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Voorstel voor de humaan-toxicologische onderbouwing van C-(toetsings)waarden
[ Proposal for the toxicological basis for the determination of C-values ]
Vermeire TG, van Apeldoorn ME, de Fouw JC, Janssen PJCM

177 p in Dutch   1991

RIVM Rapport 725201005
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English Abstract
This report is a description of a search of the toxicological literature and the derivation of toxicological guideline values and daily intakes for men at the Toxicology Advisory Centre of RIVM. It intends to provide a toxicological basis to proposed so-called C-values of the "Leidraad Bodemsanering" (Soil Sanitation Guide) of the Ministery of Housing, Physical Planning, and Environment. As far as possible, maximum tolerable risk levels for the total intake of genotoxic carcinogens and toxicologically tolerable daily intakes for threshold compounds have been determined for 55 chemicals or groups of chemically related compounds. In addition, a toxicologically tolerable concentration in air has been derived for 22 substances or groups of substances. A central issue in this report is the choice of the toxicological criterion for the regulatory concept "serious threat to human health" as associated with the C-value.


RIVM - Bilthoven - the Netherlands - www.rivm.nl

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RIVM - Bilthoven - Nederland - www.rivm.nl
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM
( 1991-02-28 )