Title Authors Reportnumber
Achtergrondinformatie over HDI: gebruik, voorkomen in het leefmilieu en gedrag in het lichaam Heringa, M. ; Guichelaar, S.K. ; ter Burg, W. 2020-0007
Background values of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in Dutch soil (Dutch report, English synopsis) Wintersen, A. ; Spijker, J. ; van Breemen, P. ; van Wijnen, H. 2020-0100
Updating addenda SRM-1 and SRM-2  Visser,  S. ; Wesseling,  J.  2020-0118
Advice on risk limit values for PFOA, PFOS and GenX in swimming water and fish (Dutch report, English synopsis) Muller, A. ; Smit, E. 2020-0042
Weighing up the advantages and disadvantages of protective measures to be taken in the event of nuclear accidents. An exploratory study of the options for optimisation (Dutch report, English synopsis) Kerckhoffs, T.J. ; van der Linden, M. ; Twenhöfel , C.J.W. ; Smetsers, R.C.G.M. ; Dekkers, S.A.J. 2020-0058
An overview of the available data on the mutagenicity and carcinogenicity of 1-tert-butoxypropan-2-ol. (Dutch report, English synopsis) Geraets, L. 2020-0079
CARC at the Ministry of Defence's POMS sites: exposure and health risks. General findings of the study, with special reference to the constituent HDI (Dutch report, English synopsis)   2020-0017
Chromium-6 allowed in artist paints under REACH (Dutch report, English synopsis) Brand, W. ; Luit, R. ; Wijnhoven, S.W.P. ; Herremans, J. 2020-0061
Consequences study of probit functions. The impact of changes in outcomes of risk calculations (Dutch report, English synopsis) Zonneveld,  M. ; Kieskamp,  K.K. ; Kooi,  E.S. ; Uijt de Haag,  P.A.M.  2020-0070
Counterchecks on determinations of radioactivity in COVRA N.V.'s waste water and ventilation airPeriod 2018 (Dutch report, English synopsis) Kwakman, P.J.M. 2019-0160
Counterchecks on measurements of radioactivity in waste water and ventilation air at the nuclear power station in Borssele Period 2018 (Dutch report, English synopsis) Kwakman, P.J.M. 2019-0161
Counterchecks on determinations of radioactivity in NRG's waste water and ventilation air. Period 2018 (Dutch report, English synopsis) Kwakman, P.J.M. 2019-0162
Counterchecks on measurements of radioactivity in waste water and ventilation air at Urenco Nederland B.V. Period 2018 (Dutch report, English synopsis) Kwakman, P.J.M. 2019-0163
Coping with substances of concern in a circular economy Beekman, M. ; Bakker, J.C. ; Bodar, C.W.M. ; van Leeuwen, L.C. ; Waaijers-van der Loop, S.L. ; Zijp, M.C. ; Verhoeven, J.K. 2020-0049
The temporary storage of radioactive waste in hospitals  (Dutch report, English synopsis) Boudewijns,  L.H.A. ; van der Linden,  M. ; Siegersma,  D.  2020-0034
A preliminary literature study on the effect of soil management on achieving air, water and soil targets (Dutch report, English synopsis) Blokhuis, C. ; Schepens, J.A.B. ; van der Wal, A. 2020-0033
Towards a healthy environment and workplace: strengthening cooperation between implementing agencies (Dutch report, English synopsis) de Boer, L.M. ; van Leeuwen, L.C. ; Beetstra, R. 2020-0008
An exploratory study of the use of the term 'negligibility' in relation to radiation (Dutch report, English synopsis) van der Schaaf, M. ; Smetsers, R.C.G.M. 2020-0026
Measuring the effect of circular procuremen.t Definitions, method and test for the Dutch national CE report (Dutch report, English synopsis) Zijp, M.C. ; Dekker, E. ; de Graaff, L. ; Hauck, M. ; Hollander, A. ; Snijder, L. ;  Bruggen, A.R.van 2020-0002
Effects of the climate-neutral and circular procurement initiative in 2019 (Dutch report, English synopsis) Zijp, M.C. ; Quik, J.T.K. ; Hollander, A. ; van der Vliet, N. ; van Bruggen, A.R. ; Dekker, E. 2020-0074
Effectiveness of user recommendations with regard to diffuse lead in the soil. A study carried out in the municipality of Zaanstad     (Dutch report, English synopsis) Devilee,  J. ; Dirven,  L. ; Claassen,  L.   2020-0123
Environmental quality standards for barium in surface water. Proposal for an update according to the methodology of the Water Framework Directive Verbruggen, E.M.J. ; Smit, C.E. ; van Vlaardingen, P.L.A. 2020-0024
Environmental radioactivity in the Netherlands. Results in 2018 Tanzi, C.P. 2019-0216
Severe annoyance and sleep disturbance. Monitoring data OBW (Perception of the Home Environment Study) 2019 (Dutch report, English synopsis) van Poll,  R.  2020-0116
Fifteen years of incident analysis. Causes, consequences, and other characteristics of incidents with hazardous substances at major hazard companies in the period 2004-2018 Kooi,  E.S. ; Manuel,  H.J. ; Mud,  M. ; Bellamy,  L.J. 2020-0115
2018 Noise Monitor - Additional Research Individual source emissions of road traffic and railway traffic (Dutch report, English synopsis) Joosten, E. ; Mabjaia, N. ; Haaima, M. ; den Hollander, H. 2019-0226
Noise Monitor 2019  : Measurement and validation of noise production by motorways and railways   (Dutch report, English synopsis) Joosten,  E. ; Mabjaia,  N. ; van Loon,  R. ; den Hollander,  H.   2020-0128
Environmental health guidelines for Municipal Public Health Services (GGDs) : Livestock Farming and Health (Dutch report, English synopsis) Nijdam,  R. ; Dusseldorp,  A. ; Elders-Meijerink,  M. ; Jacobs,  P. ; Maassen,  C.B.M. ; van der Lelie,  S. ; Pasnagel,  M. ; van Strien,  R. ; van de Waal,  N. ; van de Weerdt,  R. ; Zock,  J.P.  2020-0092
Greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands 1990-2018. National Inventory Report 2020 Ruyssenaars, P.G. ; Coenen, P.W.H.G. ; Rienstra, J.D. ; Zijlema, P.J. ; Arets, E.J.M.M. ; Baas, K. ; Dröge, R. ; Geilenkirchen, G. ; 't Hoen, M. ; Honig, E. ; van Huet, B. ; van Huis, E.P. ; Koch, W.W.R. ; Lagerwerf, L.A. ; te Molder, R.M. ; Montfoort, J.A. ; Vonk, J. ; van Zanten, M.C. 2020-0031
Grip on chemical substances. Annual report Bureau REACH 2019  (Dutch report, English synopsis) Wouters,  M. ; de Kort,  T.  2020-0103
Large-scale concentration and deposition maps of the Netherlands  : 2020 report  (Dutch report, English synopsis) Hoogerbrugge,  R. ; Geilenkirchen,  G.P. ; den Hollander,  H.A. ; Schuch,  W. ; van der Swaluw,  E. ; de Vries,  W.J. ; Wichink Kruit,  R.J.   2020-0091
Health effects related to wind turbine sound: an update van Kamp,  I. ; van den Berg,  G.P.  2020-0150
Health survey on people living in the direct vicinity of agricultural plots: additional analyses Simoes,  M. ; Huss,  A. ; Portengen,  L. ; Vermeulen,  R. ; Baliatsas,  C. ; Dückers,  M. ; Verheij,  R. ; Janssen,  N. ; Krijs,  K. ; Zock,  J.P.   2020-0056
Human health risk assessment of aluminium Affourtit,  F. ; Bakker,  M.I. ; Pronk,  M.E.J.   2020-0001
Informative Inventory Report 2020 (Dutch report, English synopsis) Wever, D. ; Coenen, P.W.H.G. ; Dröge, R. ; Geilenkirchen, G.P. ; 't Hoen, M. ; Honig, E. ; Koch, W.W.R. ; Leekstra, A.J. ; Lagerwerf, L.A. ; te Molder, R.A.B. ; Smeets, W.L.M. ; Vonk, J. ; van der Zee, T. 2020-0032
A survey of the use of Diagnostic Reference Levels for x-ray examinations in the Netherlands. (Dutch report, English synopsis) Velsma, M. ; Waard, I.R. 2020-0030
Inventory of use of hexavalent chromium at the workplace (Dutch report, English synopsis) Geraets, L. ; van Triel, J. ; Groothuis, F ; Beetstra, R. ; ter Burg, W. 2020-0080
Impact of process intensification on a safe living environment (Dutch report, English synopsis) van de Ven, M.F. ; Geus, E.C.J. 2020-0111
 Insight into policy actions for a circular economy. Monitoring actions and exploring transition indicators per priority chain (Dutch report, English synopsis)  Lijzen,  J.P.A. ; Bastein,  T. ;  Bruggen,  A.R.(van) ; Hollander,  A. ; van Kuppevelt,  M.A. ; Rietveld,  E. ; Zwartkruis,  J.V.    2020-0078
Agricultural practices and water quality at farms registered for derogation in 2018 (Dutch report, English synopsis) Lukács, S. ; Blokland, P.W. ; van Duijnen, R. ; Fraters, D. ; Doornewaard, G.J. ; Daatselaar, C.H.G. 2020-0096
Pharmaceutical residues and water quality: an update  (Dutch report, English synopsis) Moermond,  C.T.A. ; Montforts,  M.H.M.M. ; Roex,  E.W.M. ; Venhuis,  B.J.  2020-0088
Methodology for the calculation of emissions from product usage by consumers, construction and services Visschedijk, A. ; Meesters, J.A.J. ; Nijkamp, M.M. ; Koch, W.W.R. ; Jansen, B.I. ; Dröge, R. 2020-0041
Methodology report on the calculation of emissions to air from the sectors Energy, Industry and Waste as used by the Dutch Pollutant Release and Transfer Register Honig, E. ; Montfoort, J.A. ; Dröge, R. ; Guis, B. ; Baas, K. ; van Huet, B. ; van Berghe, A.C.W.M. 2020-0040
Measurements of the ambient dose and neutron dose at the fence of the High Flux Reactor and at the Stekhal of NRG, Petten, in 2018.Revision of report 2018-0182 (Dutch report, English synopsis) Kwakman, P.J.M. ; Tanzi, C.P. 2020-0081
Schonis motion and WHO guidelines for environmental noise (2018) The end justifies the means (Dutch report, English synopsis) Welkers, D. ; van Kempen, E. ; Helder, R. ; Verheijen , E. ; van Poll, R. 2019-0227
Nadelige gezondheidseffecten en ziekten veroorzaakt door blootstelling aan hexamethyleen di-isocyanaat (HDI). Literatuuronderzoek en consultatie van deskundigen Ezendam, J. ; den Braver-Sewradj, S.P. ; Heusinkveld, H.J. ; Hessel, E.V.S. 2020-0013
Nuclear medical therapies: potential exposure of third persons Dose calculations as basic input for the revision of measures and rules for daily behaviour (Dutch report, English synopsis) Kloosterman, A. ; van Dijk, A. ; Boudewijns-Schoonderbeek, L. ; van Dillen, T. ; Kok-Palma, Y. ; van der Reijden, A. ; Siegersma, D ; Velsma, M. ; de Waard-Schalkx, I. ; Dekkers, F. 2020-0113
Coping with substances of high concern in a circular economy (Dutch report, English synopsis) Beekman, M. ; Bakker, J.C. ; Bodar, C.W.M. ; van Leeuwen, L.C. ; Waaijers-van der Loop, S.L. ; Zijp, M.C. ; Verhoeven, J.K. 2019-0186
Private use of plant protection products  (Dutch report, English synopsis) Komen,  C.M.D. ; Wezenbeek,  J.  2020-0071
Perception of Living Environment in the Netherlands Disturbances Survey 2016 van Poll, R. ; Breugelmans, O. ; Houthuijs, D. ; van Kamp, I. 2020-0075
Radiology after death. An exploratory study on the use of radiological techniques for deceased persons (Dutch report, English synopsis) Velsma, M. ; de Waard, I.R. 2020-0094
Method for calculating the risks of transporting dangerous goods by rail. An update based on major accidents in Europe (Dutch report, English synopsis) Uijt de Haag, P.A.M. ; Bos, H.G. ; Schulenberg, A.J.H. ; Timmers, P.G.J. ; van de Ven, M. 2019-0208
Risicobeoordeling van blootstelling aan HDI op de POMS-locaties van Defensie Palmen, N.G.M. ; Geraets, L. ; ter Burg, W. ; Bos, P.M.J. ; van de Weijgert, V.P.L. 2020-0015
Risk assessment of the use of thermally-cleaned soil at the Plas van Heenvliet (Zwartewaal) (Dutch report, English synopsis) Brand, E. ; Schouten, A.J. ; Rutgers, M. 2020-0057
Radiation level measurements around the site of Borssele nuclear power plant in 2019 (Dutch report, English synopsis) Tanzi, C.P. 2020-0138
Forecast study of safety in the chemical sector  : Inventory of developments between now and 2050 that affect (occupational) safety (Dutch report, English synopsis) Hansler,  R.J. ; Pompe,  L. 2019-0196
Trend analysis for groundwater quality of drinking water extractions (2000 - 2018) (Dutch report, English synopsis) Wit, M. ; Claessens, J. ; Dik, H. ; van der Aa, M. 2020-0044
Two methods for assessing exposure levels in the workplace against an occupational exposure limit: BOHS-NVvA (2011) and NEN-EN-689 (2019)A comparison for use in safe work practices (Dutch report, English synopsis) ter Burg, W. 2020-0098
Validation of the AERIUS air quality model (Dutch report, English synopsis) Wesseling,  J. ; Zandveld,  P. ; Valster,  N.L. ; Visser,  S. 2020-0119
An exploratory study of the use of a Sustainable Public Procurement Monitor by water boards Procurement - according to its impact (Dutch report, English synopsis) Weijers, E.P. ; Vonk, J. 2020-0095
An exploratory study of the use of a Sustainable Public Procurement Monitor by water boards Procurement - according to its impact (Dutch report, English synopsis) de Valk, E. ; Dekker, E. ; van Bruggen, A. ; Zijp, M.C. 2020-0062
Difference in leaching of PFAS from soil and dredging spoil (Dutch report, English synopsis) Wintersen, A. ; Osté, L. ; van der Meiracker, R. ; van Breemen, P. ; Roskam, G. ; Spijker, J. 2020-0102
Struck by moving vehicle and distraction at the workplace : Exploration of the topic and analysis of fifty serious occupational accidents (Dutch report, English synopsis) Sol, V. ; van der Swaluw, K. ; Chambon, M. ; van der Zande, A. ; Melssen, N. ; Guldenmund, F. 2020-0038
An overview of the available data on the mutagenicity and carcinogenicity of 1-bromopropane Geraets, L. 2020-0144
Analysis of REACH authorisation requests: inventory of alternatives for chromium-6 (Dutch report, English synopsis) van Goor-Gras, J.E.F. ; van Kuppevelt, M.A. 2020-0142
CSOIL 2020: Exposure model for human health risk assessment through contaminated soil. Technical description van Breemen, P.M.F. ; Quik, J. ; Brand, E. ; Otte, P.F. ; Wintersen, A.M. ; Swartjes, F.A. 2020-0165
Ecotoxicological risk limits for PFOS in soil and groundwater (Dutch report, English synopsis) Verbruggen, E.M.J. ; Marinkovic, M. ; Wassenaar, P.N.H. 2020-0085
Gamma radiation level measurements around the site of COVRA N.V. at Borsele with the MONET network in 2019 (Dutch report, English synopsis) Tanzi, C.P. 2020-0149
User instructions for Storybuilder-MHC : Guideline for filling Storybuilder-MHC with characteristics of incidents with hazardous substances at major risk companies (Dutch report, English synopsis) Kooi, E.S. ; Manuel, H.J. ; Mud, M.L. ; Wolting, A.G. 2020-0129
Implementation of a data fusion approach to assess the concentration and dry deposition of ammonia in the Netherlands Wichink Kruit, R. ; Braam, M. ; Hoogerbrugge, R. ; van Pul, A. 2020-0076
Agricultural practices and water quality in the Netherlands; status (2016-2019) and trend (1992-2019) : The Nitrate rapport 2020 containing the results of monitoring effects of the EU European Union (European Union ) Nitrates Directive action programmes (Dutch report, English synopsis) Fraters, B. ; Hooijboer, A.E.J. ; Vrijhoef, A. ; Plette, A.C.C. ; van Duijnhoven, N. ; Rozemeijer, J.C. ; Gosseling, M. ; Daatselaar, C.H.G. ; Roskam, J.L. ; Begeman, H.A.L. 2020-0121
Guaranteed supply of medical radionuclides - additions 2020 (Dutch report, English synopsis) Roobol, L. ; Rosenbaum, C. ; de Waard, I. 2020-0153
NSL 2020 monitoring report : State of affairs of National Air Quality Cooperation Programme (NSL) (Dutch report, English synopsis) de Smet, P.A.M. ; Visser, S. ; Valster, N.L. ; Schuch, W.J.L. ; Geijer, M.N. ; Wesseling, J.P. ; van den Beld, W.A. ; Drukker, D. ; Groot-Wassink, H. ; Sanders, A. 2020-0164
Multi-use disease models Wang, J. ; Pouwels, X. ; Ramaekers, B. ; Frederix, G. ; van Lieshout, C. ; Hoogenveen, R. ; Li, X. ; de Wit, G.A. ; Joore, M. ; Koffijberg, H. ; van Giessen, A. ; Feenstra, T. 2020-0145
Precipitation as an alternative source for drinking water- points of attention for quality control (Dutch report, English synopsis) van Driezum, I.H. ; van der Aa, N.G.F.M. ; van den Berg, H.H.J.L. 2020-0185
Safety and sustainability analysis of railway sleeper alternatives. Application of a novel method for material loop Quik, J.T.K. ; Dekker, E. ; Montforts, M.H.M.M. 2020-0181
Safety and sustainability analysis of railway sleeper alternatives. Application of the Safe and Sustainable Material Loops framework Quik, J.T.K. ; Dekker, E. ; Montforts, M.H.M.M. 2020-0126
Current status of Dutch drinking water sources (Dutch report, English synopsis) van Driezum, I.H. ; Beekman, J. ; van Loon, A. ; van Leerdam, R.C. ; Wuijts, S. ; Rutgers, M. ; Boekhold, S. ; Zijp, M.C. 2020-0179
Effects on nitrogen from criteria for the National termination scheme for livestock farming locations (Landelijke Beëindigingsregeling Veehouderijlocaties, Lbv) (Dutch report, English synopsis) A Bleeker ; MJ Wilmot ; J Bijsterbosch 2020-0199
Supply security for medical radionuclides - additions 2020. Supplement to RIVM Reports 2019-0101, 2017-0063 and 2018-0075 Roobol, L. ; Rosenbaum, C. ; de Waard, I. 2020-0171
Exploring biogenic nitrogen emissions (Dutch report, English synopsis) Bleeker, A. ; Wichink-Kruit, R. ; van Zanten, M. 2020-0194