ReCiPe is a method for the impact assessment (LCIA) in a LCA. Life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) translates emissions and resource extractions into a limited number of environmental impact scores by means of so-called characterisation factors.
There are two mainstream ways to derive characterisation factors, i.e. at midpoint level and at endpoint level. ReCiPe calculates:
- 17 midpoint indicators
- 3 endpoint indicators
Midpoint indicators focus on single environmental problems, for example climate change or acidification. Endpoint indicators show the environmental impact on three higher aggregation levels, being the 1) effect on human health, 2) biodiversity and 3) resource scarcity. Converting midpoints to endpoints simplifies the interpretation of the LCIA results. However, with each aggregation step, uncertainty in the results increases. The figure below provides an overview of the structure of ReCiPe.
Relationship between LCI parameters (left), midpoint indicator (middle) and endpoint indicator (right) in ReCiPe 2016.
Figure: Overview of structure ReCiPe.