Rapport in het kort
In this report a perspective is outlined for the
development of area- oriented environmental assessments (AEAs) for
integrated regional policy. These documents should hold scientific
information for the development and foundation of an integrated policy for
town and country planning, water management and environment. The present
planning structure for environmental policy and the policy for town and
country planning and watermanagement is described. The position and
function of AEAs within the present framework of national, regional and
local planning is explained. The advisable contents of AEAs is surveyed.
Possible items for the contents of AEAs are: the physical environment and
the relation with other regions, regional (economic) activities and
developments, impacts on the environment, use of space, groundwater and
surface watersystems and sustainability on a regional level. The
interrelations between these items are emphasized. Furthermore the user
prospects of AEAs for regional and local authorities is