English Abstract The results are presented of the project 'reference
projection for energy and greenhouse gases' carried out by RIVM and ECN for
the Ministries of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, and of
Economic Affairs. The reference projection considers emission of greenhouse
gases in the Netherlands in 2010. Emission sources and trends up to 2000
were analysed, and expected developments with respect to economic growth and
energy supply for the period 2001-2010 updated. This led to new estimates
for the greenhouse gas emissions in 2010. Differences with previous
scenario studies were analysed, and the effects of both announced and
implemented policy measures assessed. Emissions of CO2 were analysed
separately from other greenhouse gases. The total expected greenhouse gas
emissions for the Netherlands in 2010 are concluded to be 225 Mton CO2
equivalent, which represents a near stabilisation for 2000 as the net result
of a 12 Mton increase in CO2 emissions and a 9 Mton decrease in other
greenhouse gases. The expected development of domestic emissions appears
favourable with respect to the current policy goal: an emission target
stated in the Kyoto agreement of -6 % in relation to the 1990/1995 level and
the realisation of half the emission reductions through domestic (inland)
measures. The uncertainty in total annual CO2 -equivalent emissions in 2010
is estimated at 14 Mton (95% confidence interval) due to identified
uncertain future societal developments and possible future improvements in
greenhouse gas emission inventories. This report will be used to evaluate
the current progress with respect to the national climate change policy in
the Netherlands, described in "The Netherlands' Climate Policy
Implementation Plan, Part I: inland measures"(June
Rapport in het kort
Het project 'Referentieraming energie en
broeikasgassen' is door RIVM en ECN uitgevoerd in opdracht van de
ministeries van Economische Zaken en Volkshuisvesting, Ruimtelijke Ordening
en Milieubeheer. De Referentieraming schat de emissie van broeikasgassen in
Nederland in 2010. Emissie bronnen en trends tot 2000 zijn geanalyseerd, en
toekomstige ontwikkelingen van de economie en energievoorziening zijn
opnieuw ingeschat. De nieuwe raming van de emissie van de broeikasgassen is
vergeleken met eerdere ramingen die zijn gebruikt voor het nationale
klimaatbeleid. Tevens zijn de emissiereductie effecten van het voor 1 juli
vastgestelde klimaatbeleid ingeschat. Bij de analyse is onderscheid gemaakt
tussen de CO2 en niet - CO2 broeikasgassen. Het rapport dient ter
ondersteuning van de tussentijdse evaluatie in 2002 van het klimaatbeleid
zoals aangekondigd in de Uitvoeringsnota Klimaatbeleid