Campen ALBM van ; Quarles van Ufford CHA ; Berbee
RPM ; Luijten LAM ; Schwartz MJC
105 p
in Dutch
Toon Nederlands
English Abstract This plan of action is a product of SPEED (Source
reduction cooperation Project aimed at Effective Emission reduction of
Diffuse sources). For two polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, i.c.
benzo(a)pyrene (BAP) and fluoranthene (FLU) dutch emissions to air and water
reduction measures are presented. Using the STRAVERA model the future
developments of the emissions and the surface water load are calculated for
three situations: autonomous (1), planned policy (2) and extra measures (3).
In the first two situations an increase of the surface water load is
expected of 30 to 65%, mainly due to the expected increase of shipping.
Assuming foreign emissions are reduced with the same percentage as in the
Netherlands in 2000, the additional measures in this plan of action will
result in reductions of the surface water load of 50% in 2010. In spite of
the inaccuracy of the emission data, it can be concluded that these measures
fail to reacht the governmental policy targets of 90% reduction. In action
table is indicated which organisations should take initiative in reducing
PAH emissions. A committee in which several departments are represented
will supervise the progress of the emission reduction