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Mutagene stoffen en risico's voor natuurlijke populaties. Onderzoek met Daphnia magna als modelorganisme. II. Experimenten met een mutagene stof
[ [Mutagenic substances and natural populations at risk. Research with Daphnia magna as a model organism. II. Experiments with a mutagenic substance.] ]
Vaal MA, Breedijk I, Dekker MP, Mout HCA, Kramers PGN, Roghair CJ

38 p in Dutch   1992

RIVM Rapport 719102021

Toon Nederlands

English Abstract
Daphnia magna is used as a model organism to study the consequences of the impact of mutagenic chemicals to natural populations. Adult daphnids were exposed to a mutagenic test compound to test whether their offspring showed effects of induced mutations at exposure levels lower than the No Observed Effect Concentration for growth and reproduction. Life-history parameters were used as test parameters. A concentration-related toxic effect to reproduction could be measured reproducibly in the exposed adult daphnids. However, no indication of a mutagenic effect could be detected in their offspring. This may have been due to the inadequateness of the system to detect induced genetic change.


RIVM - Bilthoven - the Netherlands - www.rivm.nl

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RIVM - Bilthoven - Nederland - www.rivm.nl
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM
( 1992-12-31 )