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Klijn F , Latour JB , Nip MI , Groen CLG , Udo de Haes HA , Berg MMHE van den , Hofstra JJ

136 p in Dutch   1990

Toon Nederlands

English Abstract
In this report a comprehensive method for environmental quality assessment is described in detail, differentiated for ecodistrict types. These large scale ecosystem types may fulfill various land use functions, including nature conservation. Two quality levels, as distinguished in environmental policy (National Environmental Policy Plan), have been adopted as guidelines: General and Specific Environmental Quality (AMK and BMK respectively). The latter has been defined for nature conservation only. Quality assessment of entire ecosystems concerns the measurement of the present state and comparison with the desired state. The desired state is explicited in terms of 'ecological quality standards'. The results are presented in AMOEBE-like figures, with for each parameter the circle as standard, and the present quality as a percentage of the radius. A first try-out of the method has been elaborated for two ecodistricts ; the Calcereous Coastal Dunes and the Lowland Peat area.


RIVM - Bilthoven - the Netherlands - www.rivm.nl

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RIVM - Bilthoven - Nederland - www.rivm.nl

( 1990-05-31 )