Achtergrondinformatie over HDI: gebruik, voorkomen in het leefmilieu en gedrag in het lichaam |
Heringa, M. ; Guichelaar, S.K. ; ter Burg, W. |
2020-0007 |
Background values of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in Dutch soil (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Wintersen, A. ; Spijker, J. ; van Breemen, P. ; van Wijnen, H. |
2020-0100 |
Updating addenda SRM-1 and SRM-2 |
Visser, S. ; Wesseling, J. |
2020-0118 |
Advice on risk limit values for PFOA, PFOS and GenX in swimming water and fish (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Muller, A. ; Smit, E. |
2020-0042 |
Weighing up the advantages and disadvantages of protective measures to be taken in the event of nuclear accidents. An exploratory study of the options for optimisation (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Kerckhoffs, T.J. ; van der Linden, M. ; Twenhöfel , C.J.W. ; Smetsers, R.C.G.M. ; Dekkers, S.A.J. |
2020-0058 |
An overview of the available data on the mutagenicity and carcinogenicity of 1-tert-butoxypropan-2-ol. (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Geraets, L. |
2020-0079 |
CARC at the Ministry of Defence's POMS sites: exposure and health risks. General findings of the study, with special reference to the constituent HDI (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
2020-0017 |
Chromium-6 allowed in artist paints under REACH (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Brand, W. ; Luit, R. ; Wijnhoven, S.W.P. ; Herremans, J. |
2020-0061 |
Consequences study of probit functions. The impact of changes in outcomes of risk calculations (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Zonneveld, M. ; Kieskamp, K.K. ; Kooi, E.S. ; Uijt de Haag, P.A.M. |
2020-0070 |
Counterchecks on determinations of radioactivity in COVRA N.V.'s waste water and ventilation airPeriod 2018 (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Kwakman, P.J.M. |
2019-0160 |
Counterchecks on measurements of radioactivity in waste water and ventilation air at the nuclear power station in Borssele Period 2018 (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Kwakman, P.J.M. |
2019-0161 |
Counterchecks on determinations of radioactivity in NRG's waste water and ventilation air. Period 2018 (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Kwakman, P.J.M. |
2019-0162 |
Counterchecks on measurements of radioactivity in waste water and ventilation air at Urenco Nederland B.V. Period 2018 (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Kwakman, P.J.M. |
2019-0163 |
Coping with substances of concern in a circular economy |
Beekman, M. ; Bakker, J.C. ; Bodar, C.W.M. ; van Leeuwen, L.C. ; Waaijers-van der Loop, S.L. ; Zijp, M.C. ; Verhoeven, J.K. |
2020-0049 |
The temporary storage of radioactive waste in hospitals (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Boudewijns, L.H.A. ; van der Linden, M. ; Siegersma, D. |
2020-0034 |
A preliminary literature study on the effect of soil management on achieving air, water and soil targets (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Blokhuis, C. ; Schepens, J.A.B. ; van der Wal, A. |
2020-0033 |
Towards a healthy environment and workplace: strengthening cooperation between implementing agencies (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
de Boer, L.M. ; van Leeuwen, L.C. ; Beetstra, R. |
2020-0008 |
An exploratory study of the use of the term 'negligibility' in relation to radiation (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
van der Schaaf, M. ; Smetsers, R.C.G.M. |
2020-0026 |
Measuring the effect of circular procuremen.t Definitions, method and test for the Dutch national CE report (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Zijp, M.C. ; Dekker, E. ; de Graaff, L. ; Hauck, M. ; Hollander, A. ; Snijder, L. ; Bruggen, A.R.van |
2020-0002 |
Effects of the climate-neutral and circular procurement initiative in 2019 (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Zijp, M.C. ; Quik, J.T.K. ; Hollander, A. ; van der Vliet, N. ; van Bruggen, A.R. ; Dekker, E. |
2020-0074 |
Effectiveness of user recommendations with regard to diffuse lead in the soil. A study carried out in the municipality of Zaanstad (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Devilee, J. ; Dirven, L. ; Claassen, L. |
2020-0123 |
Environmental quality standards for barium in surface water. Proposal for an update according to the methodology of the Water Framework Directive |
Verbruggen, E.M.J. ; Smit, C.E. ; van Vlaardingen, P.L.A. |
2020-0024 |
Environmental radioactivity in the Netherlands. Results in 2018 |
Tanzi, C.P. |
2019-0216 |
Severe annoyance and sleep disturbance. Monitoring data OBW (Perception of the Home Environment Study) 2019 (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
van Poll, R. |
2020-0116 |
Fifteen years of incident analysis. Causes, consequences, and other characteristics of incidents with hazardous substances at major hazard companies in the period 2004-2018 |
Kooi, E.S. ; Manuel, H.J. ; Mud, M. ; Bellamy, L.J. |
2020-0115 |
2018 Noise Monitor - Additional Research Individual source emissions of road traffic and railway traffic (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Joosten, E. ; Mabjaia, N. ; Haaima, M. ; den Hollander, H. |
2019-0226 |
Noise Monitor 2019 : Measurement and validation of noise production by motorways and railways (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Joosten, E. ; Mabjaia, N. ; van Loon, R. ; den Hollander, H. |
2020-0128 |
Environmental health guidelines for Municipal Public Health Services (GGDs) : Livestock Farming and Health (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Nijdam, R. ; Dusseldorp, A. ; Elders-Meijerink, M. ; Jacobs, P. ; Maassen, C.B.M. ; van der Lelie, S. ; Pasnagel, M. ; van Strien, R. ; van de Waal, N. ; van de Weerdt, R. ; Zock, J.P. |
2020-0092 |
Greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands 1990-2018. National Inventory Report 2020 |
Ruyssenaars, P.G. ; Coenen, P.W.H.G. ; Rienstra, J.D. ; Zijlema, P.J. ; Arets, E.J.M.M. ; Baas, K. ; Dröge, R. ; Geilenkirchen, G. ; 't Hoen, M. ; Honig, E. ; van Huet, B. ; van Huis, E.P. ; Koch, W.W.R. ; Lagerwerf, L.A. ; te Molder, R.M. ; Montfoort, J.A. ; Vonk, J. ; van Zanten, M.C. |
2020-0031 |
Grip on chemical substances. Annual report Bureau REACH 2019 (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Wouters, M. ; de Kort, T. |
2020-0103 |
Large-scale concentration and deposition maps of the Netherlands : 2020 report (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Hoogerbrugge, R. ; Geilenkirchen, G.P. ; den Hollander, H.A. ; Schuch, W. ; van der Swaluw, E. ; de Vries, W.J. ; Wichink Kruit, R.J. |
2020-0091 |
Health effects related to wind turbine sound: an update |
van Kamp, I. ; van den Berg, G.P. |
2020-0150 |
Health survey on people living in the direct vicinity of agricultural plots: additional analyses |
Simoes, M. ; Huss, A. ; Portengen, L. ; Vermeulen, R. ; Baliatsas, C. ; Dückers, M. ; Verheij, R. ; Janssen, N. ; Krijs, K. ; Zock, J.P. |
2020-0056 |
Human health risk assessment of aluminium |
Affourtit, F. ; Bakker, M.I. ; Pronk, M.E.J. |
2020-0001 |
Informative Inventory Report 2020 (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Wever, D. ; Coenen, P.W.H.G. ; Dröge, R. ; Geilenkirchen, G.P. ; 't Hoen, M. ; Honig, E. ; Koch, W.W.R. ; Leekstra, A.J. ; Lagerwerf, L.A. ; te Molder, R.A.B. ; Smeets, W.L.M. ; Vonk, J. ; van der Zee, T. |
2020-0032 |
A survey of the use of Diagnostic Reference Levels for x-ray examinations in the Netherlands. (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Velsma, M. ; Waard, I.R. |
2020-0030 |
Inventory of use of hexavalent chromium at the workplace (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Geraets, L. ; van Triel, J. ; Groothuis, F ; Beetstra, R. ; ter Burg, W. |
2020-0080 |
Impact of process intensification on a safe living environment (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
van de Ven, M.F. ; Geus, E.C.J. |
2020-0111 |
Insight into policy actions for a circular economy. Monitoring actions and exploring transition indicators per priority chain (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Lijzen, J.P.A. ; Bastein, T. ; Bruggen, A.R.(van) ; Hollander, A. ; van Kuppevelt, M.A. ; Rietveld, E. ; Zwartkruis, J.V. |
2020-0078 |
Agricultural practices and water quality at farms registered for derogation in 2018 (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Lukács, S. ; Blokland, P.W. ; van Duijnen, R. ; Fraters, D. ; Doornewaard, G.J. ; Daatselaar, C.H.G. |
2020-0096 |
Pharmaceutical residues and water quality: an update (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Moermond, C.T.A. ; Montforts, M.H.M.M. ; Roex, E.W.M. ; Venhuis, B.J. |
2020-0088 |
Methodology for the calculation of emissions from product usage by consumers, construction and services |
Visschedijk, A. ; Meesters, J.A.J. ; Nijkamp, M.M. ; Koch, W.W.R. ; Jansen, B.I. ; Dröge, R. |
2020-0041 |
Methodology report on the calculation of emissions to air from the sectors Energy, Industry and Waste as used by the Dutch Pollutant Release and Transfer Register |
Honig, E. ; Montfoort, J.A. ; Dröge, R. ; Guis, B. ; Baas, K. ; van Huet, B. ; van Berghe, A.C.W.M. |
2020-0040 |
Measurements of the ambient dose and neutron dose at the fence of the High Flux Reactor and at the Stekhal of NRG, Petten, in 2018.Revision of report 2018-0182 (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Kwakman, P.J.M. ; Tanzi, C.P. |
2020-0081 |
Schonis motion and WHO guidelines for environmental noise (2018) The end justifies the means (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Welkers, D. ; van Kempen, E. ; Helder, R. ; Verheijen , E. ; van Poll, R. |
2019-0227 |
Nadelige gezondheidseffecten en ziekten veroorzaakt door blootstelling aan hexamethyleen di-isocyanaat (HDI). Literatuuronderzoek en consultatie van deskundigen |
Ezendam, J. ; den Braver-Sewradj, S.P. ; Heusinkveld, H.J. ; Hessel, E.V.S. |
2020-0013 |
Nuclear medical therapies: potential exposure of third persons Dose calculations as basic input for the revision of measures and rules for daily behaviour (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Kloosterman, A. ; van Dijk, A. ; Boudewijns-Schoonderbeek, L. ; van Dillen, T. ; Kok-Palma, Y. ; van der Reijden, A. ; Siegersma, D ; Velsma, M. ; de Waard-Schalkx, I. ; Dekkers, F. |
2020-0113 |
Coping with substances of high concern in a circular economy (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Beekman, M. ; Bakker, J.C. ; Bodar, C.W.M. ; van Leeuwen, L.C. ; Waaijers-van der Loop, S.L. ; Zijp, M.C. ; Verhoeven, J.K. |
2019-0186 |
Private use of plant protection products (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Komen, C.M.D. ; Wezenbeek, J. |
2020-0071 |
Perception of Living Environment in the Netherlands Disturbances Survey 2016 |
van Poll, R. ; Breugelmans, O. ; Houthuijs, D. ; van Kamp, I. |
2020-0075 |
Radiology after death. An exploratory study on the use of radiological techniques for deceased persons (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Velsma, M. ; de Waard, I.R. |
2020-0094 |
Method for calculating the risks of transporting dangerous goods by rail. An update based on major accidents in Europe (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Uijt de Haag, P.A.M. ; Bos, H.G. ; Schulenberg, A.J.H. ; Timmers, P.G.J. ; van de Ven, M. |
2019-0208 |
Risicobeoordeling van blootstelling aan HDI op de POMS-locaties van Defensie |
Palmen, N.G.M. ; Geraets, L. ; ter Burg, W. ; Bos, P.M.J. ; van de Weijgert, V.P.L. |
2020-0015 |
Risk assessment of the use of thermally-cleaned soil at the Plas van Heenvliet (Zwartewaal) (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Brand, E. ; Schouten, A.J. ; Rutgers, M. |
2020-0057 |
Radiation level measurements around the site of Borssele nuclear power plant in 2019 (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Tanzi, C.P. |
2020-0138 |
Forecast study of safety in the chemical sector : Inventory of developments between now and 2050 that affect (occupational) safety (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Hansler, R.J. ; Pompe, L. |
2019-0196 |
Trend analysis for groundwater quality of drinking water extractions (2000 - 2018) (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Wit, M. ; Claessens, J. ; Dik, H. ; van der Aa, M. |
2020-0044 |
Two methods for assessing exposure levels in the workplace against an occupational exposure limit: BOHS-NVvA (2011) and NEN-EN-689 (2019)A comparison for use in safe work practices (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
ter Burg, W. |
2020-0098 |
Validation of the AERIUS air quality model (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Wesseling, J. ; Zandveld, P. ; Valster, N.L. ; Visser, S. |
2020-0119 |
An exploratory study of the use of a Sustainable Public Procurement Monitor by water boards Procurement - according to its impact (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Weijers, E.P. ; Vonk, J. |
2020-0095 |
An exploratory study of the use of a Sustainable Public Procurement Monitor by water boards Procurement - according to its impact (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
de Valk, E. ; Dekker, E. ; van Bruggen, A. ; Zijp, M.C. |
2020-0062 |
Difference in leaching of PFAS from soil and dredging spoil (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Wintersen, A. ; Osté, L. ; van der Meiracker, R. ; van Breemen, P. ; Roskam, G. ; Spijker, J. |
2020-0102 |
Struck by moving vehicle and distraction at the workplace : Exploration of the topic and analysis of fifty serious occupational accidents (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Sol, V. ; van der Swaluw, K. ; Chambon, M. ; van der Zande, A. ; Melssen, N. ; Guldenmund, F. |
2020-0038 |
An overview of the available data on the mutagenicity and carcinogenicity of 1-bromopropane |
Geraets, L. |
2020-0144 |
Analysis of REACH authorisation requests: inventory of alternatives for chromium-6 (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
van Goor-Gras, J.E.F. ; van Kuppevelt, M.A. |
2020-0142 |
CSOIL 2020: Exposure model for human health risk assessment through contaminated soil. Technical description |
van Breemen, P.M.F. ; Quik, J. ; Brand, E. ; Otte, P.F. ; Wintersen, A.M. ; Swartjes, F.A. |
2020-0165 |
Ecotoxicological risk limits for PFOS in soil and groundwater (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Verbruggen, E.M.J. ; Marinkovic, M. ; Wassenaar, P.N.H. |
2020-0085 |
Gamma radiation level measurements around the site of COVRA N.V. at Borsele with the MONET network in 2019 (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Tanzi, C.P. |
2020-0149 |
User instructions for Storybuilder-MHC : Guideline for filling Storybuilder-MHC with characteristics of incidents with hazardous substances at major risk companies (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Kooi, E.S. ; Manuel, H.J. ; Mud, M.L. ; Wolting, A.G. |
2020-0129 |
Implementation of a data fusion approach to assess the concentration and dry deposition of ammonia in the Netherlands |
Wichink Kruit, R. ; Braam, M. ; Hoogerbrugge, R. ; van Pul, A. |
2020-0076 |
Agricultural practices and water quality in the Netherlands; status (2016-2019) and trend (1992-2019) : The Nitrate rapport 2020 containing the results of monitoring effects of the EU European Union (European Union) Nitrates Directive action programmes (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Fraters, B. ; Hooijboer, A.E.J. ; Vrijhoef, A. ; Plette, A.C.C. ; van Duijnhoven, N. ; Rozemeijer, J.C. ; Gosseling, M. ; Daatselaar, C.H.G. ; Roskam, J.L. ; Begeman, H.A.L. |
2020-0121 |
Guaranteed supply of medical radionuclides - additions 2020 (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Roobol, L. ; Rosenbaum, C. ; de Waard, I. |
2020-0153 |
NSL 2020 monitoring report : State of affairs of National Air Quality Cooperation Programme (NSL) (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
de Smet, P.A.M. ; Visser, S. ; Valster, N.L. ; Schuch, W.J.L. ; Geijer, M.N. ; Wesseling, J.P. ; van den Beld, W.A. ; Drukker, D. ; Groot-Wassink, H. ; Sanders, A. |
2020-0164 |
Multi-use disease models |
Wang, J. ; Pouwels, X. ; Ramaekers, B. ; Frederix, G. ; van Lieshout, C. ; Hoogenveen, R. ; Li, X. ; de Wit, G.A. ; Joore, M. ; Koffijberg, H. ; van Giessen, A. ; Feenstra, T. |
2020-0145 |
Precipitation as an alternative source for drinking water- points of attention for quality control (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
van Driezum, I.H. ; van der Aa, N.G.F.M. ; van den Berg, H.H.J.L. |
2020-0185 |
Safety and sustainability analysis of railway sleeper alternatives. Application of a novel method for material loop |
Quik, J.T.K. ; Dekker, E. ; Montforts, M.H.M.M. |
2020-0181 |
Safety and sustainability analysis of railway sleeper alternatives. Application of the Safe and Sustainable Material Loops framework |
Quik, J.T.K. ; Dekker, E. ; Montforts, M.H.M.M. |
2020-0126 |
Current status of Dutch drinking water sources (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
van Driezum, I.H. ; Beekman, J. ; van Loon, A. ; van Leerdam, R.C. ; Wuijts, S. ; Rutgers, M. ; Boekhold, S. ; Zijp, M.C. |
2020-0179 |
Effects on nitrogen from criteria for the National termination scheme for livestock farming locations (Landelijke Beëindigingsregeling Veehouderijlocaties, Lbv) (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
A Bleeker ; MJ Wilmot ; J Bijsterbosch |
2020-0199 |
Supply security for medical radionuclides - additions 2020. Supplement to RIVM Reports 2019-0101, 2017-0063 and 2018-0075 |
Roobol, L. ; Rosenbaum, C. ; de Waard, I. |
2020-0171 |
Exploring biogenic nitrogen emissions (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
Bleeker, A. ; Wichink-Kruit, R. ; van Zanten, M. |
2020-0194 |