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Biobeschikbaarheid in de hond van anorganisch arseen uit ijzeroerhoudende grond
[ Bioavailability in the dog of inorganic arsenic from bog-ore containing soils ]
Groen K, Vaessen HAMG, Kliest JJG, de Boer JLM, van Ooik A, Timmerman A, Vlug R

20 p in Dutch   1992

RIVM Rapport 748704046

Toon Nederlands

English Abstract
In some parts of the Netherlands, bog-ore containing soils prevail which naturally contain arsenic concentrations that exceed, by a factor of ten, existing standards for maximum allowable concentrations of inorganic arsenic in soil. These standards are based on the assumption that in humans the bioavailability of arsenic from ingested soil is 100%. In view of the regulatory problem presented by these soils, the validity of this assumption was questioned. To obtain a more realistic estimate, the bioavailability of inorganic arsenic from soil in a suitable animal model was studied. In this report, a study performed in six dogs in a two-way cross-over design is presented. The dogs received in random order arsenic both as intravenous solution and as arsenic-containing soil. During a 120-hour period after administration, urine was collected in fractions. Concentrations of arsenic were determined using a method of wet digestion of arsenic to As(III), isolation and complexation of arsine followed by molecule absorption spectrometry. Within 120 hours after intravenous administration, 88 +/- 16% of the dose was excreted renally. After oral administration of arsenic-containing soil, only 7.0 +/- 1.5% was excreted renally. From the urinary excretion data for these two ways of administration, the calculated bioavailability of inorganic arsenic from soil was 8.3 +/- 2.0%. The results from this study show the necessity to reconsider the present regulation for As in soil in living areas.


RIVM - Bilthoven - the Netherlands - www.rivm.nl

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RIVM - Bilthoven - Nederland - www.rivm.nl
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM
( 1992-11-30 )