English Abstract What kind of agriculture should be developed in the
future if we want to fullfill the requirements which are set for the
agricultural landscape by the dutch national government. To answer this
question the organic agriculture can be used as a spearhead or an example
for the conventional agriculture. When we know in which degree the organic
agriculture already fullfills these requirements, we also know in which way
the conventional agriculture has to change in the future. The requirements
which are invested in this study are the so called 'common nature and
landscape values' formulated by the Nature and Landscape Department of the
Ministery of Agriculture, Nature and Fisheries. Aim of this study is to
compare the actual situation of the organic agriculture with the desired
situation by the government. Therefore an overview of the literature has
been made, which shows that organic agriculture has a positive impact on the
desired "common nature values", compared with the conventional agriculture.
But it makes also clear that there is much to little information to make a
clear statement. Therefore a general inventory of the "common nature and
landscape values" on organic farms is recommended.