English Abstract This interim report presents the results of sorting
analyses with household waste, collected after separate collection at source
in the municipality of Lemsterland. The sorting analyses, which took place
october 1992, form part of a monitoring programme of a pilot project, called
'de dubbele duobak' (two dual-chamber bins). 'Lemsterland' is one of the
Dutch pilot projects, which will be evaluated in the programme
'ADC-Afvalscheiding Droge Componenten' (waste separation of dry components).
This programme is initiated by the Ministry of VROM in order to develop a
uniform system of separate waste collection. Also Lemsterland is mentioned
in the Packaging Convention, an agreement between the Government and
packaging industry to reduce the amount of packaging waste. The main
purpose of this pilot project in Lemsterland is to achieve an extended
reduction of the amount of household waste by a system of separate
collection at source. In this system, each household is provided with two
dual-chamber wheeled bins. The first bin contains a fraction of garden,
fruit and vegetable waste ('GFT') and a residual fraction ; the other bin
contains a paper/cardboard fraction and a mixture ('PMD') of
plastics/metals/drinks- packaging (laminated cardboard). These four
collected fractions were analysed on the composition, purity and