protection programme (MJP-G) of the
Netherlands aimed for the period 1990 - 2000 a.o. at 50 to 90 % reduction
of emissions of plant protection products to the environment. The success
of the emission reduction part of this plan was evaluated by calculating
emissions to air, surface water, soil and groundwater for the reference
period and the year 2000. Reductions were estimated to be 79 % (aim: at
least 75 %) for emissions to soil and groundwater, 54 % (aim: at least 50 %)
for emissions to air and 79 % (aim: at least 90 %) for emissions to surface
water. The emissions to air constitute over 95% of total emitted amounts.
This report presents technical backgrounds, boundary conditions and
calculation methods. As compared to the interim evaluation in 1995, several
calculations methods have changed significantly. For the calculation of
emissions to air, new information has become available so that it is now
possible to account for direct emission of droplets to air and interactions
of the plant protection products with soil and crop. The leaching and
drainage is calculated directly for the most important substances, while in
the interim evaluation an overall distribution was calculated. Drift to
surface water and non-target areas is now based on an extended database on
drift measurements and includes drift reduction measures. Emissions for the
reference period and for 1995 have been recalculated with the new
calculation procedures to make a proper evaluation of the reduction
percentages possible.
Rapport in het kort
Het MeerJarenPlan Gewasbescherming (MJP-G) beoogde
reducties van emissies van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen naar het milieu.
Emissies moesten worden teruggedrongen met tenminste 50% (naar lucht), 75%
(naar bodem en grondwater) en 90% (naar oppervlaktewater). In 2001 is het
MJP-G geevalueerd. Berekende reducties bedroegen respectievelijk 54%, 79%
en 79%, waarbij de emissie naar de lucht nog ruim 95% van de totale emissie
bedroeg. Dit rapport geeft een uitvoerige beschrijving van de
totstandkoming van de emissiecijfers.