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23 p in Dutch   1993

Toon Nederlands

English Abstract
This report presents the results of sorting analyses with household waste of two pilot districts in the municipality of Breda. The sorting analyses took place in april and may 1992, before the introduction of the pilot project "Model Breda". The main purpose of "Model Breda" is to achieve a more extended reduction of the amount of household (packaging) waste by separate collection at source. The project is mentioned in the Packaging Convention, an agreement between the Government and the packaging industry in order to reduce the amount of packaging waste. Samples of household waste were taken in two different districts and two different locations (low-rise buildings vs. high-rise buildings). In low-rise buildings household waste is collected in 240 ltr. wheeled bins, in high-rise buildings collected in plastic bags. This study discusses the composition of these four samples, which has been analysed by the Solid Waste Research Laboratory (sectie Metingen) of the Laboratory of Waste Materials and Emissions (LAE) of the National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection (RIVM).


RIVM - Bilthoven - the Netherlands - www.rivm.nl

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RIVM - Bilthoven - Nederland - www.rivm.nl

( 1993-02-28 )