Collaboration is key to 2017 State of Zoonotic Diseases report De jaarlijkse Staat van Zoönosen focust zich dit jaar op een One Health-aanpak van zoönosen.
Dutch air quality shows little improvement in 2017 In 2017, concentrations of nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter in most parts of the Netherlands were below European limit values.
Vaccination schedule for babies reviewed after introduction whooping cough vaccination for pregnant women Whooping cough is a dangerous disease for new born, unvaccinated babies. Starting at the end of 2019, the whooping cough vaccination will be offered nationwide to pregnant women.
New bacterium in ticks Last year, a man was treated at the Amsterdam Academic Medical Centre (AMC) after being bitten by a tick and becoming infected with a strain of the Borrelia bacterium not previously encountered in
Regional differences in testing rates underestimate incidence of LGV epidemic Until 2003, Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV), an aggressive form of chlamydia, was considered to be a rare tropical disease, endemic to Africa, Asia and the Caribbean.