English Abstract In the framework of the Rhine Action Programme, the
International Rhine Commission agreed on conducting regular biological
inventories of the River Rhine to be held at five-year intervals, starting
in 1990. The result is an ecological monitoring programme for plankton,
fish fauna and benthic macrofauna prepared by research institutes of the
Rhine countries. A harmonization of methods seemed imperative and for this
reason a group of experts on plankton proposed a checklist of plankton
species. This documentation, which gives an overview of zooplankton species
commonly found in the River Rhine, will support a proper identification of
River Rhine zooplankton. This working document is meant to be used when
counting zooplankton samples. It should be stressed, however, that it is
not meant to replace the identification documentation. For a selected group
of zooplankton species, one or more photographs are shown as well as some
relevant information on ecology, feeding behaviour, etc. Where essential
details required for proper identification could not be shown clearly on
photographs, we refer per species to the relevant literature for more
detailed information. At this stage only lowland species are included.
Hence, some relevant species, e.g. those typical of the Upper Rhine might
be missing. Furthermore, it has not been possible to describe the
distribution of species along the River Rhine to date ; only for the
lowland reach have some comments been given. Despite these limitations,
this documentation could be a first step towards harmonization within the
international biomonitoring programme of zooplankton in the River