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Uniformering berekening mest- en mineralencijfers: Standaardcijfers varkens, 1990 t/m 1992
[ Standardized calculation scheme for mineral excretion and amount of manure by animal husbandry. Pigs, 1990, 1991 and 1992 ]
van Eerdt MM, Crijns M, van der Hoek KW, Luesink HH, van der Peet GFV, Voet J, Uenk JH, van Boheemen PJM

43 p in Dutch   1994

RIVM Rapport 779400002
Publications can be ordered by transferring the amount due to Postgiro Account No. 431939, for the attention of IKC-Veehouderij, Pascalstraat 10, 6716 AZ Ede, stating the name of the desired publication.  

Toon Nederlands

English Abstract
Dutch institutes dealing with production figures for mineral excretion by animal husbandry installed a working party to standardize their excretion figures. The working party developed a calculation scheme based on a mass balance over the animal. Excreted minerals = minerals in feed - minerals in products (meat, milk, eggs). Special attention is paid to the calculation of the averaged annual feed intake and its N, P and K content. This publication of the working party describes the calculation scheme for pigs and presents the figures for the annual N, P and K excretion and the annual amount of manure for the years 1990, 1991 and 1992. The publication is a joint product of CBS, IKC-Veehouderij, LAMI, LEI-DLO, RIVM and Landelijke Mestbank.


RIVM - Bilthoven - the Netherlands - www.rivm.nl

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RIVM - Bilthoven - Nederland - www.rivm.nl
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM Werkgroep uniformering berekening mest- en mineralencijfers
( 1994-08-31 )