From 20–26 August 2017, Harold van den Berg (RIVM) and Bettina Rickert (Umweltbundesamt, Germany) visited Ethiopia for the continuation of the project Source to Tap and Back. In this project, (2013 – 2018), RIVM supports the implementation of Water Safety Planning at two drinking water companies (Addis Ababa and Adama) and the improvement of their laboratories.
During the visit, for both drinking water companies all risks for possible contamination of drinking water have been identified and prioritized. Based on these risks and priority, the teams started to make an improvement plan. The improvement plan, to reduce the possible risks, was finalized for the drinking water company in Adama and after discussion with the director of the company and the regional project manager S2TAB several investment were selected to reduce the risks for the consumer. For Addis Ababa, we continued on the improvement plan (see picture), which will be discussed with higher management to decide on investing capacity.
The improvement of the laboratories is ongoing and investment (training, equipment and media) is done to improve the laboratories. The picture shows the laboratory of Adama, which has partially been improved by the project S2TAB but also other (internal) projects funded some improvements for the laboratory.