Publication date 02-05-2017 | 00:00
Modification date 02-11-2018 | 18:58
Title | Authors | Published in: |
A bivariate mixture model for natural Antibody levels to human papillomavirus types 16 and 18: baseline estimates for monitoring the herd effects of immunization | Vink M.A., Berkhof J., van de Kassteele J., van Boven M., Bogaards J.A. | Plos One 2016; 11(8):e0161109 |
A comparison of immunotoxic effects of nanomedicinal products with regulatory immunotoxicity testing requirements | Giannakou C., Park M.V.D.Z., de Jong W.H., van Loveren H., Vandebriel R.J., Geertsma R.E. | Int J Nanomed 2016: 11:2935-52 |
A general theory of effect size, and its consequences for defining the benchmark response (BMR) for continuous endpoints | Slob W. | Crit Rev Toxicol 2016; advance online publication (ahead of print) |
A generalized dose-response relationship for adenovirus infection and illness by exposure pathway | Teunis P., Schijven J., Rutjes S. | Epidemiol Infect 2016; advance online publication (ahead of print) |
A genomic approach to therapeutic target validation identifies a glucose-lowering GLP1R variant protective for coronary heart disease | Scott R.A., Freitag D.F., Li L., Chu A.Y., Surendran P., Young R., Grarup N., Stancakova A., Chen Y., Varga T.V., van der A D.L., | Sci Transl Med 2016; 8(341):341ra76 |
A meta-analysis of individual participant data reveals an association between circulating levels of IGF-I and prostate cancer risk | Travis R.C., Appleby P.N., Martin R.M., Holly J.M., Albanes D., Black A,, Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Chan J.M., Chen C., | Cancer Res 2016; 76(8):2288-300 |
A method for sensitivity analysis to assess the effects of measurement error in multiple exposure variables using external validation data | Agogo G.O., van der Voet H., van 't Veer P., Ferrari P., Mueller D.C., Sanchez Cantalejo E., Bamia C., Knüppel S., Johansson I., van Eeuwijk F.A., Boshuizen H.C. | BMC Med Res Methodol 2016; 16(1):139 |
A mycotoxin-dedicated total diet study in the Netherlands in 2013 : Part I-Design | Sprong H., de Wit-Bos L., Zeilmaker M.J., Alewijn M., Castenmiller J.J.M., Mengelers M.J.B. | World Mycotoxin J 2016; 9(1):73-88 |
A mycotoxin-dedicated total diet study in the Netherlands in 2013: Part III-exposure and risk assessment | Sprong R.C., de Wit-Bos L., te Biesebeek J.D., Alewijn M., Lopez P., Mengelers M.J.B. | World Mycotoxin J 2016; 9(1):109-128 |
A mycotoxin-dedicated total diet study in the Netherlands in 2013: Part II-occurrence | Lopez P., de Rijk T., Sprong R.C., Mengelers M.J.B., Castenmiller J.J.M., Alewijn M. | World Mycotoxin J 2016; 9(1):89-108 |
A national FFQ for the Netherlands (the FFQ-NL 1.0): validation of a comprehensive FFQ for adults | Sluik D., Geelen A., de Vries J.H.M., Eussen S.J.P.M., Brants H.A.M., Meijboom S., van Dongen M.C.J.M., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Ocke M.C., | Br J Nutr 2016; 116(5):913-23 |
A 'natural' weight loss product containing sibutramine | van Hunsel F., Venhuis B.J., Keizers P.H.J., Kant A. | Drug Testing & Analysis 2016 ; 8(3-4):311-4 |
A nested case-control study of metabolically defined body size phenotypes and risk of colorectal cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) | Murphy N., Cross A.J., Abubakar M., Jenab M., Aleksandrova K., Boutron-Ruault M.C., Dossus L., Racine A., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Plos Med 2016; 13(4):e1001988 |
A prospective evaluation of early detection biomarkers for ovarian cancer in the European EPIC cohort | Terry K.L., Schock H., Fortner R.T., Hüsing A., Fichorova R.N., Yamamoto H.S., Vitonis A.F., Johnson T., Overvad K., Tjonneland A., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Clin Cancer Res 2016; 22(18):4664-75 |
A simulation model for emergency medical services call centers | van Buuren M., Kommer G.J., van de Mei R., Bhulai S. | Proc Winter Simulation Conf 2016; 2016:844-55; art number 7408221 |
A systematic review of financial incentives for physical activity: The effects on physical activity and related outcomes | Barte J.C.M., Wendel-Vos G.C.W. | Behav Med 2016; advance online publication (ahead of print) |
A systematic review of financial incentives given in the healthcare setting; do they effectively improve physical activity levels? | Molema C.C.M., Wendel-Vos G.C., Puijk L., Jensen J.D., Schuit A.J., de Wit G.A. | BMC Sports Med & Rehab 2016; 8:15 |
A test strategy for the assessment of additive attributed toxicity of tobacco products | Kienhuis A.S., Soeteman-Hernandez L.G., Staal Y., van de Nobelen S., Talhout R. | Food Chem Toxicol 2016 ; 94:93-102 |
A test strategy for the assessment of additive attributed toxicity of tobacco products | Kienhuis A.S., Soeteman-Hernandez L.G., Staal Y.C.M., van de Nobelen S., Talhout R. | Food Chem Toxicol 2016; advance online publication (ahead of print) |
A treelet transform analysis to relate nutrient patterns to the risk of hormonal receptor-defined breast cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) | Assi N., Moskal A., Slimani N., Viallon V., Chajes V., Freisling H., Bueno de Mesquita H.B. | Public Health Nutr 2016; 19(2):242-54 |
Absence of prenatal forebrain defects in the Dp(16)1Yey/+ mouse model of Down syndrome | Goodliffe J.W., Olmos-Serrano J.L., Aziz N.M., Pennings J.L., Guedj F., Bianchi D.W., Hajdar T.F. | J Neurosci 2016; 36(10):2926-44 |
Accessible and continuous primary care may help reduce rates of emergency department use. An international survey in 34 countries | van den Berg M.J., van Loenen T., Westert G.P. | Fam Pract 2016; 33(1):42-50 |
Accounting for multimorbidity can affect the estimation of the burden of disease: a comparison of approaches | Hilderink H.B.M., Plasmans M.H.D., Snijders B.E.P., Boshuizen H.C., Poos M.J.J.C., van Gool C.H. | Arch Public Health 2016; 74:37 |
Acrylamide and glycidamide hemoglobin adduct levels and endometrial cancer risk: A nested case-control study in nonsmoking postmenopausal women from the EPIC cohort | Obon-Santacana M., Freisling H., Peeters P.H., Luján-Barroso L., Ferrari P., Boutron-Ruault M.C., Mesrine S., Baglietto L., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., et al. | Int J Cancer 2016; 138(5):1129-38 |
Acrylamide and glycidamide hemoglobin adducts and epithelial ovarian cancer: A nested case-control study in nonsmoking postmenopausal women from the EPIC Cohort | Obon-Santacana M., Lujan-Barroso L., Travis R.C., Freisling H., Ferrari P., Severi G., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., et al. | Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2016; 25(1):127-34 |
Advancing supplement science: challenges and solutions | Cohen P.A., Venhuis B.J., Brandt S.D. | Drug Test Anal 2016; 8(3-4):e1-3 |
AdViSHE: a validation-assessment tool of health-economic models for decision makers and model users | Vemer P., Corro Ramos I., van Voorn G.A., Al M.J., Feenstra T.L. | Pharmacoeconomics 2016; 34(4):349-61 |
Age-dependent expression of DNMT1 and DNMT3B in PBMCs from a large European population enrolled in the MARK-AGE study | Ciccarone F., Malavolta M., Calabrese R., Guastafierro T., Bacalini M.G., Reale A., Franceschi C., Capri M., Hervonen A., Hurme M., Grubeck-Loebenstein B., Koller B., Bernhardt J., Schon C., Slagboom P.E., Toussaint O., Sikora E., Gonos E.S., Breusing N., Grune T., Jansen E., Dolle M.E., Moreno-Villanueva M., Sindlinger T., Burkle A., Zampieri M., Caiafa P. | Aging Cell 2016 ; 15(4):755-65 |
Alcoholic beverage preference and dietary habits in elderly across Europe: Analyses within the Consortium on Health and Ageing: Network of Cohorts in Europe and the United States (CHANCES) project | Sluik D., Jankovic N., O'Doherty M.G., Geelen A., Schöttker B, Boer J.M.A., et al | PLoS ONE 2016; 11(8):e0161603 |
Alteration of amino acid and biogenic amine metabolism in hepatobiliary cancers: Findings from a prospective cohort study | Stepien M., Duarte-Salles T., Fedirko V., Floegel A., Burapal D.K., Rinaldi S., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., et al. | Int J Cancer 2016; 138(2):348-60 |
Altered lipid metabolism in the aging kidney identified by three layered omic analysis | Braun F., Rinschen M.M., Bartels V., Frommolt P., Habermann B., Hoeijmakers J.H., Schumacher B., Dolle M.E.T., Muller R.U., Benzin T., Schermer B., Kurschat C.E. | Aging (Albany NY) 2016; 8(3):441-57 |
An epidemiological model for prediction of endometrial cancer risk in Europe | Hüsing A., Dossus L., Ferrari P., Tjonneland A., Hansen L., Fagherazzi G., Baglietto L., Schock H., Chang-Claude J., Boeing H., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Eur J Epidemiol 2016; 31(1):51-60 |
An integrated human/murine transcriptome and pathway approach to identify prenatal treatments for Down syndrome | Guedj F., Pennings J.L.A., Massingham L.J., Wick H.C., Siegel A.E., Tantravahi U., Bianchi D.W. | Sci Rep 2016; 6:32353 |
An integrative test strategy for cancer hazard identification | Luijten M., Olthof E.D., Hakkert B.C., Rorije E., van der Laan J.W., Woutersen R.A., van Benthem J. | Crit Rev Toxicol 2016; 46(7):615-39 |
An inventory of methods for the assessment of additive increased addictiveness of tobacco products | van de Nobelen S., Kienhuis A.S., Talhout R. | Nicotine Tob Res 2016 ; 18(7):1546-55 |
An inventory of methods suitable to assess additive-induced characterising flavours of tobacco products | Talhout R., van de Nobelen S., Kienhuis A.S. | Drug Alcohol Dependence 2016 ; 161:9-14 |
An update oN nlrp3 inflammasome activation by engineered nanomaterials | Vandebriel R.J., Dekkers S., de Jong W., Cassee F.R. | Curr Bionanotech 2016; 2(1):40-6 |
Analysis of the machinery and intermediates of the 5hmC-mediated DNA demethylation pathway in aging on samples from the MARK-AGE Study | Valentini E., Zampieri M., Malavolta M., Bacalini M.G., Calabrese R., Guastafierro T., Reale A., Franceschi C., Hervonen A., Koller B., Bernhardt J., Slagboom P.P., Toussaint O., Sikora E., Gonos E.S., Breusing N., Grune T., Jansen E., Dolle M.E.T., Moreno-Villanueva M., Sindlinger T., Burkle A., Ciccarone F., Caiafa P. | Aging 2016; 8(9):1896-922 |
Anthropometry and the risk of lung cancer in EPIC | Utami Dewi N., Boshuizen H.C., Johansson M., Vineis P., Kampman E., Steffen A., et al. | Am J Epidemiol 2016; 184(2):129-39 |
Are low-value care measures up to the task? A systematic review of the literature | de Vries E.F.J., Struijs J.N., Heijink R., Hendrikx R.J.P., Baan C.A. | BMC Health Serv Res 2016; 16(1):405 |
Assessing and reporting uncertainties in dietary exposure analysis: Mapping of uncertainties in a tiered approach | Kettler S., Kennedy M, McNamara C., Oberdörfer R., O'Mahony C., Schnabel J., Smith B., Sprong C., Faludi R., Tennant D. | Food Chem Toxicol 2015; 82:79-95 |
Assessment of recent developmental immunotoxicity studies with bisphenol A in the context of the 2015 EFSA t-TDI | Hessel E.V.S., Ezendam J., van Broekhuizen F.A., Hakkert B., DeWitt J., Granum B., Guzylack B.L., Lawrence P., Penninks A., Rooney A.A., Piersma A.H., van Loveren H., Rooney | Reprod Toxicol 2016; 65:448-56 |
Association between low-density lipoprotein cholesterol-lowering genetic variants and risk of type 2 diabetes: a meta-analysis | Lotta L.A., Sharp S.J., Burgess S., Perry J.R.B., Stewart I.D., Willems S.M., Luan J., Ardanaz E., Arriola L., Balkau B., Spijkerman A.M.W., van der A D.L., | JAMA 2016; 316(13):1383-91 |
Association of dietary protein and dairy intakes and change in renal function: results from the population-based longitudinal Doetinchem cohort study | Herber-Gast G.-C.M., Biesbroek S., Verschuren W.M.M., Schouwer C.D.A., Gansevoort R.T., Bakker S.J.L., Spijkerman A.M.W. | Am J Clin Nutr 2016; 104(6):1712-9 |
Association of plasma phospholipid n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids with type 2 diabetes: The EPIC-InterAct Case-Cohort Study | Forouhi N.G., Imamura F., Sharp S.J., Koulman A., Schulze M.B., Zheng J., Ye Z., Sluijs I., Guevara M., Spijkerman A.M.W., van der A D.L., | Plos Med 2016; 13(7):e1002094 |
Association of somatic comorbidities and comorbid depression with mortality in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a 14-year prospective cohort study | van den Hoek J., Boshuizen H.C., Roorda L.D., Tijhuis G.J., Nurmohamed M.T., Dekker J., van den Bos G.A.M. | Arthritis Care Res 2016; 68(8):1055-60 |
Association of vitamin D receptor polymorphism with susceptibility to symptomatic pertussis | Han W.G.H., Hodemaekers H.M., Nagarajah B., Poelen M.C.M., Helm K., Janssen R., van Els C.A.C.M. | PLoS One 2016; 11(2):e0149576 |
Associations of metabolic, inflammatory and oxidative stress markers with total morbidity and multi-morbidity in a large cohort of older German adults | Schöttker B., Saum K.U., Jansen E.H., Holleczek B., Brenner H. | Age Ageing 2016; 45(1):127-35 |
Asthma diagnosis in a child and cessation of smoking in the child's home: the PIAMA birth cohort | Wijga A.H., Schipper M., Brunekreef B., Koppelman G.H., Gehring U. | J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 2016; advance online publication (ahead of print) |
Author's response to: Harmful effects form one puff of shisha-pen vapor: methodological and interpretational problems in the risk assessment analysis"." | Bos P.M., Kienhuis A.S., Talhout R. | Tob Induc Dis 2016; 14;21 |
Back to the basics of ovarian aging: a population-based study on longitudinal anti-Müllerian hormone decline | de Kat A.C., van der Schouw Y.T., Eijkemans M.J., Herber-Gast G.C., Visser J.A., Verschuren W.M., Broekmans F.J. | BMC Med 2016; 14(1):151 |
Barriers in using cardiometabolic risk information among consumers with low health literacy | Damman O.C., Bogaerts N.M., van Dongen D., Timmermans D.R.M. | Br J Health Psychol 2016; 21(1):135-56 |
Barriers to and facilitators of the evaluation of integrated community-wide overweight intervention approaches: a qualitative case study in two Dutch municipalities | van Koperen T.M., de Kruif A., van Antwerpen L., Hendriks A.-M., Seidell J.C., Schuit A.J., Renders C.M. | Int J Environ Res Public Health 2016; 13(4). 390 |
Biology-inspired microphysiological system approaches to solve the prediction dilemma of substance testing | Marx U., Andersson T.B., Bahinski A., Beilmann M., Beken S., Cassee F.R., Cirit M., Daneshian M., de Jong W., Vandebriel R., Rodenburg M.., | ALTEX 2016 ; 33(3):272-321 |
Biowaiver monographs for immediate-release solid oral dosage forms: Ribavirin | Goodarzi N., Morgani A.B., Abrahamsson B., Cristofoletti R., Groot D.W., Langguth P., Mehta M.U., Polli J.E., Shah V.P., Dressman J.B. | J Pharm Sci 2016; 105(4):1362-69 |
Blood-based oxidative stress markers and cognitive performance in early old age: the HAPIEE study | Horvat P., Kubinova R., Pajak A., Tamosiunas A., Schöttker B., Pikhart H., Peasey A., Kozela M., Jansen E., Singh-Manoux A., Bobak M. | Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 2016; 42(5-6):297-309 |
Bordetella pertussis outer membrane vesicle vaccine confers equal efficacy in mice with milder inflammatory responses compared to a whole-cell vaccine | Raeven R.H.M., Brummelman J., Pennings J.L.A., van der Maas L., Tilstra W., van Els C.A.C.M., Han W.G.H., Kersten G.F.A., Metz B., | Sci Rep 2016; 6:38240 |
Can the direct peptide reactivity assay be used for the identification of respiratory sensitization potential of chemicals? | Dik S., Rorije E., Schwillens P., van Loveren H., Ezendam J. | Tox Sci 2016; 153(2):361-71 |
Cardiovascular risk factors over the life course | Hulsegge G. | Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht, 2016 |
Cellular immune activity biomarker neopterin is associated hyperlipidemia: results from a large population-based study | C'huang S-C., Boeing H., Vollset S.E., Midttun O., Ueland P.M., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Lajous M., Fagherazzi G., Boutron-Ruault M.C., Kaaks R., | Immun Ageing 2016; 13:5 |
Cesarean delivery, overweight throughout childhood, and blood pressure in adolescence | Pluymen L.P., Smit H.A., Wijga A.H., Gehring U., de Jongste J.C., van Rossem L. | J Pediatr 2016 ; 179:111-7.e3 |
Challenges and opportunities for ELSI early career researchers | Bell J., Ancillotti M., Coathup V., Rigter T., Tatum T., Grewal J., Akcesme F.B., | BMC Med Ethics 2016; 17(1):37 |
Characterization of apps and other e-tools for medication use: insights into possible benefits and risks | van Kerkhof L.W.M., van de Laar C.W.E, de Jong C., Weda M., Hegger I. | JMIR MHealth UHealth 2016 ; 4(2):e34 |
Circulating folate and vitamin B12 and risk of prostate cancer: a collaborative analysis of individual participant data from six cohorts including 6875 cases and 8104 controls | Price A.J., Travis R.C., Appleby P.N., Albanes D., Barricarte Gurrea A., Bjorge T., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Eur Urol 2016; 70(6):941-51 |
Circulating osteopontin and prediction of hepatocellular carcinoma development in a large European Population | Duarte-Salles T., Misra S., Stepien M., Plymoth A., Muller D., Overvad K., Olsen A., Tjonneland A., Baglietto L., Seven G., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Cancer Prev Res 2016; 9(9):758-65 |
Circulating vitamin D in relation to cancer incidence and survival of the head and neck and oesophagus in the EPIC cohort | Fanidi A., Mueller D.C., Midttun O., Ueland P.M., Vollset S.E., Relton C., Vineis P., Weiderpass E., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Sci Rep 2016; 6:36017 |
Citizen Science for public health | den Broeder L., Devilee J., van Oers H., Schuit A.J., Wagemakers A. | Health Promot Int 2016; advance online publication (ahead of print) |
Classification of cholestatic and necrotic hepatotoxicants using transcriptomics on human precision-cut liver slices | Vatakuti S., Pennings J.L.A., Gore E., Olinga P., Groothuis G.M. | Chem Res Toxicol 2016; 29(3):342-51 |
Climate change impact on infection risks during bathing downstream of sewage emissions from CSOs or WWTPs | Sterk A., de Man H., Schijven J.F., de Nijs T., de Roda Husman A.M. | Water Res 2016; 105:11-21 |
Coffee and tea consumption in relation to estimated glomerular filtration rate: results from the population-based longitudinal Doetinchem Cohort Study | Herber-Gast G.M., van Essen H., Verschuren W.M., Stehouwer C.D., Gansevoort R.T., Bakker S.J., Spijkerman A.M. | Am J Clin Nutr 2016; 103(5):1370-7 |
Combined effects of smoking and HPV16 in oropharyngeal cancer | Anantharaman D., Mueller D.C., Lagiou P., Ahrens W., Holcatova I., Merletti F., Kjaerheim K, Polesel J., Simonato L., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Int J Epidemiol 2016; 45(3):752-61 |
Comment on 'Cost effectiveness of collagen crosslinking for progressive keratoconus in the UK NHS' | Godefrooij D.A., de Wit G.A., Mangen M.J., Wisse R.P. | Eye 2016; 30(8):1150-2 |
Common trajectories of physical functioning in the Doetinchem Cohort Study | Rooth V., van Oostrom S.H., Deeg D.J., Verschuren W.M.M., Picavet H.S.J. | Age Ageing 2016; 45(3):382-8 |
Comparing rat and rabbit embryo-fetal developmental toxicity data for 379 pharmaceuticals: on systemic dose and developmental effects | Theunissen P.T., Beken S., Beyer B., Breslin W.J., Cappon G.D., Chen C.L., Chiemlewski G., de Schaepdrijver L., Enright B., Foreman J.E., Piersma A.H., | Crit Rev Toxicol 2016; advance online publication (ahead of print) |
Comparing the effect of a leaflet and a movie in preventing tick bites and Lyme disease in The Netherlands | Beaujean D.J.M.A., Crutzen R., Gassner F., Ameling C., Wong A., van Steenbergen J.E., Ruwaard D. | BMC Public Health 2016; 16(1):495 |
Comparison of abdominal adiposity and overall obesity in relation to risk of small intestinal cancer in a European Prospective Cohort | Cross A.J., Murphy N., Freisling H., Travis R.C., Ferrari P., Katzke V.A., Kaaks R., Olsson A., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., et al. | Cancer Causes Control 2016; 27(7):919-27 |
Comparison of in vitro and in vivo clastogenic potency based on benchmark dose analysis of flow cytometric micronucleus data. | Bernis J.C., Wils J.W., Bryce S.M., Torous D.K., Dertinger S.D., Slob W. | Mutagenesis 2016 ; 31(3):277-85 |
Comparison of rat and rabbit embryo-fetal developmental toxicity data for 379 pharmaceuticals: on the nature and severity of developmental effects | Theunissen P.T., Beken S., Beyer B.K., Breslin W.J., Cappon G.D., Chen C.L., Chmielewski G., de Schaepdrijver L., Piersma A.H., | Crit Rev Toxicol 2016; 46(10):900-10 |
Comparison of the ISU, NCI, MSM, and SPADE methods for estimating usual intake: A simulation study of nutrients consumed daily | Laureano G.H.C., Torman V.B.L., Crispim S.P., Dekkers A.L.M., Camey S.A. | Nutrients 2016; 8(3):166 |
Confounding factors in the transcriptome analysis of an in-vivo exposure experiment | Bruning O., Rodenburg W., Wackers P.F.K., van Oostrom C., Jonker M.J., Dekker R.J., Rauwerda H., Ensink W.A., de Vries A., Breit T.M. | PLoS One 2016; 11(1):e0145252 |
Consumption of soft drinks and juices and risk of liver and biliary tract cancers in a European cohort | Stepien M., Duarte-Salles T., Fedirko V., Trichopoulou A., Lagiou P., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., et al. | Eur J Nutr 2016; 55(1):7-20 |
Continuous-time semi-Markov models in health economic decision making: an illustrative example in heart failure disease management | Cao Q., Buskens E., Feenstra T., Jaarsma T., Hillege H., Postmus D. | Med Decis Making 2016; 36(1):59-71 |
Contributions of knowledge products to health policy: a case study on the Public Health Status and Forecasts Report 2010 | Hegger I., Kok M.O., Janssen S.W.J., Schuit A.J., van Oers H.A.M. | Eur J Public Health 2016; 26(6):922-7 |
Cord blood gene expression supports that prenatal exposure to perfluoroalkyl substances causes depressed immune functionality in early childhood | Pennings J.L.A., Jennen D.G.J., Nygaard U.C., Namork E., Haug L.S., van Loveren H., Granum B | J Immunotoxicol 2016; 13 (2): 173-80 |
Correspondence - Reply to THEBREAST-D-15-702 | Koleva-Kolarova R.G., Zhan Z., Greuter M.J.W., Feenstra T.L., de Bock G.H. | Breast 2016; 27:184-5 |
Cost-Effectiveness of hepatitis C treatment for people who inject drugs and the impact of the type of epidemic; extrapolating from Amsterdam, the Netherlands | van Santen D.K., de Vos A.S., Matser A., Willemse S.B., Lindenburg K., Kretzschmar M.E.E., Prins M., de Wit G.A. | Plos One 2016; 11(10):e163488 |
Dairy products, dietary calcium, and risk of inflammatory bowel disease: results from a European Prospective Cohort Investigation | Opstelten A., Leenders M., Dik V.K., Chan S.S., van Schaik F.D., Khaw K.T., Luben R., Hallmans G., Kaling P., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Inflamm Bowel Dis 2016; 22(6):1403-11 |
De werkbelasting van huisartsen in internationaal perspectief | Schäfer W., van den Berg M., Groenewegen P. | Huisarts Wetenschap 2016; 59(3):94-101 |
Dealing with missing behavioral endpoints in health promotion research by modeling cognitive parameters in cost-effectiveness analyses of behavioral interventions: a validation study | Prenger R., Pieterse M.E., Braakman-Jansen L.M.A., Feenstra T.L., Smit E.S., Hoving C., de Vries H., van Ommeren J.-K., Evers S.M.A.A., van der Palen J. | Health Econ 2016; 25(1):24-39 |
Decolonization and life expectancy in the Caribbean | Verstraeten S.P.A., van Oers H.A.M., Mackenbach J.P. | Soc Sci Med 2016; 170:87-96 |
Design and protocol of the weight loss lottery - a cluster randomized trial | van der Swaluw K., Lambooij M.S., Mathijssen J.J.P., Schipper M., Zeelenberg M., Polder J.J., Prast H.M. | Contemp Clin Trials 2016; 49:109-15 |
Determinants of the t(14;18) translocation and their role in t(14;18)-positive follicular lymphoma | Kelly R.S., Roulland S., Morgado E., Sungalee S., Jouve N., Tumino R., Krogh V., Panico S., Polidoro S., Masala G., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Cancer Causes Control 2016; 26(12):1845-55 |
Developing a framework for assessing respiratory sensitization: A workshop report | North C.M., Ezendam J., Hotchkiss J.A., Maier C.., Aoyama K., Enoch S., | Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 2016; 80:295-309 |
Development of a comprehensive model for stakeholder management in mental healthcare | Bierbooms J., van Oers H., Rijkers J., Bongers I. | J Health Organ Manag 2016; 30(4):630-47 |
Development of an IFN gamma ELISPOT for the analysis of the human T cell response against mumps virus | Han W.G.H., Emmelot M.E., Jaadar H., ten Hulscher H.I., van Els C.A.C.M., Kaaijk P. | J Immunol Methods 2016 ; 431:52-9 |
Diet and overweight | van den Berg S.W. | Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht, 2016 |
Diet quality scores and prediction of all-cause, cardiovascular and cancer mortality in a Pan-European Cohort Study | Lassale C., Gunter M.J., Romaguera D.., van der Schouw Y.T., Beulens J.W.J., Freisling H., Muller D.C., Ferrari P., Huybrechts I., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Boer J.M.A., | Plos One 2016; 11(7):e0159025 |
Dietary and lifestyle determinants of acrylamide and glycidamide hemoglobin adducts in non-smoking postmenopausal women from the EPIC cohort | Obon-Santacana M., Lujan-Barroso L., Freisling H., Cadeau C., Fagherazzi C., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., et al. | Eur J Nutr 2016 ; advance online publication (ahead of print) |
Dietary patterns and risk of inflammatory bowel disease in Europe: results from the EPIC Study | Racine A., Carbonnel F., Chan S.S., Hart A.R., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Oldenburg B., van Schaik F.D., et al. | Inflamm Bowel Dis 2016; 22(2):345-54 |
Dietary polyphenol intake in Europe: the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study | Zamora-Ros R., Knaze V., Rothwell J.A., Hémon B., Moskal A., Overvad K., Tjonneland A., Kyro C., Fagherazzi G., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Eur J Nutr 2016; 55(4):1359-75 |
Discrete choice experiments for health policy: past, present, and future | Determann D. | Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit, 2016 |
Do we really need to open a classification box on personal factors in ICF? | Leonardi M., Sykes C.R., Madden R.C., ten Napel H., Hollenweger J., Snyman S., Madden R.H., Kraus de Camargo O., Raggi A., van Gool C.H., Martinuzzi A. | Disabil Rehabil 2016; 38(13):1327-8 |
Does disease activity add to functional disability in estimation of utility for rheumatoid arthritis patients on biologic treatment? | Nair S.C., Welsing P.M., Marijnissen A.K., Sijtsma P., Bijlsma J.W., van Laar J.M., Lafeber F.P., de Wit G.A. | Rheumatology 2016; 55(1):94-102 |
Dutch tariff for the five-level version of EQ-5D | Versteegh M.M., Vermeulen K.M., Evers S.M.A.A., de Wit G.A., Prenger R., Stolk E.A. | Value Health 2016; 19(4):343-52 |
Early growth characteristics and the risk of reduced lung function and asthma: A meta-analysis of 25,000 children | den Dekker H.T., Sonnenschein-van der Voort A.M.M., de Jongste J.C., Anessi-Maesano I., Hasan Arshad S., Barros H., Wijga A.H., et al. | J Allergy Clin Immunol 2016; 137(4):1026-35 |
Early occurrence of Influenza A epidemics coincided with changes in occurrence of other respiratory virus infections | van Asten L., Bijkerk P., van Ginkel A., Suijkerbuijk A., van der Hoek W., Meijer A., Vennema H. | Influenza Other Respir Viruses 2016; 10(1):14-26 |
Education on tick bite and Lyme borreliosis prevention, aimed at schoolchildren in the Netherlands: comparing the effects of an online educational video game versus a leaflet or no intervention | Beaujean D.J.M.A., Gassner F., Wong A., van Steenbergen J.E., Crutzen R., Ruwaard D. | BMC Public Health 2016; 16(1):1163 |
Effect of climate change on runoff of Campylobacter and Cryptosporidium from land to surface water | Sterk A., Schijven J., de Roda Husman A.M., de Nijs T. | Water Res 2016; 95:90-102 |
Effect of weight loss with or without exercise on inflammatory markers and adipokines in postmenopausal women: The SHAPE-2 trial, a randomized controlled trial. | van Gemert W.A., May A.M., Schuit A.J., Oosterhof B.Y.M., Peeters P.H., Monninkhof E.M. | Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2016; 25(5):799-806 |
Effectiveness of comprehensive care programs for patients with multiple chronic conditions or frailty: A systematic literature review | Hopman P., de Bruin S.R., Forjaz M.J., Rodriguez-Blazquez C., Tonnara G., Lemmens L.C., Onder G., Baan C.A., Rijken M. | Health Policy 2016; 120(7):818-32 |
Empirical analysis of BMD metrics in genetic toxicology part I: in vitro analyses to provide robust potency rankings and support MOA determinations | Wills J.W., Johnson G.E., Doak S.H., Soeteman-Hernandez L.G., Slob W., White P.A. | Mutagenesis 2016; 31(3):255-63 |
Empirical analysis of BMD metrics in genetic toxicology part II: in vivo potency comparisons to promote reductions in the use of experimental animals for genetic toxicity assessment | Wills J.W., Long A.S., Johnson G.E., Bemis J.C., Dertinger S.D., Slob W., White P.A. | Mutagenesis 2016 ; 31(3):265-75 |
Enhancing the contribution of research to health care policy-making: a case study of the Dutch Health Care Performance Report | Hegger I., Marks L.K., Janssen S.W.J., Schuit A.J., van Oers H.A.M. | J Health Serv Res Policy 2016; 21(1):29-35 |
Erratum to: Design of the INTEGRATE study: effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a cardiometabolic risk assessment and treatment program integrated in primary care | Badenbroek I.F. , Stol D.M., Nielen M.M.J., Hollander M., Kraaijenhagen R.A., de Wit G.A., Schellevis F.G., de Wit N.J. | BMC Fam Pract 2016; 17:42 |
Erratum: Analysis of heritability and shared heritability based on genome-wide association studies for thirteen cancer types | Sampson J.N., Wheeler W.A., Yeager M., Panagiotou O., Wang Z., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., et al | J. Natl Cancer Inst 2016; 108(4):djw106 |
Erratum: Corrigendum to Conazole fungicides inhibit Leydig cell testosterone secretion and androgen receptor activation in vitro" (Toxicology Reports (2014) 1 (271-283)" | Roelofs M.J.E., Temming A.R., Piersma A.H., van den Berg M., van Duursen M.B.M. | Toxicol Rep 2016; 3:784 |
Estimating the carcinogenic potency of chemicals from the in vivo micronucleus test | Soeteman-Hernandez L.G., Johnson G.E., Slob W. | Mutagenesis 2016; 31(3):347-58 |
Estimating the risk of dengue transmission from Dutch blood donors travelling to Suriname and the Dutch Caribbean. | Oei W., Lieshout-Krikke R.W., Kretzschmar M.E., Zaaijer H.L., Coutinho R.A., Eersel M., Jubithana B., Halabi Y., Gerstenbluth I., Maduro E., Tromp M., Janssen M.P. | Vox Sang 2016; 110(4):301-9 |
EuroFIR quality approach for managing food composition data; where are we in 2014? | Westenbrink S., Roe M., Oseredczuk M., Castanheira I., Finglas P. | Food Chem 2016; 193:69-74 |
Evaluation of a two-part regression calibration to adjust for dietary exposure measurement error in the Cox proportional hazards model: A simulation study | Agogo G.O., van der Voet H., van 't Veer P , van Eeuwijk F.A., Boshuizen H.C. | Biom J 2016; 58(4):766-82 |
Evaluation of exposure scenarios on intentional microbiological contamination in a drinking water distribution network | Schijven J., Foret J.M., Chardon J., Teunis P., Bouwknegt M., Tangena B. | Water Res 2016; 96:148-54 |
Evaluation of the LacZ reporter assay in cryopreserved primary hepatocytes for In vitro genotoxicity testing | Luijten M., Zwart E.P., Dolle M.E.T., de Pooter M., Cox J.A., White P.A., van Benthem J. | Environ Mol Mutagen 2016; 57(9):643-55 |
Explaining the decline in coronary heart disease mortality in the Netherlands between 1997 and 2007 | Koopman C., Vaartjes I., van Dis I., Verschuren W.M.M., Engelfriet P., Heintjes E.M., Blokstra A., Deeg D.J.H., Visser M., Bots M.L., O'Flaherty M., Capewell S. | Plos One 2016; 11(12):e0166139 |
Exploring how individuals complete the choice tasks in a discrete choice experiment: an interview study | Veldwijk J., Determann D., Lambooij M.S., van Til J.A., Korfage I.J., de Bekker-Grob E.W., de Wit G.A. | BMC Med Res Methodol 2016; 16:45 |
Exploring the effect of silver nanoparticle size and medium composition on uptake into pulmonary epithelial 16HBE14o-cells | Kettler K., Krystek P., Giannakou C., Hendriks A.J., de Jong W. | J Nanopart Res 2016; 18:182 |
Exposure to ambient air pollution and the risk of inflammatory bowel disease: a European nested case-control study | Opstelten J.L., Beelen R.M.J., Leenders M., Hoek G., Brunekreef B., van Schaik F.D.M., Siersema P.D., Eriksen K.T., Raaschou-Nielsen O., Tjonneland A., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Dig Dis Sci 2016; advance online publication (ahead of print) |
Exposure to famine at a young age and unhealthy lifestyle behavior later in life | Fransen H.P., Peeters P.H., Beulens J.W.J., Boer J.M., de Wit G.A., Onland-Moret N.C., van der Schouw Y.T., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Hoekstra J., Elias S.G., May A.M. | Plos One 2016; 11(5):e0156609 |
Family history of myocardial infarction, stroke and diabetes and cardiometabolic markers in children | Berentzen N.E., Wijga A.H., van Rossem L., Koppelman G.H., van Nieuwenhuijzen B., Gehring U., Spijkerman A.M.W., Smit H.A. | Diabetologia 2016; 59(8):1666-74 |
Fatty acid composition in breastfeeding and school performance in children aged 12 years | Dalmeijer G.W., Wijga A.H., Gehring U., Renders C.M., Koppelman G.H., Smit H.A., van Rossem L. | Eur J Nutr 2016; 55(7):2199-207 |
Fatty acid profiles of monofloral clover beebread and pollen and proteomics of red clover (Trifolium pratense) pollen | Ceksteryte V., Navakauskiene R., Treigyte G., Jansen E., Kurtinaitiené B., Dabkeviciene G., Balzekas J. | Biosc Biotechnol Biochem 2016; 80(11:2100-8 |
Female chromosome X mosaicism is age-related and preferentially affects the inactivated X chromosome | Machiela M.J., Zhou W., Karlins E., Sampson J.N., Freedman N.D., Yang Q., Hicks B., Dagnall C., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Nat Commun 2016; 7:11843 |
Few vertebrate species dominate the Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. life cycle | Hofmeester T.R., Coipan E.C., van Wieren S.E., Prins H.H.T., Takken W., Sprong H. | Environ Res Lett 2016; 11: 043001 |
Fine mapping of chromosome 5p15.33 based on a targeted deep sequencing and high density genotyping identifies novel lung cancer susceptibility loci | Kachuri L., Amos C.I., Mackay J.D., Johansson M., Vineis P., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Boutron-Ruault M.C., Johansson M., Quiros J.R., Sieri S., et. al. | Carcinogenesis 2016; 37(1):96-105 |
Fish intake in pregnancy and child growth: A pooled analysis of 15 European and US birth cohorts | Stratakis N., Roumeliotaki T., Oken E., Barros H., Basterrechea M., Charles M.A., Wijga A.H., et al. | JAMA Pedatr 2016 ; 170(4):381-90 |
Flavonoid and lignan intake and pancreatic cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort | Molina Montes E., Sanchez M.J., Zamora-Ros R., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Wark P.A., Obon-Santacana M., Kuehn T., Katzke V., Travis R.C., | Int J Cancer 2016; 139(7):1480-92 |
Fluctuation of Viremia in Hepatitis B virus-infected healthcare workers performing exposure-prone procedures in the Netherlands | Raven S.F.H., de Heus B., Wong A., Zaaijer H.L., van Steenbergen J.E. | Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2016; 37(6):655-60 |
Flusilazole induces spatio-temporal expression patterns of retinoic acid-, differentiation- and sterol biosynthesis-related genes in the rat whole embryo culture | Dimopoulou M., Verhoef A., van Ravenzwaay B., Rietjens I.M.C.M., Piersma A.H. | Reprod Toxicol 2016; advance online publication (ahead of print) |
Functional and genetic predisposition to rhinovirus lower respiratory tract infections in prematurely born infants | Drysdale S.B., Alcazar M., Wilson T., Smith M., Zuckerman M., Hodemaekers H.M., Janssen R., Bont L., Johnston S.L., Greenough A. | Eur J Pediatr 2016; 175(12):1943-9 |
Functional single nucleotide polymorphisms within the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A/2B region affect pancreatic cancer risk | Campa D., Pastore M., Gentiluomo M., Talar-Wojnarowska R., Kupcinskas J., Malecka-Panas E., Neoptolemos J.P., Niesen W., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Oncotarget 2016; 7(35):57011-20 |
Future pandemics and vaccination: Public opinion and attitudes across three European countries | Determann D., de Bekker-Grob E.W., French J., Voeten H.A., Richardus J.H., Das E., Korfage I.J. | Vaccine 2016 ; 34(6):803-8 |
Genome-wide association analyses identify new susceptibility loci for oral cavity and pharyngeal cancer | Lesseur C., Diergaarde B., Olshan A.F., Wunsch-Filho V., Ness A.R., Liu G., Lacko M., Eluf-Neto J., Franceschini S., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Nat Genet 2016; 48(12):1544-50 |
Greener living environment healthier people?: Exploring green space, physical activity and health in the Doetinchem Cohort Study | Picavet H.S.J., Milder I., Kruize H., de Vries S., Hermans T., Wendel-Vos W. | Prev Med 2016; 89:7-14 |
Grouping nanomaterials to predict their potential to induce pulmonary inflammation | Braakhuis H.M., Oomen A.G., Cassee F.R. | Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 2016 ; 299:3-7 |
Health literacy in Europe: the development and validation of health literacy prediction models | van der Heide I., Uiters E., Sorensen K., Röthlin F., Pelikan J., Rademakers J., Boshuizen H. | Eur J Public Health 2016; 26(6):906-11 |
Health losses at the end of life: A Bayesian mixed beta regression approach | Gheorghe M., Picavet S., Verschuren M. | J R Statist Soc A 2016; advance online publication (ahead of print) |
Health-related factors associated with discrepancies between children's potential and attained secondary school level: A longitudinal study | van der Heide I., Gehring U., Koppelman G.H., Wijga A.H. | Plos One 2016; 11(12)e0168110 |
Healthy lifestyle and risk of cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition Cohort Study | MacKenzie F., Biessy C., Ferrari P., Freisling H., Rinaldi S., Chajes V., Dahm C.C., Overvad K., Dossus L., Lagiou P., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Medicine 2016; 95(16):e2850 |
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How organizational escalation prevention potential affects success of implementation of innovations: electronic medical records in hospitals | Lambooij M.S., Koster F. | Implement Sci 2016; 11(1):75 |
How the Netherlands is integrating health and community services | Drewes H.W., Struijs J.N., Baan C.A. | NEJM Catalyst 2016, october 12 |
How to improve collaboration between the public health sector and other policy sectors to reduce health inequalities? - A study in sixteen municipalities in the Netherlands | Storm I., den Hertog F., van Oers H., Schuit A.J. | Int J Equity Health 2016; 15(1):97 |
Human Q fever incidence is associated to spatiotemporal environmental conditions | van Leuken J.P.G., Swart A.N., Brandsma J., Terink W., van de Kassteele J., Droogers P., Sauter F., Havelaar A.H., van der Hoek W. | One Health 2016; 2: 77-87 |
Identification of a novel susceptibility locus at 13q34 and refinement of the 20p12.2 region as a multi-signal locus associated with bladder cancer risk in individuals of European ancestry | Figueroa J.D., Middlebrooks C.D., Banday A.R., Ye Y., Garcia-Closas M., Chatterjee N., Koutros S., Bueno de Mesquita H.B. | Hum Mol Genet 2016; 250(6):1203-14 |
Identification of the appropriate dose metric for pulmonary inflammation of silver nanoparticles in an inhalation toxicity study | Braakhuis H.M., Cassee F.R., Fokkens P.H.B., de la Fonteyne L.J.J., Oomen A.G., Krystek P., de Jong W., van Loveren H., Park M.V.D.Z. | Nanotoxicology 2016; 10(1):63-73 |
Immunization with small Amyloid-beta-derived cyclopeptide conjugates diminishes amyloid-beta-induced neurodegeneration in mice | Mulder C.K., Dong Y., Brugghe H.F., Timmermans H.A.M., Tilstra W., Westdijk J., van Riet E., van Steeg H., Hoogerhout P., Eisel U.L. | J Alzheimers Dis 2016 ; 52(3):1111-23 |
Immunotoxicity testing of nanomedicinal products: possible pitfalls in endotoxin determination | Giannakou C., Geertsma R.E., de Jong W., van Loveren H., Vandebriel R.J., Park M.V.D.Z. | Curr Bionanotech 2016; 2(2):95-102 |
Impact of a Dutch urban regeneration programme on mental health trends: a quasi-experimental study | Jongeneel-Grimen B., Droomers M., Kramer D., Bruggink J.-W., van Oers H., Kunst A.E., Stronks K. | J Epidemiol Community Health 2016; 70(10):967-73 |
Impacts of climate and management variables on the contamination of preharvest leafy greens with Escherichia coli | Liu C., Hofstra N., Franz E. | J Food Prot 2016 ; 79(1):17-29 |
Implementing the EuroFIR Document and Data Repositories as accessible resources of food composition information | Unwin I., Jansen-van der Vliet M., Westenbrink S., Presser K., Infanger E., Porubska J., Roe M., Finglas P. | Food Chem 2016; 193:90-6 |
Informatie is meer dan alleen het getal [commentaar] | Timmermans D.R.M. | Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2016; 160(36):D825 |
Inhibition of CXCL12-mediated chemotaxis of Jurkat cells by direct immunotoxicants | Shao J., Stout I., Volger O.L., Hendriksen P.J., van Loveren H., Peijnenburg A.A. | Arch Toxicol 2016; 90(7):1685-94 |
Insights into the concept of vitality: associations with participation and societal costs | van Steenbergen E., van Dongen J.M., Wendel-Vos G.C.W., Hildebrandt V.H., Strijk J.E. | Eur J Public Health 2016; 26(2):354-359 |
Intake of total and subgroups of fat minimally affect the associations between selected single nucleotide polymorphisms in the PPARypsilon pathway and changes in anthropometry among European Adults from Cohorts of the DiOGenes Study. | Larsen S.C., Ängquist L., Ostergaard J.N., Ahluwalia T.S., Vimaleswaran K.S., Roswall N., Mortensen L.M., Nielsen B.M., Tjonneland A., Wareham N.J., Palli D., Masala G., Saris W.H., van der A D.L., Boer J.M., Feskens E.J., Boeing H., Jakobsen M.U., Loos R.J., Sorensen T.I., Overvad K. | J Nutr 2016; 146(3):603-11 |
Integrated environmental health impact assessment for risk governance purposes; across what do we integrate? | Lebret E. | Int J Environ Res Public Health 2016; 13(1):71 |
International pooled study on diet and bladder cancer: the bladder cancer, epidemiology and nutritional determinants (BLEND) study: design and baseline characteristics | Goossens M.E., Isa F., Brinkman M., Mak D., Reulen R., Wesselius A., Benhamou S., Rosetti C., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Arch Public Health 2016; 74:30 |
International regulatory needs for development of an IATA for non-genotoxic carcinogenic chemical substances | Jacobs M.N., Colacci A., Louekari K., Luijten M., Hakkert B.C., Paparella M., Vasseur P. | ALTEX 2016; 33(4):359-92 |
Iron supplements and magnesium peroxide: an example of a hazardous combination in self-medication | Vrolijk M.F., Opperhuizen A., Jansen E.H.J.M., Bast A., Haenen G.R.M.M. | Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol 2016 ; 119(4):412-7 |
Is there an association between ambient air pollution and bladder cancer incidence? Analysis of 15 European Cohorts | Pedersen M., Stafoggia M., Weinmayr G., Andersen Z.J., Galassi C., Sommar J., Forsberg B., Olsson D., Oftedal B., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Eur Urol Focus 2016; advance online publication (ahead of print) |
Joint association of long-term exposure to both O3 and NO2 with children's respiratory health | Janssen N.A., Hoek G., Fischer P.H., Wijga A.H., Koppelman G., de Jongste J.J., Brunekreef B., Gehring U. | Epidemiology 2016; 28(1):e7-9 |
Key features of an EU (European Union ) health information system: A concept mapping study | Rosenkötter N., Achterberg P.W., van Bon-Martens M.J.H., Michelsen K., van Oers H.A.M., Brand H. | Eur J Public Health 2016 ; 26(1):65-70 |
Klokwerk + study protocol: An observational study to the effects of night-shift work on body weight and infection susceptibility and the mechanisms underlying these health effects | Loef B., van Baarle D., van der Beek A.J., van Kerkhof L.W., van de Langenberg D., Proper K.I. | BMC Public Health 2016; 16:692 |
Knowledge and informed decision-making about population-based colorectal cancer screening participation in groups with low and adequate health literacy | Essink-Bot M.L., Timmermans D.R.M., Uiters E., Fransen M.P. | Gastroenterol Res Pract 2016; 2016:7292369 |
Learning from patients: identifying design features of medicines that cause medication use problems | Notenboom K., Leufkens H.G.M., Vromans H., Bouvy M.L. | Int J Pharm 2016; 517(1-2):128-34 |
Lifestyle changes in young adulthood and middle age and risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality: The Doetinchem Cohort Study | Hulsegge G., Looman M., Smit H.A.., Daviglus M.L., van der Schouw Y.T., Verschuren W.M.M. | J Am Heart Assoc 2016; 5(1) pii: e002432 |
Long-term inactivation of bacteriophage PRD1 as a function of temperature, pH, sodium and calcium concentration | Schijven J.F., Sadeghi G., Hassanizadeh S.M. | Water Res 2016; 103:66-73 |
Long-term patterns of chronic complaints of the arms, neck and shoulders and their determinants - The Doetinchem Cohort Study | van Hulst R., van Oostrom S.H., Ostelo R.W., Verschuren W.M.M., Picavet H.S.J. | Pain 2016; 157(5):1114-21 |
Main nutrient patterns and colorectal cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study | Moskal A., Freisling H., Byrnes G., Assi N., Fahey M.T., Jenab M., Ferrari P., Tjonneland A., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Br J Cancer 2016; 115(11):1430-40 |
Main nutrient patterns are associated with prospective weight change in adults from 10 European countries. | Freisling H., Pisa P.T., Ferrari P., Byrnes G, Moskal A., Dahm C.C., Vergnaud A.-C., Boutron-Ruault M.C., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Ocke M.C., | Eur J Nutr 2016; 55(6):2093-104 |
Males are from Mars, females are from Venus: sex-specific fetal brain gene expression signatures in a mouse model of maternal diet-induced obesity | Edlow A.G., Guedj F., Pennings J.L.A., Sverdlov D., Neri C., Bianchi D.W. | Am J Obstet Gynecol 2016; 214(5):623.e1-623.e10 |
Manifestations of integrated public health policy in Dutch municipalities | Peters D., Harting J., van Oers H., Schuit J., de Vries N., Stronks K. | Health Promot Int 2016; 31(2):290-302 |
Maternal fish consumption during pregnancy and BMI in children from birth up to age 14 years: the PIAMA cohort study | van den Berg S.W., Wijga A.H., van Rossem L., Gehring U., Koppelman G.H., Smit H.A., Boer J.M.A. | Eur J Nutr 2016; 55(2):799-808 |
Meal patterns across ten European countries - results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) calibration study | Huseinovic E., Winkvist A., Slimani N., Park M.K., Freisling H., Boeing H., Buckland G., Schwingshackl L., Weiderpass E., Rostgaard-Hansen A.L., Boer J.M.A., Ocke M.C., Verschuren W.M.M., | Public Health Nutr 2016; 19(15):2769-80 |
Meat and haem iron intake in relation to glioma in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study | Ward H.A., Gayle A., Jakszyn P., Merritt M., Melin B., Freisling H., Weiderpass E., Tjonneland A., Olsen A., Dahm C.C., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Eur J Clin Microbiol Dis 2016 advance online publication (ahead of print) |
Menstrual and reproductive factors, hormone use, and risk of pancreatic cancer: analysis from the International Pancreatic Cancer Case-Control Consortium (PanC4) | Luján-Barroso L., Zhang W., Olson S.H., Gao Y.T., Yu H., Baghurst P.A., Bracci P.M., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Foretova L., Gallinger S., | Pancreas 2016; 45(10):1401-10 |
Menstrual and reproductive factors, hormone use, and risk of pancreatic cancer: analysis from the International Pancreatic Cancer Case-Control Consortium (PanC4). | Luján-Barroso L., Zhang W., Olson S.H., Gao Y.T., Yu H., Baghurst P.A., Bracci P.M., Paige M., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Pancreas 2016; 45(10):1401-10 |
Metabolic activation of 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo [4,5-b]pyridine and DNA adduct formation depends on p53: Studies in Trp53(+/+),Trp53(+/-) and Trp53(-/-) mice | Krais A.M., Speksnijder E.N., Melis J.P., Singh R., Caldwell A., Gamboa da Costa G., Luijten M., Philips D.H., Arlt V.M. | Int J Cancer 2016; 138(4):976-82 |
Methylene blue attenuates mitochondrial dysfunction of rat kidney during experimental acute pancreatitis | Kuliaviene I., Baniene R., Virketyte S., Kincius M., Jansen E., Gulbinas A., Kupcinskas L., Trumbeckaite S., Borutaite V. | J Dig Dis 2016; 17(3):186-92 |
Modelling dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) plasma kinetics in humans | van Eijkeren J.C.H., Olie J.D.N., Bradberry S.M., Vale J.A., de Vries I., Meulenbelt J., Hunault C.C. | Clin Toxicol 2016; 54(9):833-9 |
Modifiable causes of premature death in middle-age in Western Europe: results from the EPIC cohort study | Muller D.C., Murphy N., Johansson M., Ferrari P., Tsilidis K.K., Boutron-Ruault M.C., Clavel F., Dartois L., Li K., Kaaks R., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Verschuren W.M.M., | BMC Med 2016; 14(1):87 |
Mortality in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a 15-year prospective cohort study | van den Hoek J., Boshuizen H.C., Roorda L.D., Tijhuis G.J., Nurmohamed M.T., van den Bos G.A., Dekker J. | Rheumatol Int 2016; 37(4):487-93 |
Musculoskeletal complaints while growing up from age 11 to age 14: the PIAMA birth cohort study | Picavet H.S.J., Berentzen N., Scheuer N., Ostelo R.W., Brunekreef B., Smit H.A., Wijga A.H. | Pain 2016; 157(12):2826-33 |
Naar schatting ten minste 150.000 gebruikers van illegale erectiemiddelen in Nederland | Venhuis B.J., Scholl J.H.G., Keizers P.H.J. | Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2016; 160(0):D302 |
Netherlands: health system review | Kroneman M., Boerma W., van den Berg M., Groenewegen P., de Jong J., van Ginneken E. | Health Syst Transit 2016; 18(2):1-240 |
Next generation testing strategy for assessment of genomic damage: A conceptual framework and considerations | Dearfield K.L., Gollapudi B.B., Bemis J.C., Benz R.D., Douglas G.R., van Benthem J., et al. | Environ Mol Mutagen 2016 ; advance online publication (ahead of print) |
Non-occupational physical activity levels of shift workers compared with non-shift workers | Loef B., Hulsegge G., Wendel-Vos G.C., Verschuren W.M.M., Vermeulen R.C.H., Bakker M.F., van der Beek A.J., Proper K.I. | Occup Environ Med 2016; advance online publication (ahead of print) |
Non-publication is common among phase 1, single-center, not prospectively registered, or early terminated clinical drug trials | van den Bogert C.A., Souverein P.C., Brekelmans C.T.M., Janssen S.W.J., Koëter G.H., Leufkens H.G.M., Bouter L.M. | Plos One 2016; 11(12):e0167709 |
Novel biomarkers to improve the prediction of cardiovascular event risk in type 2 diabetes mellitus | van der Leeuw J., Beulens J.W.J., van Dieren S., Schalkwijk C.G., Glatz J.F.C., Hofker M.H., Verschuren W.M.M., Boer J.M.A., | J Am heart Assoc 2016; 5(6):e003048 |
Nutrient-wide association study of 57 foods/nutrients and epithelial ovarian cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study and the Netherlands Cohort Study | Merritt M.A., Tzoulaki I., van den Brandt P.A., Schouten L.J., Tsilidis K.K., Weiderpass E., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., et al. | Am J Clin Nutr 2016; 103(1):161-7 |
Obesity and age-related changes in markers of oxidative stress and inflammation across four generations | Hulsegge G., Herber-Gast G.-C.M., Spijkerman A.M.W., Picavet H.S.J., van der Schouw Y.T., Bakker S.J.L., Gansevoort R.T., Dolle M.E.T., Smit H.A., Verschuren W.M.M. | Obesity 2016; 24(6):1389-96 |
Obstacles and enablers on the way towards integrated physical activity policies for childhood obesity prevention: an exploration of local policy officials' views | Hendriks A.M., Habraken J.M., Kremers S.P., Jansen M.W., van Oers H., Schuit A.J. | Biomed Res Int 2016; 2016:5739025 |
Operation resistance: A snapshot of falsified antibiotics and biopharmaceutical injectables in Europe | Venhuis B.J., Keizers P.H.J., Klausmann R., Hegger I. | Drug Test Anal 2016; 8(3-4):398-401 |
Oral intake of added titanium dioxide and its nanofraction from food products, food supplements and toothpaste by the Dutch population | Rompelberg C., Heringa M.B., van Donkersgoed G., Drijvers J., Roos A., Westenbrink S., Peters R., van Bemmel G., Brand W., Oomen A.G. | Nanotoxicology 2016; 0(10):1404-14 |
Organ burden and pulmonary toxicity of nano-sized copper (II) oxide particles after short-term inhalation exposure | Gosens I., Cassee F.R., Zanella M., Manodori L., Brunelli A., Costa A.L., Bokkers B.G.H., de Jong W., Brown D., Hristozov D., Stone V. | Nanotoxicology 2016; 10(8):1084-95 |
Overweight duration in older adults and cancer risk: a study of cohorts in Europe and the United States | Arnold M., Freisling H., Stolzenberg-Solomon R., Kee F., O'Doherty M.G., Ordonez-Mena J.M., Wilsgaard T., May A.M., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Eur J Epidemiol 2016; 31(9):893-904 |
Overweight patterns throughout childhood and cardiometabolic markers in early adolescence | Berentzen N.E., van Rossem L., Gehring U., Koppelman G.H., Postma D.S., de Jongste J.C., Smit H.A., Wijga A.H. | Int J Obes 2016; 40: 58-64 |
Particulate matter air pollution components and risk for lung cancer | Raaschou-Nielsen O., Beelen R., Wang M., Hoek G., Andersen Z.J., Hoffmann B., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., et al. | Environ Int 2016; 87:66-73 |
Patient heterogeneity in health economic decision models for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: are current models suitable to evaluate personalized medicine? | Hoogendoorn M., Feenstra T.L., Asukai Y., Briggs A.H., Borg S., dal Negro R.W., Hansen R.N., | Value Health 2016; 19(6):800-10 |
Patient selection for cardiac surgery: Time to consider subgroups within risk categories? | van Giessen A., de Wit G.A., Smit H.A., den Ruijter H.M., Nierich A.P., Jansen Klomp W.W., Moons K.G., Koffijberg H. | Int J Cardiol 2016; 203:1103-8 |
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Personal health records in the Netherlands: potential user preferences quantified by a discrete choice experiment | Determann D., Lambooij M.S., Gyrd-Hansen D., de Bekker-Grob E.W., Steyerberg E.W., Heldoorn M., Pedersen L.B., de Wit G.A. | J Am Med Inform Assoc 2016; advance online publication (ahead of print) |
Pharmacologically effective red yeast rice preparations marketed as dietary supplements illustrated by a case report | Venhuis B.J., van Hunsel F., van de Koppel S., Keizers P.H., Jeurissen S.M.F., de Kaste D. | Drug Test Anal 2016; 8(3-4):315-8 |
Physical activity and risk of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in a prospective cohort study | Gallo V., Vanacore N., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Vermeulen R., Brayne C., Pearce N., Wark P.A., Ward H.A., Ferrari P., | Eur J Epidemiol 2016; 31(3):255-266 |
Physical activity of workers with and without chronic diseases | Loef B., de Hollander E.L., Boot C.R.L., Proper K.I. | Prev Med Rep 2016; 3:30-5 |
Physical and mental functioning in patients with established rheumatoid arthritis over an 11-year followup period: The role of specific comorbidities | van den Hoek J., Roorda L.D., Boshuizen H.C., Tijhuis G.J., van den Bos G.A., Dekker J. | J Rheumatol 2016 ; 43(2):307-314 |
Plasma carotenoids, tocopherols, and retinol in the age-stratified (35-74 years) general population: a cross-sectional study in six European Countries | Stuetz W., Weber D., Dolle M.E.T., Jansen E., Grubeck-Loebenstein B., Fiegl S., Toussaint O., Bernhardt J., Gonos E.S., Franceschi C., Sikora E., Moreno-Villanueva M., Breusing N., Grune T., Burkle A. | Nutrients 2016; 8(10):pii:E614 |
Plasma carotenoids, vitamin C, tocopherols, and retinol and the risk of breast cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort | Bakker M.F., Peeters P.H., Klaasen V.M., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Jansen E.H.J.M., Ros M.M., Travier N., et al. | Am J Clin Nutr 2016; 103(2):454-64 |
Pneumonia, intake problems, and survival among nursing home residents with variable stages of dementia in the Netherlands: Results from a Prospective Observational Study | Hendriks S.A., Smalbrugge M., van Gageldonk-Lafeber A.B., Galindo-Garre F., Schipper M., Hertogh C.M., van der Steen J.T. | Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord 2016; 11:262-77 |
Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) and biphenyls (PCBs) in home-produced eggs | Hoogenboom R.L.A.P., ten Dam GI., van Bruggen M., Jeurissen S.M.F., van Leeuwen S.P.J., Theelen R.M.C., Zeilmaker M.J. | Chemosphere 2016; 150:311-9 |
Potential health gains and health losses in eleven EU countries attainable through feasible prevalences of the life-style related risk factors alcohol, BMI, and smoking: a quantitative health impact assessment | Lhachimi S.K., Nusselder W.J., Smit H.A., Baili P., Bennett K., Boshuizen H.C., Mackenbach J.P. | BMC Public Health 2016; 16:734 |
Pre-diagnostic meat and fibre intakes in relation to colorectal cancer survival in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition | Ward H.A., Norat T., Overvad K., Dahm C.C., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Jenab M., Fedirko V., van Duijnhoven F.J.B., Skeie G., Romaguera-Bosch D., | Br J Nutr 2016; 116(2):316-25 |
Prediagnostic selenium status and hepatobiliary cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort | Hughes D.J., Duarte-Salles T., Hybsier S., Trichopoulou A., Stepien M., Aleksandrova K., Overvad K., Tjonneland A., Olsen A., Affret A., Fagherazzi G., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Am J Clin Nutr 2016; 104(2):406-14 |
Pre-diagnostic vitamin D concentrations and cancer risks in older individuals: an analysis of cohorts participating in the CHANCES consortium | Ordonez-Mena J.M., Schottker B., Fedirko V., Jenab M., Olsen A., Halkjaer J., Jansen E., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., et al. | Eur J Epidemiol 2016 ; 31(3):311-323 |
Predicting the health impact of lowering salt consumption in Turkey using the DYNAMO health impact assessment tool | Erkoyun E., Sözmen K., Bennett K., Unal B., Boshuizen H.C. | Public Health 2016; 140:228-234 |
Prediction of carcinogenic potential of chemicals using repeated-dose (13-week) toxicity data | Woutersen R.A., Soffers A.E.M.F., Kroese E.D., Krul C.A.M., van der Laan J.W., van Benthem J., Luijten M. | Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 2016; 81:242-9 |
Preferences for genetic testing for colorectal cancer within a population-based screening program: a discrete choice experiment | Veldwijk J., Lambooij M.S., Kallenberg F.G., van Kranen H.J., Bredenoord A.L., Dekker E., Smit H.A., de Wit G.A. | Eur J Hum Genet 2016 ; 24(3):361-6 |
Prenatal phthalate, perfluoroalkyl acid, and organochlorine exposures and term birth weight in three birth cohorts: Multi-pollutant models based on elastic net regression | Lenters V., Portengen L., Rignell-Hydbom A., Jönsson B.A.G., Lindh C.H., Piersma A.H., Toft G., Bonde J.P., Heederik D., Rylander L., Vermeulen R. | Environ Health Perspect 2016; 124(3):365-72 |
Process evaluation of the nationwide implementation of a lifestyle intervention in the construction industry | Tonnon S.C., Proper K.I., van der Ploeg H.P., Anema J.R., van der Beek A.J. | J Occup Environ Med 2016; 58(1):e6-14 |
Programmed effects in neurobehavior and antioxidative physiology in Zebrafish embryonically exposed to cadmium: observations and hypothesized adverse outcome pathway framework | Ruiter S., Sippel J., Bouwmeester M.C., Lommelaars T., Beekhof P., Hodemaekers H.M., Bakker F., van den Brandhof E.-J., Pennings J.L.A., van der Ven L.T.M. | Int J Mol Sci 2016; 17(11):1830 |
Programming of metabolic effects in C57BL/6JxFVB mice by in utero and lactational exposure to perfluorooctanoic acid | van Esterik J.C.J., Sales L.B., Dolle M.E.T., Hakansson H., Herlin M., Legler J., van der Ven L.T.M. | Arch Toxicol 2016; 90(3):701-15 |
Projecting the COPD population and costs in England and Scotland: 2011 to 2030 | McLean S., Hoogendoorn M., Hoogenveen R.T., Feenstra T.L., Wild S., Simpson C.R., Rutten-van Mölken M., Sheikh A. | Sci Rep 2016; 6:31893 |
Prospective association of liver function biomarkers with development of hepatobiliary cancers | Stepien M., Fedirko V., Duarte-Salles T., Ferrari P., Freisling H., Trepo E., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., et al. | Cancer Epidemiol 2016 ; 40:179-187 |
Protein phosphorylation profiling identifies potential mechanisms for direct immunotoxicity | Shao J., Stout I., Hendriksen P.J.M., van Loveren H., Peijnenburg A.A.C.M., Volger O.L. | J Immunotoxicol 2016; 13(1):97-107 |
Public preferences for vaccination programmes during pandemics caused by pathogens transmitted through respiratory droplets - a discrete choice experiment in four European countries, 2013 | Determann D., Korfage I.J., Fagerlin A., Steyerberg E.W., Bliemer M.C., Voeten H.A., Richardus J.H., Lambooij M.S., de Bekker-Grob E.W. | Euro Surveill 2016; 21(22) |
QMRAcatch: Human-associated fecal pollution and infection risk modeling for a river/floodplain environment | Derx J., Schijven J., Sommer R., Zoufal-Hruza C.M., van Driezum I.H., de Roda Husman A.M., et al | J Environ Qual 2016; 45:1205-14 |
Quantification of the smoking-associated cancer risk with rate advancement periods: meta-analysis of individual participant data from cohorts of the CHANCES consortium | Ordonez-Mena J.M., Schöttker B., Mons U., Jenab M., Freisling H., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., O'Doherty M.G., Scott A., Kee F., Stricker B.H., | BMC Med 2016; 14(1):62 |
Randomized trial of a lifestyle program in obese infertile women | Mutsaerts M.A.Q., van Oers A.M., Groen H., Burggraaff J.M., Kuchenbecker W.K.H., Perquin D.A.M., Koks C.A.M., van Golde R., Bemelmans W.J.E., | N Engl J Med 2016; 374(20):1942-53 |
Recommendations and improvements for the evaluation of integrated community-wide Interventions approaches | van Koperen T.M., Renders C.M., Spierings E.J.M., Hendriks A.-M., Westerman M.J., Seidell J.C., Schuit A.J. | J Obesity 2016; 2016:2385698 |
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Reporting and use of the OECD Health Care Quality Indicators at national and regional level in 15 countries | Rotar A.M., van den Berg M.J., Kringos D.S., Klazinga N.S. | Int J Qual Health Care 2016; 28(3):398-404 |
Reproducibility and relative validity of a FFQ to estimate the intake of fatty acids | Praagman J., Adolphs A.P., van Rossum C.T., Sluijs I., van der Schouw Y.T., Beulens J.W. | Br J Nutr 2016; 115(12):2154-61 |
Research for Policy (R4P): development of a reflection tool for researchers to improve knowledge utilization | Hegger I., Marks L.K., Janssen S.W.J., Schuit A.J., Keijsers J.F.M, van Oers H.A.M. | Implement Sci 2016; 11(1):133 |
Residential greenness is differentially associated with childhood allergic rhinitis and aeroallergen sensitization in seven birth cohorts | Fuertes E., Markevych I., Bowatte G., Gruzieva O., Gehring U., Becker A., Berdel D., von Berg A., Bergstrom A., Brauer M., Brunekreef B., Wijga A., | Allergy 2016; 71(10):1461-71 |
Restricted diet delays accelerated ageing and genomic stress in DNA-repair-deficient mice | Vermeij W.P., Dolle M.E.T., Reiling E., Jaarsma D., Payan-Gomez C., Bombardieri C.R., Nagarajah B., van Oostrom C.T., Imholz S., Pennings J.L.A., van Steeg H., et al. | Nature 2016; 537(7620):427-31 |
Risk assessment of titanium dioxide nanoparticles via oral exposure, including toxicokinetic considerations | Heringa M.B., Geraets L., van Eijkeren J.C., Vandebriel R.J., de Jong W.H., Oomen A.G. | Nanotoxicology 2016; 29:1-43 |
Risk assessment, risk management and risk-based monitoring following a reported accidental release of poliovirus in Belgium, September to November 2014 | Duizer E., Rutjes S., de Roda Husman A.M., Schijven J. | Euro Surveill 2016; 21(11):30169 |
Risk factors for early-onset and very-early-onset pancreatic adenocarcinoma: A Pancreatic Cancer Case-Control Consortium (PanC4) Analysis | McWilliams R.R., Maisonneuve P., Bamlet W.R., Petersen G.M., Li D., Risch H.A., Yu H., Bueno de Mesquita H.B. | Pancreas 2016 ; 45(2):311-6 |
Risk indicator taxonomy for supervision of clinical trials on medicinal products | Jongen P.M., van den Bogert C.A., van de Laar C.W., Notenboom K., Hille E.T., Hegger I. | Curr Med Res Opin 2016; 32(7):1269-76 |
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Schools as smoke-free zones? Barriers and facilitators to the adoption of outdoor school ground smoking bans at secondary schools | Rozema A.D., Mathijssen J.J.P., Jansen M.W.J., van Oers J.A.M. | Tob Induc Dis 2016; 14(1):10 |
Scientific principles for the identification of endocrine-disrupting chemicals: a consensus statement | Solecki R., Kortenkamp A., Bergman A., Chahoud I., Degen G.H., Dietrich D., Greim H., Piersma A., | Arch Toxicol 2016; advance online publication (ahead of print) |
Selenium and prostate cancer: analysis of individual participant data from fifteen prospective studies | Allen N.E., Travis R.C., Appleby P.N., Albanes D., Barnett M.J., Black A,, Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Deschasaux M., Galan P., | J Natl Cancer Inst 2016; 108(11):djw153 |
Sensitivity of fetal RhD screening for safe guidance of targeted anti-D immunoglobulin prophylaxis: prospective cohort study of a nationwide programme in the Netherlands | de Haas M., Thurik F.F., van der Ploeg C.P.B., Veldhuisen B., Hirschberg H., Soussan A.A., Woortmeijer H., Abbink F., | BMJ 2016; 355:i5789 |
Serum endotoxins and flagellin and risk of colorectal cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) Cohort | Kong S.Y., Tran H.Q., Gewirtz A.T., McKeown-Eyssen G., Fedirko V., Romieu I., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., et al. | Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2016 ; 25(2):291-301 |
Serum folate, vitamin B-12 and cognitive function in middle and older age: The HAPIEE study | Horvat P., Gardiner J., Kubinova R., Pajak A., Tamosiunas A., Schottker B., Pikharts H., Peasey A., Jansen E., Bobak M. | Exp Gerontol 2016 ; 76:33-38 |
Shift workers have a similar diet quality but higher energy intake than day workers | Hulsegge G., Boer J.M.A., van der Beek A.J., Verschuren W.M.M., Sluijs I., Vermeulen R., Proper K.I. | Scan J Work Environ Health 2016; 42(6):459-68 |
Short-term preoperative calorie and protein restriction is feasible in healthy kidney donors and morbidly obese patients scheduled for surgery | Jongbloed F., de Bruin R.W.F., Klaassen R.A., Beekhof P., van Steeg H., Dor F.J.M.F., van der Harst e., Dolle M.E.T., IJzermans J.N.M. | Nutrients 2016; 8(5): pii:E306 |
Simple in vitro models can predict pulmonary toxicity of silver nanoparticles | Braakhuis H.M., Giannakou C., Peijnenburg W.J., Vermeulen J., van Loveren H., Park M. | Nanotoxicology 2016; 10(6):770-9 |
Specific polymorphisms in the vitamin D metabolism pathway are not associated with susceptibility to Chlamydia trachomatis infection in humans | Lanjouw E., Brankovic I., Pleijster J., Spaargaren J., Hoebe C.J.P.A., van Kranen H.J., Ouburg S., Morré S.A. | Pathog Dis 2016; 74(3) pii: ftw010 |
State of the art in non-animal approaches for skin sensitization testing: from individual test methods towards testing strategies | Ezendam J., Braakhuis H.M., Vandebriel R.J. | Arch Toxicol 2016; 90(12):2861-83 |
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Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in epidemiology-nutritional epidemiology (STROBE-nut): an extension of the STROBE statement | Lachat C., Hawwash D., Ocke M.C., Berg C., Forsum E., Hörnell A., Larsson C., Sonestedt E, | Plos Med 2016; 13(6):e1002036 |
Strengthening the reporting of observational studies in ppidemiology - nutritional epidemiology (STROBE-nut): an extension of the STROBE statement | Lachat C., Hawwash D., Ocke M.C., Berg C., Forsum E., Hörnell A., Larsson C.I., | Nutr Bull 2016; 41(3):240-51 |
Survival or mortality: does risk attribute framing influence decision-making behavior in a discrete choice experiment? | Veldwijk J., Essers B.A.B., Lambooij M.S., Dirksen C.D., Smit H.A., de Wit G.A. | Value in Health 2016; 19(2):202-9 |
Sustainability aspects and nutritional composition of fish: evaluation of wild and cultivated fish species consumed in the Netherlands | Seves S.M., Temme E.H.M., Brosens M.C.C., Zijp M.C., Hoekstra J., Hollander A. | Climatic Change 2016 ; 135(3-4):597-610 |
Sweet-beverage consumption and risk of pancreatic cancer in the European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition | Navarrete-Munoz E.M., Wark P.A., Romaguera D., Bhoo-Pathy N., Michaud D., Freisling H., Bueno de Mesquita H.B. | Am J Clin Nutr 2016; 104(3):760-8 |
Systemic age-associated DNA hypermethylation of ELOVL2 gene: in vivo and in vitro evidences of a cell replication process | Bacalini M.G., Deelen J., de Gecco M., Giulani C., Lanzarini C., Dolle M.E., et al. | J Gerontrol A Biol Sci Med Sci 2016 ; advance online publication (ahead of print) |
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The action spectrum for vitamin D3: initial skin reaction and prolonged exposure | van Dijk A., den Outer P., van Kranen H., Slaper H. | Photochem Photobiol Sci 2016; 15(7):896-909 |
The association between BMI and different frailty domains: A U-shaped curve? | Rietman M.L., van der A D.L., van Oostrom S.H., Picavet H.S.J., Dolle M.E.T., van Steeg H., Verschuren W.M.M., Spijkerman A.M.W. | J Nutr Health Aging 2016; advance online publication (ahead of print) |
The association of low ovarian reserve with cardiovascular disease risk: a cross-sectional population-based study | de Kat A.C., Verschuren W.M., Eijkemans M.J., van der Schouw Y.T., Broekmans F.J. | Hum Reprod 2016; 31(8):1866-74 |
The association of multiple biomarkers of iron metabolism and yype 2 diabetes: The EPIC-InterAct Study | Podmore C., Meidtner K., Schulze M.B., Scott R.A., Ramond A., Spijkerman A.M., van der A D.L., et al | Diabetes care 2016; 39(4):572-581 |
The association of substituting carbohydrates with total fat and different types of fatty acids with mortality and weight change among diabetes patients | Campmans-Kuijpers M.J., Sluijs I., Nöthlings U., Freisling H., Overvad K., Boeing H., Masala G., Panico S., Tumino R., Sieri S., Johansson I., Winkvist A., Katzke V.A., Kuehn T., Nilsson P.M., Halkjaer J., Tjonneland A., Spijkerman A.M., Arriola L., Sacerdote C., Barricarte A., May A.M., Beulens J.W. | Clin Nutr 2016; 35(5):1096-102 |
The Dutch public are positive about the colorectal cancer-screening programme, but is this a well-informed opinion? | Douma L.N., Uiters E., Timmermans D.R.M. | BMC Public Health 2016; 16(1):208 |
The impact of comorbid chronic conditions on quality of life in type 2 diabetes patients | Adriaanse M.C., Drewes H.W., van der Heide I., Struijs J.N., Baan C.A. | Qual Life Res 2016; 25(1):175-82 |
The impact of intervening in green space in Dutch deprived neighbourhoods on physical activity and general health: results from the quasi-experimental URBAN40 study | Droomers M., Jongeneel-Grimen B., Kramer D., de Vries S., Kremers S., Bruggink J.W., van Oers H., Kunst A.E., Stronks K. | J Epidemiol Community Health 2016; 70(2):147-54 |
The impact of p53 on DNA damage and metabolic activation of the environmental carcinogen benzo[a]pyrene: effects in Trp53(+/+), Trp53(+/-) and Trp53(-/-) mice | Krais A.M., Speksnijder E.M., Melis J.P., Indra A., Moserova M., Luijten M., et al. | Arch Toxicol 2016; 90(4):839-51 |
The impact of personalized medicine of Type 2 diabetes mellitus in the global health context | Thomas P.P.M., Alshehri S.M., van Kranen H.J., Ambrosino E. | Personalized Med 2016; 13(4):381-93 |
The impact of primary care organization on avoidable hospital admissions for diabetes in 23 countries | van Loenen T., Faber M.J., Westert G.P., van den Berg M.J. | Scand J Prim Health Care 2016; 34(1):5-12 |
The independent role of prenatal and postnatal exposure to active and passive smoking on the development of early wheeze in children | Vardavas C.I., Hohmann C., Patelarou E., Martinez D., Henderson A.J., Granell R., Sunyer J., Torrent M., Fantini M.P., Wijga A., | Eur Resp J 2016; 48(1):115-24 |
The influence of hormonal factors on the risk of developing cervical cancer and pre-cancer: Results from the EPIC Cohort | Roura E., Travier N., Waterboer T., de Sanjose S., Bosch F.X., Pawlita M., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., et al. | PLoS One 2016; 11(1):e0147029 |
The interplay between neighbourhood characteristics: The health impact of changes in social cohesion, disorder and unsafety feelings | Ruijsbroek A., Droomers M., Hardyns W., Groenewegen P.P., Stronks K. | Health Place 2016; 39;1-8 |
The involvement of the Toll-like receptor signaling and Nrf2-Keap1 pathways in the in vitro regulation of IL-8 and HMOX1 for skin sensitization | van der Veen J.W., Paskel R.F., Smits N.A.M., Hodemaekers H., van Loveren H. | J Immunotoxicol 2016; 13(1):1-6 |
The Missing Stakeholder Group: Why patients should be involved in health economic modelling | van Voorn G.A., Vemer P., Hamerlijnck D., Ramos I.C., Teunissen G.J., Al M., Feenstra T.L. | Appl Health Econ Health Policy 2016; 14(2):129-33 |
The prevalence of implementation of mental health measures in companies and its association with sickness absence | Pas L.W., Boot C.R.L., van der Beek A.J., Proper K.I. | Public Health 2016 ; 132:79-85 |
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The relation between occupational sitting and mental, cardiometabolic, and musculoskeletal health over a period of 15 years - The Doetinchem Cohort Study | Picavet H.S.J., Pas L.W., van Oostrom S.H., van der Ploeg H., Verschuren W.M., Proper K.I. | PLoS One 2016; 11(1):e0146639 |
The relationship between shift work and metabolic risk factors: A systematic review of longitudinal studies | Proper K.I., van der Langenberg D., Rodenburg W., Vermeulen R.C., van der Beek A.J., van Steeg H., van Kerkhof L.W. | Am J Prev Med 2016; 50(5):e147-57 |
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Tissue-specific suppression of thyroid hormone signaling in various mouse models of aging | Visser W.E., Bombardieri C.R., Zevenbergen C., Barnhoorn S., Ottaviani A., van der Pluijm I., Brandt R., Kaptein E., van Heerebeek R., van Toor H., Garinis G.A., Peeters R.P., Medici M., van Ham W., Vermeij W.P., de Waard M.C., de Krijger R.R., Boelen A., Kwakkel J., Kopchick J.J., List E.O., Melis J.P.M., Darras V.M., Dolle M.E.T., van der Horst G.T.J., Hoeijmakers J.H.J., Visser T.J. | Plos One 2016; 11(3):e0149941 |
Tobacco smoking-associated genome-wide DNA methylation changes in the EPIC study | Ambaipudi S., Cuenin C., Hernandez-Vargas H., Ghantous A., Calvez-Kelm F.L., Kaaks R., Barrdahl M., Boeing H., Aleksandrova K., Trichopoulou A., Lagiou P., Naska A., Palli D., Krogh V., Polidoro S., Tumino R., Panico S., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., et al | Epigenomics 2016; ;8(5):599-618 |
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Vitamin K intake and all-cause and cause specific mortality | Zwakenberg S.R., den Brraver N.R., Engelen A.I., Feskens E.J., Vermeer C., Boer J.M., Verschuren W.M., van der Schouw Y.T., Beulens J.W. | Clin Nutr 2016; advance online publication (ahead of print) |
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