Dr (Doctor). A.J. (Albert Jan) van Hoek (1980) is senior researcher at the infectious diseases modelling department of the RIVM, as well as Assistant Professor in Vaccine Economics at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine in London (UK). His research assists the decision-making to halt the spread of infectious diseases, by improving the epidemiological knowledge, collecting quality of life data and developing decision models. His research also measures population preferences on how the (dis-)advantages of vaccination should be weighed in the decision-making process. Albert Jan worked on chickenpox, shingles, whooping cough, pneumococcal disease and (pandemic) influenza.
Albert Jan van Hoek studied Economics and Medical Biology at the University of Groningen. After completion of his Medical Biology degree, he worked on the cost-effectiveness of vaccination programmes, at Public Health England (formerly Health Protection Agency) and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). He is still linked to the LSHTM. During his time in England he was seconded to the Gambia and Kenya.
He published over 40 articles in international peer reviewed scientific journals. Albert Jan advises both the British and Dutch governments on the use of vaccines.