2020 Noise monitor. Measurement and validation of noise production by motorways and railways (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
A Kok, N Mabjaia, RVA van Loon, H den Hollander |
2021-0198 |
A literature study on the toxicokinetics of structural analogues of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol |
AD van den Brand, MJB Mengelers |
2021-0217 |
Adverse health effects and diseases caused by chromium-6. Second update of the scientific literature (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
VC de LeeuwEVS HesselJ EzendamAH PiersmaSP den Braver-Sewradj |
2021-0176 |
Adverse health effects and diseases caused by exposure to hexamethylene di-isocyanate (HDI). Update of the scientific literature (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
J EzendamVC de LeeuwEVS HesselSP den Braver-Sewradj |
2021-0178 |
Advice on utility and necessity of pollen monitoring network (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
D Houweling, J van der Helm, Versteeg - de Jong, J WesselinG, C Boomsma, S van Wijk |
2021-0221 |
Agricultural practices and water quality at farms registered for derogation in 2019 (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
R van Duijnen, PW Blokland, A Vrijhoef, D Frater, sGJ DoornewaardvCHG Daatselaar |
2021-0057 |
Agricultural practices and water quality in the Netherlands; status (2016-2019) and trend (1992-2019) |
B Fraters, AEJ Hooijboer, A Vrijhoef, ACC Plette, N van Duijnhoven, JC Rozemeijer, M Gosseling, CHG Daatselaar, JL Roskam, HAL Begeman |
2020-0184 |
Agricultural practices and water quality on farms registered for derogation in 2019 |
R van Duijnen, PW Blokland, A Vrijhoef, D Frater, GJ Doornewaard, CHG Daatselaar |
2021-0070 |
Air quality footprint of Schiphol Airport (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
S Teeuwisse, W de Vries, M Geijer |
2020-0211 |
An inventory of innovation in recycling waste streams with substances of concern |
PGPC Zweers, MA van Kuppevel, LM de Boer |
2021-0009 |
Analysis of equivalence criteria for Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
D Welker, sA Sahai, E van Kempe, nR Helder |
2020-0219 |
Analysis of incidents at companies with large amounts of hazardous substances (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
HJ Manue, GJ Kamps, ES Kooi, AG Wolting |
2021-0051 |
Annual report National Advisory Group Cabin Air 2020 (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
H Hendriks |
2020-0218 |
Application of thermally cleaned soil. An evaluation and options for an application framework (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
E Brand, M Rutger, T Schouten, Versluijs, A Negas, hJ Dijkstra, R Comans, T Breure, P Otte |
2021-0168 |
Chemical safety of face masks. Progress report (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
SWP Wijnhoven, W Brand, HS Hendriks, EHW Huiberts, PCE van Kesteren, MJ Visser |
2021-0139 |
Climate Agreement [Klimaatakkoord]: the consequences of phasing out fossil energy for safety, health and nitrogen deposition; an update (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
G Kelfkens, P Ruyssenaars, J van der Ree |
2021-0143 |
Climate Agreement: effects of new energy sources on health and safety in the Netherlands (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
L Gooijer, MG Mennen |
2021-0054 |
Contra expertise on environmental monitoring in the vicinity of the Borssele nuclear power plant. Results in 2019 and 2020 |
PJM Kwakman |
2021-0078 |
Contra-expertise on the determination of radioactivity in waste water and ventilation air of COVRA N.V. Period 2019 (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
P Kwakman |
2021-0022 |
Contra-expertise on the determination of radioactivity of waste water and ventilation air of NRG. Period 2019 (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
P Kwakman |
2021-0023 |
Counterchecks on measurements of radioactivity in waste water and ventilation air at the nuclear power station in Borssele. Period 2019 (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
P Kwakman |
2021-0021 |
Counterchecks on measurements of radioactivity in waste water and ventilation air at Urenco Nederland B.V. Period 2019 (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
P Kwakman |
2021-0024 |
Data handbook for the Monitoring system for Learning from Accidents (MLfA). Technical report to support analysts at the Netherlands Labour Authority and RIVM (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
M Lammers, J van Kampen |
2021-0096 |
Deposition study, IJmond 2020. Sampling, analysis and risk assessment of PAH (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) and metals in dust deposited outside and in homes in the IJmond region (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
MG Mennen, L Geraets, WLter Burg, JE Elberse, EM van Putten, ME Boshuis-Hilverdink, NW van Veen |
2021-0110 |
Effects of Socially Responsible Procurement by the Dutch government in 2017-2018 (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
E Dekker, A Hollander, E de ValkvA van Bruggen, M Zijp |
2021-0049 |
Environmental risks of scrubber discharges for seawater and sediment. Preliminary risk assessment for metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons |
M Faber, WJGM Peijnenburg, CE Smit |
2021-0048 |
Evaluation of cost effectiveness of measures for limiting the emission of National Substances of Very High Concern (‘ZZS’) into the atmosphere (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
JK Verhoeven, NMH Jansen, A de Blaeij, LM de Boer |
2020-0106 |
Exploratory study into the feasibility of a health study for Schiphol workers (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
M Reedijk, JP Zock, NAH Janssen |
2021-0094 |
Exploring Green Deal Sustainable Care Monitoring Options (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
SL Waaijers- van der Loop, M Steenmeijer, MC Zijp |
2021-0072 |
Exposure to natural sources of ionising radiation in the Netherlands (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
RCGM Smetsers, PDBM Bekhuis |
2021-0032 |
Gaining insight into substances of concern: monitoring strategy for Substances of Concern in a circular economy : Working towards a monitoring strategy (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
AR Bruggen, LM de Boer, F Heens, NM Spanbroek |
2020-0208 |
Gamma radiation level measurements around the site of COVRA N.V. at Borsele with the MONET network in 2020 (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
CP Tanzi |
2021-0155 |
Gauging the perception of safety and information needs of people living near chemical clusters. Study of local residents’ perception of Chemelot (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
JMM Neuvel, M Zonneveld, L Claassen, S Versluis, WA Dijkstra, KR Vegt, C Boomsma, JE Elberse |
2020-0198 |
Greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands 1990–2019 |
PG Ruyssenaars, PWHG Coenen, JD Rienstra, PJ Zijlema, EJMM Arets, K Baas, R Dröge, G Geilenkirchen, M 't Hoen, E Honig, B van Huet, EP van Huis, WWR Koch, RM te Molder, JA Montfoort, T van der Zee, MC van Zanten |
2021-0007 |
Health effects related to wind turbine sound (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
I van Kamp, GP van den Berg |
2020-0214 |
Health risk assessment of ethanol-containing hand sanitizer (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
HS Hendriks,M Woutersen, W ter Burg, PMJ Bos PMJ, AGSchuur |
2021-0026 |
Impact analysis for the update of AERIUS Calculator and Monitor 2021 (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
WA Marra, SB Hazelhorst, S Jonkers, JM Schram, GJC Stolwijk, TNP Nguyen, M Aalbers |
2021-0213 |
Impact analysis update AERIUS Calculator 2020 (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
WA Marra, JM Schram, S Jonkers, GJC Stolwijk, SB Hazelhorst, PA Jones, M Aalbers, TJ Knapen |
2020-0174 |
Informative Inventory Report 2021. Emissions of transboundary air pollutants in the Netherlands 1990–2019 |
D Wever, PWHG Coenen, R Dröge, GP Geilenkirchen, J van Huijstee, M 't Hoen, E Honig, RAB te Molder, WLM Smeets, MC van Zanten, T van der Zee |
2021-0005 |
Initial study for a cut off distance in the calculations of deposition from projects (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
G Roest, W van der Maas, A van Pul, P Romeijn, A Bleeker, S Hazelhorst, R Wichink Kruit, M Wilmot |
2021-0115 |
Innovating the integration of ecological and human health Risk Assessment: Connecting concepts and cases (IRAC) - Identification phase, parallels and integration |
J de Knecht, M Marinkovic, Z Dang |
2020-0010 |
Interim results for the IJmond area health study (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
JE Elberse, MG Mennen, R Hoogerbrugge, D Mooibroek, JP Zoch, A Dusseldorp, N Janssen |
2021-0061 |
International climate policy: health gains in the Netherlands through limiting climate change (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
EF Hall, RJM Maas, J Limaheluw, CD Betgen |
2020-0200 |
Inventory of active substances in hand disinfectants (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
EHW Huiberts, JM Wezenbeek, CMD Komen |
2021-0212 |
Investigation into sources of deposited substances and particulate matter in air in the IJmond region (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
JE Elberse, D Mooibroek, S Teeuwisse, MG Mennen, R Hoogerbrugge |
2021-0216 |
Investigation of radioactivity in steel slag dumped near Spijk (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
KH Cats |
2021-0136 |
Large-scale concentration and deposition maps of the Netherlands. 2021 report (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
R Hoogerbrugge, GP Geilenkirchen, HA den Hollander, K Siteur, W Smeets, E van der Swaluw, WJ de Vries, RJ Wichink Kruit |
2021-0068 |
Learning from serious occupational accidents in the Netherlands. Developing a new monitoring system from 17 years of accident data |
J van Kampen, M Lammers |
2021-0122 |
Low frequency noise (LFN) research programme: State of affairs and recommendations for follow-up research (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
K White, A Versteeg, A Kok, R van Pol, R Benhadi, A Dusseldorp |
2021-0187 |
Measuring and sampling methods for radioactive materials (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
M van der Linden, KH Cats |
2021-0121 |
Methodology for assessing air quality ‘hot spots’ in the Netherlands. In the context of the clean air agreement (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
WJR Swart, PG Ruyssenaars |
2021-0111 |
Methodology for estimating emissions from agriculture in the Netherlands. Calculations for CH4, NH3, N2O, NOx, NMVOC, PM10, PM2.5 and CO2 using the National Emission Model for Agriculture (NEMA) – Update 2021 |
T van der Zee, A Bannink, C van Bruggen, K Groenestein, J Huijsmans, J van der KolkvL Lagerwerf, H Luesink, G Velthof, J Vonk |
2021-0008 |
Methodology for the calculation of emissions from product usage by consumers, construction and services |
A Visschedijk, JAJ Meesters, MM Nijkamp, WWR Koch, BI Jansen, R Dröge |
2021-0002 |
Methodology report on the calculation of emissions to air from the sectors Energy, Industry and Waste as used by the Dutch Pollutant Release and Transfer Register |
E Honig, JA Montfoort, R Dröge, B Guis, K Baas, B van Huet, OR van Hunnik, ACWM van den Berghe |
2021-0003 |
Microplastics in indoor air |
JTK Quik, S Waaijers-van der Loop |
2021-0059 |
Minerals Policy Monitoring Programme report 2015–2018. Methods and procedures |
R van Duijnen, TC van Leeuwen, MW Hoogeveen |
2020-0163 |
Minimum internal and external distances for multi-fuel filling stations (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
GMH Lahei, jCE Pompe, CMD Thijssen, PAM Uijt de Haag |
2021-0010 |
Monitoring of radioactivity in the Netherlands. Air dust and deposition - results 2019 |
CP Tanzi, GJ Knetsch |
2021-0077 |
Monitoring of radioactivity in the Netherlands. Milk, Food and Feed – results 2019 |
CP Tanzi, GJ Knetsch |
2021-0080 |
Monitoring of radioactivity in the Netherlands. National Radioactivity Monitoring Network - results 2019 |
CP Tanzi, GJ Knetsch |
2021-0079 |
Monitoring of radioactivity in the Netherlands. Surface water and seawater– results 2019 |
CP Tanzi, GJ Knetsch |
2021-0081 |
Nanotechnology and Safe-by-Design. Inventory of research into Safe-by-Design Horizon 2020 projects from 2013 to 2020 |
N Krans, L Hernandez, C Noorlander |
2021-0108 |
National survey of PFAS in Dutch groundwater (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
A Winterse, nJ Claessens, M Wit, K van Helvoort, M Wolters, B Stoffelsen, H van Wijnen, P van Breemen |
2021-0205 |
New WHO environmental noise guidelines. Additional health-based analyses (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
E van Kempen |
2020-0148 |
Nitrogen deposition in Natura2000 areas caused by industry, traffic, and consumers (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
CWM van der Maas, PHAJ Jone, sPW Westerhoff, SB Hazelhorst, DGC Roest |
2021-0200 |
NSL 2021 monitoring report. State of affairs of National Air Quality Cooperation Programme (NSL) (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
PAM de Smet, S Visser, MG Geijer, NL Valster, MS Huitema, JP Wesseling, H Groot Wassink, A Sanders |
2021-0018 |
Numerical Underpinning of Long-term Exploration of Nitrogen Problems by RIVM (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
A Bleeker |
2021-0020 |
Occupational exposure to wood dust. A systematic review of the literature |
K Rijs, J van Trie, lP Bos, P Zock, R Bogers, N Palmen, Affourtit- van Driesten |
2021-0146 |
On an exceptional basis. A methodology for decision-making on biocides for public interests |
MHMM Montforts, A Krom |
2021-0174 |
On an exceptional basis. A methodology for decision-making on biocides for public interests (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
MHMM Montforts, A Krom |
2021-0132 |
Other greenhouse gases in the national climate and energy surveys (CES) 2021. Background to the prognoses for the other greenhouse gas emissions from all sectors excluding the agricultural sector (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
E Honig |
2021-0204 |
Paints and microplastics. Exploring the possibilities to reduce the use and release of microplastics from paints. Feedback from the paint sector |
M Faber, M Marinković, E de Valk, SL Waaijers- van der Loop |
2021-0037 |
Per- and polyfluorinated substances in waste incinerator flue gases |
J Bakker, B Bokkers, M Broekman |
2021-0143 |
Preparing Seveso companies for climate change (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
CE Pompe, H Pijnenburg, PAM Uijt de Haag |
2021-0050 |
Private use of rodenticides and green deposit removers (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
CMD Komen, JM Wezenbeek |
2020-0072 |
Programmatic Approach for Measuring Aircraft Noise: National Measurement Strategy. Framework and inventory of measurement systems (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
A Sahai, R Hogenhuis, S Heblij, R Smetsers, J Assink |
2021-0001 |
Pyridine: an overview of available data on mutagenicity and carcinogenicity |
W Chen, D Zijtveld |
2021-0191 |
QA/QC of outside agencies in the Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory. Update of the background information in the Netherlands National System |
J Wanders, M van Aar, B Bongersten Cate, A Denneman, R Dröge, B van Huet, D Wever |
2020-0066 |
Radiation level measurements around the site of Borssele nuclear power plant in 2020 (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
CP Tanzi |
2021-0154 |
Radioactivity measurement in ‘negative ion’ consumer products (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
PN Brandhoff |
2021-0239 |
Radiological consequences of possible accident scenarios for the nuclear powerplant Borssele (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
JM Tomas, A Kloosterman, CJW Twenhöfe, lT van Dillen |
2021-0047 |
Radon meters for private use (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
M Velsma, C Rosenbaum |
2020-0210 |
Recommendations for the second Dutch national programme for the management of radioactive waste and spent fuel (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
M van der LindenM VelsmaLHA Boudewijns |
2021-0206 |
Recycling mattresses: risk analysis of processing used mattresses and new applications (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
M Faber, F Heens, N Spanbroek, JPA Lijzen, AW van Drongelen |
2021-0131 |
Reducing nitrogen emissions from agriculture: Where in the Netherlands would a reduction be most beneficial for nature? (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
A Bleeker, P Jones, E Westerhoff, S Hazelhorst, W van der Maas, G Roest |
2021-0166 |
Repeated measurement Living along the railroad track (2013- 2019) (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
I van Kamp, EEMM van Kempen, SN Simon, N Mabaj, aE Verheijen, H van Wijnen |
2021-0103 |
Report on groundwater quality monitoring networks (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
J Claessens, M Wit, E Wattel |
2020-0186 |
Research on exposure to chromium-6 and working conditions at Dutch Ministry of Defence sites. Period 1970-2015 (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
MAM Beerlage, JP Zock, KJ Rijs, RP Bogers, J Slootweg, R van Poll |
2021-0066 |
Review of the method for calculating off-site acute health risks of incidents in storage facilities for packaged hazardous substances |
E Kooi, G Laheij |
2021-0120 |
Risk assessment for PFAS in the recreational water Berkendonk in Helmond (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
L Geraets |
2021-0073 |
Risk limits for bromate in surface water. Determined according to the methodology of the Water Framework Directive (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
CE Smit |
2021-0101 |
Risks of smoke released when Li-ion batteries burn (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
NW van Veen, A Koppe, nEM van Putten |
2021-0019 |
Scoping additional research on the application of Thermally cleaned soil in Perkpolder (Zeeland, Holland) (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
E Brand, P Otte |
2021-0134 |
Selection and ranking of chemical substances and consumer products based on a consumer product database |
M Woutersen, S Wijnhoven, F Affourtit |
2019-0124 |
Sexually transmitted infections in the Netherlands in 2020 |
LE Staritsky, M VisservF van Aa, rELM Op de Coul, JCM Heijne, DA van Wees, JMA Kusters, ZW Alexiou, A de Vries, HM Gotz, MMJ Nielen, AI van Sighem, BHB van Benthem |
2021-0052 |
Survey of radon exposure for specific professions (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
L Boudewijns, M van der Schaaf |
2021-0179 |
The Dutch government’s €85-billion spend and its environmental impact (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
MA Steenmeijer, JD van der Zaag, JC Corts, JM Tauber, A Hollande, T van den Berg, CPL van der Zande, MC Zijp |
2021-0219 |
The Dutch government’s €85-billion spend and its environmental impact. Support for choosing focus for Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
MA Steenmeijer, JD van der Zaag, JC Corts, JM Tauber, A Hollander, T van den Berg, CPL van der Zande, MC Zijp |
2021-0087 |
The environmental impact of EUR 85 billion in annual procurement by all Dutch governments. A study that helps to prioritise in sustainable public procurement (SPP) |
MA Steenmeijer, JD van der Zaag, JC Corts, JM Tauber, A Hollander, T van den Berg, CPL van der Zande, MC Zijp |
2021-0220 |
The road to an optimum measurement strategy for nitrogen (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
R Wichink Kruit, A Bleeker, M Braam, T van Goethem, R Hoogerbrugge, S Rutledge-Jonker, G Stefess, A Stolk, E van der Swaluw, M Voogt, A van Pul |
2021-0118 |
Towards a Raw Materials Information System for the Netherlands. Proof of concept coupling of datasets on critical materials and material flows in the circular economy (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
AR van Bruggen, LA de Jongh, R Mosterd, E Rietveld, EJT Rijksen |
2021-0035 |
Towards sustainable recycling : A method for comparing the safety and sustainability of the processing of residual flows |
TP Traas, PGPC Zweers, JTK Quik, SL Waaijers, JPA Lijzen |
2020-0217 |
Unconventional sources for the supply of drinking water in the Netherlands. Attention points for consideration (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
L Riemer, H Rook, NGFM van der Aa, RC van Leerdam |
2021-0104 |
WaterSNIP Measurement Campaign: Nitrate sensors. A comparison of eight different sensors that can measure nitrate in surface water high-frequent (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
EV Tenner, AEJ Hooijboer, JC Rozemeijer |
2021-0141 |
Working safely and the night. Exploring facts, causes, and opportunities (Dutch report, English synopsis) |
J van Kampen, V Sol, T Jansen |
2021-0147 |