Publication date 10-04-2017 | 00:00
Modification date 02-11-2018 | 18:54
Title | Authors | Published in: |
A cocktail of synthetic stimulants found in a dietary supplement associated with serious adverse events | Venhuis B., Keizers P., van Riel A., de Kaste D. | Drug Test Anal 2014; 696):578-81 |
A critical appraisal of the process of regulatory implementation of novel in vivo and in vitro methods for chemical hazard and risk assessment | Piersma A.H., Ezendam J., Luijten M., Muller J.J.A., Rorije E., van der Ven L.T.M., van Benthem J. | Crit Rev Toxicol 2014; 44(10):876-94 |
A metabolomic profile is associated with the risk of incident coronary heart disease | Vaarhorst A.A., Verhoeven A., Weller C.M., Bohringer S., Göraler S., Meissner A., Deelder A.M., Henneman P., Gorgels A.P., van den Brandt P.A., Schouten L.J., Verschuren W.M., Boer J.M., | Am Heart J 2014; 168(1):45-52.e7 |
A methamphetamine analog (N,alpha-diethyl-phenylethylamine) identified in a mainstream dietary supplement | Cohen P.A., Travis J.C., Venhuis B.J. | Drug Test Anal 2014; 6(7-8):805-7 |
A posteriori dietary patterns: How many patterns to retain? | Fransen H.P., May A.M., Stricker M.D., Boer J.M.A., Hennig C., Rosseel Y., Ocke M.C., Peeters P.H.M., Beulens J.W.J. | J Nutr 2014; 144(8):1274-82 |
A prospective analysis of the effect of neighbourhood and individual social capital on changes in self-rated health of people with chronic illness | Waverijn G., Wolfe M.K., Mohnen S., Rijken M., Spreeuwenberg P., Groenewegen P. | BMC Public Health 2014; 14:675 |
A qualitative exploration of attitudes towards alcohol, and the role of parents and peers of two alcohol-attitude-based segments of the adolescent population | Janssen M.M., Mathijssen J.J.P., van Bon-Martens M.J.H., van Oers H.A.M., Garretsen H.F.L. | Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy 2014; 9(1):20 |
A range finding protocol to support design for transcriptomics experimentation: examples of in-vitro and in-vivo murine UV exposure | Bruning O., Rodenburg W., van Oostrom C.T., Jonker M.J., de Jong M., Dekker R.J., Rauwerda H., Ensink W.A., de Vries A., Breit T.M. | Plos One 2014; 9(5):e97089 |
A simple visual model to compare existing front-of-pack nutrient profiling schemes | van der Bend D., van Dieren J., de Vasconcelos Marques M., Wezenbeek N.L.W., Kostareli N., Pereira Rodrigues P., Temme E.H.M., Westenbrink S., Verhagen H. | Eur J Nutr Food Safety 2014; 4(4):429-534 |
A statistical approach towards the derivation of predictive gene sets for potency ranking of chemicals in the mouse embryonic stem cell test | Schulpen S.H.W., Pennings J.L.A., Tonk E.C.M., Piersma A.H. | Toxicol Lett 2014; 225(3):342-9 |
A study of grey literature in the field of nutrition, health and food safety; quantity, retrievability and scientists point of view | Francois L., Haaksma M.L., van der Harst A.S.M., Gomez L.C.M., Schreurs M.A.C., Gielis R., Vos N., Witkamp R., Verhagen H. | Eur J Nutr Food Safety 2014; 4(2):157-76 |
A systematic review and meta-analysis of 130,000 individuals shows smoking does not modify the association of APOE genotype on risk of coronary heart disease | Holmes M.V., Frikke-Schmidt R., Melis D., Luben R., Asselbergs F.W., Boer J.M.A., Cooper J., Palmen J., Horvat P., Engmann J., Li K.-W., Onland-Moret N.C., | Atherosclerosis 2014; 237(1):5-12 |
A weak sense of coherence is associated with a higher mortality risk | Super S., Verschuren W.M.M., Zantinge E.M., Wagemakers M.A.E., Picavet H.S.J. | J Epidemiol Community Health 2014; 68(5):411-7 |
Acceptance of vaccinations in pandemic outbreaks: A discrete choice experiment | Determann D., Kortfage I.J., Lambooij M.S., Bliemer M., Richardus J.H., Steyerberg E.W., de Bekker-Grob E.W. | Plos One 2014; 9(7):e102505 |
Active and passive cigarette smoking and breast cancer risk: Results from the EPIC cohort | Dossus L., Boutron-Ruault M.C., Kaaks R., Gram I.T., Vilier A., Fervers B., Manjer J., Tjonneland A., Olsen A., Overvad K., Chang-Claude J., Boeing H., Steffen A., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., van Duijnhoven F.J.B., | Int J Cancer 2014; 134(8):1871-88 |
Active pharmaceutical ingredients detected in herbal food supplements for weight loss sampled on the Dutch market | Reeuwijk N.M., Venhuis B.J., de Kaste D., Hoogenboom R.L.A.P., Rietjens I.M.C.M., Martena M.J. | Food Addit Contam Part A Chem Anal Control Expo Risk Assess 2014; 31(11):1783-93 |
Adherence to a healthy diet according to the world health organization guidelines and all-cause mortality in elderly adults from Europe and the United States | Jankovic N., Geelen A., Streppel M.T., de Groot L.C.P.G.M., Orfanos P., van den Hooven E.C., Pikhart H., Boffetta P., Trichopoulou A., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., et al. | Am J Epidemiol 2014; 180(10):978-88 |
Adherence to dietary guidelines and cardiovascular disease risk in the EPIC-NL cohort | Struijk E.A., May A.M., Wezenbeek N.L.W., Fransen H.P., Soedamah-Muthu S.S., Geelen A., Boer J.M.A., van der Schouw Y.T., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Beulens J.W.J. | Int J Cardiol 2014; 176(2):354-9 |
Adherence to the Dutch Guidelines for a Healthy Diet and cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition-Netherlands (EPIC-NL) cohort | Struijk E.A., May A.M., Beulens J.W.J., Fransen H.P., de Wit G.A., Boer J.M.A., Onland-Moret N.C., Hoekstra J., van der Schouw Y.T., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Peeters P.H.M. | Public Health Nutr 2014; 17(11):2546-53 |
Adherence to the Mediterranean diet and risk of bladder cancer in the EPIC cohort study | Buckland G., Ros M.M., Roswall N., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Travier N., Tjonneland A., Klemeney L.A., Sacerdote C., Tumino R., Ljungberg B., Gram I.T., Weiderpass E., Skeie G., Malm J., | Int J Cancer 2014; 134(10):2504-11 |
Adiposity, mediating biomarkers and risk of colon cancer in the European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition study | Aleksandrova K., Drogan D., Boeing H., Jenab M., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Jansen E., van Duijnhoven F.J.B., Rinaldi S., Fedirko V., Romieu I., Kaaks R., Riboli E., | Int J Cancer 2014; 134(3):612-21 |
Advancing the 3Rs in regulatory toxicology - Carcinogenicity testing: Scope for harmonisation and advancing the 3Rs in regulated sectors of the European Union | Annys E., Billington R., Clayton R., Bremm K.-D., McKelvie J., Ragan I., Schwarz M., van der Laan J.W., Wood C., Öberg M., Wester P., Woodward K.N. | Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 2014; 69(2):234-42 |
Afname van foetale en neonatale sterfte in Nederland. Vergelijking met andere EURO-PEROSTAT-Landen in 2004 en 2010 | Mohangoo A.D., Hukkelhoven C.W.P.M., Achterberg P.W., Elferink-Stinkens P.M., Ravelli A.C.J., Rijninks-van Driel G.C., Tamminga P., Waelput A.J.M., van der Pal-de Bruin K.M., Nijhuis J.H. | Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2014; 158(27):A6675; 29-37 |
Aggregate exposure approaches for parabens in personal care products: A case assessment for children between 0 and 3 years old | Gosens I., Delmaar C.J.E., ter Burg W., de Heer C., Schuur A.G. | J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 2014; 24(2):208-14 |
Air pollution and nonmalignant respiratory mortality in 16 cohorts within the ESCAPE project | Dimakopoulou K., Samoli E., Beelen R., Stafoggia M., Jovanovic Andersen Z., Hoffmann B., Fischer P., Nieuwenhuijsen M., Vineis P., Xun W., Hoek G., Raaschou Nielsen O., Oudin A., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2014; 189(6):684-96 |
Alcohol consumption and survival after a breast cancer diagnosis: a literature-based meta-analysis and collaborative analysis of data for 29,239 cases | Ali A.M.G., Schmidt M.K., Bolla M.K., Wang Q., Gago-Dominguez M., Esteban Castelao J., Carracedo A., Munoz Garzón V., Bojesan S.E., Nordestgaard B.G., Flyger H., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2014; 23(6):934-45 |
Alcohol segment-specific associations between the quality of the parent-child relationship and adolescent alcohol use | Mathijssen J.J.P., Janssen M.M., van Bon-Martens M.J.H., van Oers H.A.M., de Boer E., Garretsen H.F.L. | BMC Public Health 2014; 14:872 |
All-cause mortality risk of metabolically healthy abdominal obese individuals: The EPIC-MORGEN study | van der A D.L., Nooyens A.C., van Duijnhoven F.J., Verschuren W.M.M., Boer J.M. | Obesity 2014; 22(2):557-64 |
An essential role for senescent cells in optimal wound healing through secretion of PDGF-AA | Demaria M., Ohtani N., Youssef S.A., Rodier F., Toussaint W., Mitchell J.R., Laberge R.M., Vijg J., van Steeg H., Dolle M.E., Hoeijmakers J.H., de Bruin A., Hara E., Campisi J. | Dev Cell 2014; 31(6):722-33 |
An evaluation of the development of a marketing strategy in mental healthcare delivery | Bierbooms J., van Oers H., Bongers I. | Int J Healthcare Manage 2014; 7(2):84-91 |
An integrative risk assessment approach for persistent chemicals: A case study on dioxins, furans and dioxin-like PCBs in France | Béchaux C., Zeilmaker M., Merlo M., Bokkers B., Crépet A. | Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 2014; 70(1):261-9 |
Analyzing the contributions of a government-commissioned research project: a case study | Hegger I., Janssen S.W.J., Keijsers J.F.E.M, Schuit A.J., van Oers H.A.M. | Health Res Policy Syst 2014; 12(1):8 |
Anchoring molecular mechanisms to the adverse outcome pathway for skin sensitization: Analysis of existing data | van der Veen J.W., Soeteman-Hernandez L.G., Ezendam J., Stierum R., Kuper F.C., van Loveren H. | Crit Rev Toxicol 2014; 44(7):590-9 |
Anthropometric measures and bladder cancer risk: A prospective study in the EPIC cohort | Roswall N., Freisling H., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Ros M., Christensen J., Overvad K., Boutron-Ruault M.C., Severi G., Fagherazzi G., Chang-Claude J., Kaaks R., | Int J Cancer 2014; 132(12):2918-29 |
'Are we there yet?' - Operationalizing the concept of Integrated Public Health Policies | Hendriks A.-M., Habraken J., Jansen M.W.J., Gubbels J.S., de Vries N.K., van Oers H., Michie S., Atkins L., Kremers S.P.J. | Health Policy 2014; 114(2-3):174-82 |
Arsenic: bioaccessibility from seaweed and rice, dietary exposure calculations and risk assessment | Brandon E.F.A., Janssen P.J.C.M., de Wit-Bos L. | Food Addit Contam Part A 2014; 31(12):1993-2003 |
Arterial blood pressure and long-term exposure to traffic-related air pollution: An analysis in the european study of cohorts for air pollution effects (ESCAPE) | Fuks K.B., Weinmayr G., Foraster M., Dratva J., Hampel R., Houthuijs D., Oftedal B., Oudin A., Panasevich S., Penell J., Sommar J.N., Sorensen M., Tiittanen P., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Swart W.J.R., | Environ Health Perspect 2014; 122(9):896-905 |
Assessment of the risk of respiratory sensitization from fragrance allergens released by air fresheners | ter Burg W., Bouma K., Schakel D.J., Wijnhoven S.W.P., van Engelen J., van Loveren H., Ezendam J. | Inhal Toxicol 2014; 26(5):310-8 |
Associated factors of estimated desaturase activity in the EPIC-Potsdam study | Schiller K., Jacobs S., Jansen E., Weikert C., di Giuseppe R., Boeing H., Schulze M.B., Kröger J. | Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2014; 24(5):503-10 |
Association between alcohol and cardiovascular disease: Mendelian randomisation analysis based on individual participant data | Holmes M.V., Dale C.E., Zuccolo L., Silverwood L.J., Guo Y., Ye Z., Prieto-Merino D., Dehghan A., Trompet S., Wong A., Cavadino A., Drogan D., Padmanabhan S., Yesupriya A., Leusink M., Verschuren W.M., | BMJ 2014; 349:g4164 |
Association between erythrocyte membrane fatty acids and biomarkers of dyslipidemia in the EPIC-Potsdam study | Jacobs S., Schiller K., Jansen E., Fritsche A., Weikert C., di Giuseppe R., Boeing H., Schulze M.B., Kröger J. | Eur J Clin Nutr 2014; 68(4):517-25 |
Association between high dietary intake of the n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid and reduced risk of Crohn's disease | Chan S.S.M., Luben R., Olsen A., Tjonneland A., Kaaks R., Lindgren S., Grip O., Bergmann M.M., Boeing H., Hallmans G., Karling P., Overvad K., Veno S.K., van Schaik F., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Oldenburg B., Khaw K.T., Riboli E., Hart A.R. | Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2014; 39(8):834-42 |
Association between lifestyle factors and quality-adjusted life years in the EPIC-NL Cohort | Fransen H.P., May A.M., Beulens J.W.J., Struijk E.A., de Wit G.A., Boer J.M.A., Onland-Moret C., Hoekstra J., van der Schouw Y.T., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Peeters P.H.M. | Plos One 2014; 9(11):e111480 |
Association between Mediterranean and Nordic diet scores and changes in weight and waist circumference: Influence of FTO and TCF7L2 loci | Roswall N., Angquist L., Ahluwalia T.S., Romaguera D., Larsen S.C., Ostergaard J.N., Halkjaer J., Vimaleswaran K.S., Wareham N.J., Bendinelli B., Palli D., Boer J.M.A., van der A D.L., Boeing H., Loos R.J.F., Sorensen T.I.A., Tjonneland A. | Am J Clin Nutr 2014; 100(4):1188-97 |
Associations among health literacy, diabetes knowledge, and self-management behavior in adults with diabetes: results of a dutch cross-sectional study | van der Heide I., Uiters E., Rademakers J., Struijs J.N., Schuit A.J., Baan C.A. | J Health Commun 2014; 19(supp 2):115-31 |
Axonal guidance signaling pathway interacting with smoking in modifying the risk of pancreatic cancer: A gene- and pathway-based interaction analysis of GWAS data | Tang H., Wei P., Duell E.J., Risch H.A., Olson S.H., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Gallinger S., Holly E.A., Petersen G., Bracci P.M., McWilliams R.R., | Carcinogenesis 2014; 35(5):1039-45 |
Benchmark dose and the three Rs. Part I. Getting more information from the same number of animals | Slob W. | Crit Rev Toxicol 2014; 44(7):557-67 |
Benchmark dose and the three Rs. Part II. Consequences for study design and animal use | Slob W. | Crit Rev Toxicol 2014; 44(7):568-80 |
Bioaccessibility of vitamin A, vitamin C and folic acid from dietary supplements, fortified food and infant formula | Brandon E.F.A., Bakker M.I., Kramer E., Bouwmeester H., Zuidema T., Alewijn M. | Int J Food Sci Nutr 2014; 65(4):426-35 |
Biomarker patterns of inflammatory and metabolic pathways are associated with risk of colorectal cancer: results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) | Aleksandrova K., Jenab M., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Fedirko V., Kaaks R., Lukanova A., van Duijnhoven F.J.B., Jansen E., Rinaldi S., Romieu I., Ferrari P., et al. | Eur J Epidemiol 2014; 29(4):261-75 |
Biowaiver monograph for immediate release solid oral dosage forms: piroxicam | Shohin I.E., Kulinich J.I., Ramenskaya G.V., Abrahamsson B., Kopp S., Langguth P., Polli J.E., Groot D.W., Barends D.M., Dressman J.B. | J Pharm Sci 2014; 103(2):367-77 |
Biowaiver monograph for immediate-release solid oral dosage forms: bisoprolol fumarate | Charoo N.A., Shamsher A.A.A., Lian L.Y., Abrahamsson B., Cristofoletti R., Groot D.W., Kopp S., Langguth P., Polli J., Shah V.P., Dressman J. | J Pharm Sci 2014; 103(2):378-91 |
Biowaiver monograph for immediate-release solid oral dosage forms: Fluconazole | Charoo N., Cristofoletti R., Graham A., Lartey P., Abrahamsson B., Groot D.W., Kopp S., Langguth P., Polli J., Shah V.P., Dressman J. | J Pharm Sci 2014; 103(12):3843-58 |
Biowaiver monographs for immediate-release solid oral dosage forms: Codeine phosphate | Dahan A., Wolk O., Zur M., Amidon G.L., Abrahamsson B., Cristofoletti R., Groot D.W., Kopp S., Langguth P., Polli J.E., Shah V.P., Dressman J.B. | J Pharm Sci 2014; 103(6):1592-600 |
Can in vitro mammalian cell genotoxicity test results be used to complement positive results in the Ames test and help predict carcinogenic or in vivo genotoxic activity? I. Reports of individual databases presented at an EURL ECVAM Workshop | Kirkland D., Zeiger E., Madia F., Gooderham N., Kasper P., Lynch A., Morita T., Ouedraogo G., Morte J.M.P., van Benthem J., | Mutat Res Genet Toxicol Environ Mutagen 2014; 775-776: 55-68 |
Carbohydrate intake in the etiology of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis | Chan S.S.M., Luben R., van Schaik F., Oldenburg B., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Hallmans G., Karling P., Lindgren S., Grip O., Key T., | Inflamm Bowel Dis 2014; 20(11):2013-21 |
Changes in weight and health-related quality of life. The Doetinchem Cohort Study | Milder I.E.J., de Hollander E.L., Picavet H.S., Verschuren W.M.M., de Groot L.C.P.G.M., Bemelmans W.J.E. | J Epidemiol Community Health 2014; 68(5):471-7 |
Characterization of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in food products: Analytical methods to define nanoparticles | Peters R.J.B., van Bemmel G., Herrera Rivera Z., Helsper H.P.F.G., Marvin H.J.P., Weigel S., Tromp P.C., Oomen A.G., Rietveld A.G., Bouwmeester H. | J Agric Food Chem 2014; 62(27):6285-93 |
Circulating biomarkers of tryptophan and the kynurenine pathway and lung cancer risk | C'huang S-C., Fanidi A., Ueland P.M., Relton C., Midttun O., Vollset S.E., Gunter M.J., Seck M.J., Travis R.C., Wareham N., Trichopoulou A., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Cancer Epidemiol biomarkers Prev 2014; 23(3):461-8 |
Circulating desphospho-uncarboxylated matrix ?-carboxyglutamate protein and the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke | Dalmeijer G.W., van der Schouw Y.T., Magdeleyns E.J., Vermeer C., Verschuren W.M.M., Boer J.M.A., Beulens J.W.J. | J Thromb Haemost 2014; 12(7):1028-34 |
Circulating fatty acids and prostate cancer risk: individual participant meta-analysis of prospective studies | Crowe F.L., Appleby P.N., Travis R.C., Barnett M., Brasky T.M., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Chajes V., Chavarro J.E., Chirlaque M.-D., English D.R., Gibson R.A., Giles G.G., | J Natl Cancer Inst 2014; 106(9):pii:dju240 |
Circulating prolactin and breast cancer risk among pre- and postmenopausal women in the EPIC cohort | Tikk K., Sookthai D., Johnson T., Rinaldi S., Romieu I., Tjonneland A., Olsen A., Overvad K., Clavel-Chapelon F., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Ann Oncol 2014; 25(7):1422-8 |
Classifying the adverse mitogenic mode of action of insulin analogues using a novel mechanism-based genetically engineered human breast cancer cell panel | ter Braak B., Siezen C.L.E., Kannegieter N., Koedoot E., van de Water B., van der Laan J.W. | Arch Toxicol 2014; 88(4):953-66 |
Coffee and tea consumption, genotype-based CYP1A2 and NAT2 activity and colorectal cancer risk-Results from the EPIC cohort study | Dik V.K., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., van Oijen M.G.H., Siersema P.D., Uiterwaal C.S.P.M., van Gils C.H., van Duijnhoven F.J.B., Cauchi S., Yengo L., Froguel P., Overvad K., Bech B.H., Tjonneland A., Olsen A., | Int J Cancer 2014; 135(2):401-12 |
Cohort profile: The Prevention and Incidence of Asthma and Mite Allergy (PIAMA) birth cohort | Wijga A.H., Kerkhof M., Gehring U., de Jongste J.C., Postma D.S., Aalberse R.C., Wolse A.P.H., Koppelman G.H., van Rossem L., Oldenwening M., Brunekreef B., Smit H.A. | Int J Epidemiol 2014; 43(2):527-35 |
Colorectal cancer risk and dyslipidemia: a case-cohort study nested in an Italian multicentre cohort | Agnoli C., Grioni S., Sieri S., Sacerdote C., Vineis P., Tumino R., Giurdanella M.C., Pala V., Mattielo A., Chiodini P., Iacoviello L., de Curtis A., Cattaneo L., van Duijnhoven F.J., Panico S., Krogh V. | Cancer Epidemiol 2014; 38(2):144-51 |
Combined impact of healthy lifestyle factors on colorectal cancer: A large European cohort study | Aleksandrova K., Pischon T., Jenab M., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Fedirko V., Norat T., Romaguera D., Knüppel S., Boutron-Ruault M.C., Dossus L., | BMC Medicine 2014; 12(1):168 |
Common genetic variants highlight the role of insulin resistance and body fat distribution in type 2 diabetes, independent of obesity | Scott R.A., Fall T., Pasko D., Barker A., Sharp S.J., Arriola L., Balkau B., Barricarte A., Barroso I., Boeing H., Clavel-Chapelon F., Crowe F.L., Spijkerman A.M.W., van der A D.L., | Diabetes 2014; 63(12):4378-87 |
Comorbidity of eczema, rhinitis, and asthma in IgE-sensitised and non-IgE-sensitised children in MeDALL: a population-based cohort study | Pinart M., Benet M., Annesi-Maesano I., von Berg A., Berdel D., Carlsen K.C.L., Carlsen K.-H., Bindslev-Jensen C., Eller E., Fantini M.P., Wijga A.H., | Lancet Respir Med 2014; 2(2):131-40 |
Comparison of different blood collection, sample matrix, and immunoassay methods in a prenatal screening setting | Pennings J.L.A., Siljee J.E., Imholz S., Kuc S., de Vries A., Schielen P.C.J.I., Rodenburg W. | Dis Markers 2014; 2014:509821 |
Comparison of different blood collection, sample matrix, and immunoassay methods in a prenatal screening setting | Pennings J.L.A., Siljee J.E., Imholz S., Kuc S., de Vries A., Schielen P.C.J.I., Rodenburg W. | Dis Markers 2014; 2014:509821 |
Comparison of osteoblast and cardiomyocyte differentiation in the embryonic stem cell test for predicting embryotoxicity in vivo | de Jong E., van Beek L., Piersma A.H. | Reprod Toxicol 2014; 48:62-71 |
Comparison of the molecular topologies of stress-activated transcription factors HSF1, AP-1, NRF2, and NF-kB in their induction kinetics of HMOX1 | Pronk T.E., van der Veen J.W., Vandebriel R.J., van Loveren H., de Vink E.P., Pennings J.L.A. | Biosystems 2014; 124C:75-85 |
Complement c3 is inversely associated with habitual intake of provitamin a but not with dietary fat, fatty acids, or vitamin e in middle-aged to older white adults and positively associated with intake of retinol in middle-aged to older white women | van Greevenboek M.M.J., Arts I.C.W., van der Kallen C.J.H., Dagnelie P.C., Ferreira I., Jansen E., Schalkwijk C.G., Feskens E.J.M., Stehouwer C.D.A. | J Nutr 2014; 144(1):61-7 |
Computational tool for usual intake modelling workable at the European level | Boon P.E., van der Voet H., Ruprich J., Turrini A., Sand S., van Klaveren J.D. | Food Chem Toxicol 2014; 74C:279-88 |
Connecting the dots of RNA-directed DNA methylation in Arabidopsis thaliana | Costa-Nunes P., Vitins A., Pontes O. | Chromosome Res 2014; 22(2):225-40 |
Consortium instruments for integrated action (i4i) | Storm I., van Oers H., Kok M., Bal R., Tubbing L., Harting J., Bekker M., Jansen M., Dittrich K., Paulussen T. | TSG 2014; 92(1):4-6 |
Consumption of alcoholic beverages and cognitive decline at middle age: the Doetinchem Cohort Study | Nooyens A.C.J., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., van Gelder B.M., van Boxtel M.P.J., Verschuren W.M.M. | Br J Nutr 2014; 111(4):715-23 |
Consumption of predefined 'Nordic' dietary items in ten European countries - An investigation in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort | Roswall N., Olsen A., Boll K., Christensen J., Halkjaer J., Sorensen T.I.A., Dahm C.C., Overvad K., Clavel-Chapelon F., Boutron-Ruault M.C., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Public Health Nutr 2014; 17(12):2650-9 |
Contactallergie en fotocontactallergie voor de UV-filter octocrylene | de Groot A.C., Rustemeyer T., Hissink D., de Wit-Bos L. | Ned Tijdschr Dermatol Venereol 2014; 24(6):378-81 |
Correlations between peripheral blood coxiella burnetii DNA load, interleukin-6 levels, and C-reactive protein levels in patients with acute Q fever | Kremers M.N.T., Janssen R., Wielders C.C.H., Kampschreur L.M., Schneeberger P.M., Netten P.M., de Klerk A., Hodemaekers H.M., Hermans M.H.A., Notermans D.W., Wever P.C. | Clin Vaccine Immunol 2014; 21(4):484-7 |
Correlations between peripheral blood coxiella burnetii DNA load, interleukin-6 levels, and C-reactive protein levels in patients with acute Q fever | Kremers M.N.T., Janssen R., Wielders C.C.H., Kampschreur L.M., Schneeberger P.M., Netten P.M., de Klerk A., Hodemaekers H.M., Hermans M.H.A., Notermans D.W., Wever P.C. | Clin Vaccine Immunol 2014; 21(4):484-7 |
Cost-effectiveness models for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: cross-model comparison of hypothetical treatment scenarios | Hoogendoorn M., Feenstra T.L., Asukai Y., Borg S., Hansen R.N., Jansson S.-A., Y. Samyshkin, Wacker M., Briggs A.H., Lloyd A., Sullivan S.D., Rutten-van Mölken M.P.M.H. | Value Health 2014; 17(5):525-36 |
Cross-sectional and prospective relation of cannabis potency, dosing and smoking behaviour with cannabis dependence: an ecological study | van der Pol P., Liebregts N., Brunt T., van Amsterdam J., de Graaf R., Korf D.J., van den Brink W., van Laar M. | Addiction 2014; 109(7):1101-9 |
Cross-sectional associations of objectively measured physical activity, cardiorespiratory fitness and anthropometry in European adults | Wientzek A., Diaz M.J.T., Huerta Castano J.M., Amiano P., Arriola L., Overvad K., Ostergaard J.N., Charles M.-A., Fagherazzi G., Palli D., Bendinelli B., Wendel-Vos W., de Hollander E., | Obesity 2014; 22(5):E127-34 |
Dairy products and risk of hepatocellular carcinoma: The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition | Duarte-Salles T., Fedirko V., Stepien M., Trichopoulou A., Bamia C., Lagiou P., Lukanova A., Trepo E., Overvad K., Tjonneland A., Halkjaer J., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Int J Cancer 2014; 135(7):1662-72 |
De gezondheid van de Nederlandse jeugd: relatief gezond, maar leefstijl vraagt aandacht | Hamberg-van Reenen H.H., van Gils P.F., Pijpers F.I.M. | Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2014; 158:A7824 |
Deletion of individual Ku subunits in mice causes an NHEJ-independent phenotype potentially by altering Apurinic/Apyrimidinic site repair | Choi Y.J., Li H., Son M.Y., Wang X.-H., Fornsaglio J.L., Sobol R.W., Lee M., Vijg J., Imholz S., Dolle M.E.T., van Steeg H., Reiling E., Hasty P. | Plos One 2014; 9(1):e86358 |
Design of the INTEGRATE study: Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a cardiometabolic risk assessment and treatment program integrated in primary care | Badenbroek I.F. , Stol D.M., Nielen M.M.J., Hollander M., Kraaijenhagen R.A., de Wit G.A., Schellevis F.G., de Wit N.J. | BMC Fam Pract 2014; 15(1):90 |
Developmental toxicity of thyroid-active compounds in a zebrafish embryotoxicity test | Jomaa B., Hermsen S.A.B., Kessels M.Y., van den Berg J.H.J., Peijnenburg A.A.C.M., Aarts J.M.M.J.G., Piersma A.H., Rietjens I.M.C.M. | Altex 2014; 31(3):303-17 |
Diabetes in Europe: an update | Tamayo T., Rosenbauer J., Wild S.H., Spijkerman A.M.W., Baan C., Forouhi N.G., Herder C., Rathmann W. | Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2014; 103(2):206-17 |
Diabetes quality management in Dutch care groups and outpatient clinics: A cross-sectional study | Campmans-Kuijpers M.J.E., Baan C.A., Lemmens L.C., Rutten G.E.H.M. | BMC Res Notes 2014; 7:497 |
Diabetes, antidiabetic medications, and pancreatic cancer risk: an analysis from the International Pancreatic Cancer Case-Control Consortium | Bosetti C., Rosator V., Li D., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., et al. | Ann Oncol 2014; 25(10):2065-72 |
Diagnosis of diabetes mellitus or cardiovascular disease and lifestyle changes - The Doetinchem Cohort Study | Manschot A., van Oostrom S.H., Smit H.A., Verschuren W.M.M., Picavet H.S.J. | Prev Med 2014; 59(1):42-6 |
Dietary B vitamin and methionine intake and MTHFR C677T genotype on risk of colorectal tumors in Lynch syndrome: the GEOLynch cohort study | Jung A.Y., van Duijnhoven F.J.B., Nagengast F.M., Botma A., Heine-Bröring R.C., Kleibeuker J.H., Vasen H.F.A., Harryvan J.L., Winkels R.M., Kampman E. | Cancer Causes Control 2014; 25(9):1119-29 |
Dietary fat intake and development of specific breast cancer subtypes | Sieri S., Chiodini P., Agnoli C., Pala V., Berrino F., Trichopoulou A., Benetou V., Vasilopoulou E., Sánchez M.-J., Chirlaque M.-D., Amiano P., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | J Natl Cancer Inst 2014; 106(5): pii:dju068 |
Dietary fat intake and risk of epithelial ovarian cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition | Merritt M.A., Riboli E., Weiderpass E., Tsilidis K.K., Overvad K., Tjonneland A., Hansen L., Dossus L., Fagherazzi G., Baglietto L., Fortner R.T., Ose J., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Cancer Epidemiol 2014; 38(5):528-37 |
Dietary intake of acrylamide and endometrial cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort | Obon-Santacana M., Kaaks R., Slimani N., Luján-Barroso L., Freisling H., Ferrari P., Dossus L., Chabbert-Buffet N., Baglietto L., Fortner R.T., Boeing H., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Br J Cancer 2014; 111(5):987-97 |
Dietary intake of acrylamide and esophageal cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort | Luján-Barroso L., Gonzalez C.A., Slimani N., Obon-Santacana M., Ferrari P., Freisling H., Overvad K., Clavel-Chapelon F., Boutron-Ruault M.C., Racine A., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Cancer Causes Control 2014 ; 25(5):639-46 |
Dietary intakes and risk of lymphoid and myeloid leukemia in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC). | Hosnijeh F.S., Peeters P., Romieu I., Kelly R., Riboli E., Olsen A., Tjonneland A., Fagherazzi G., Clavel-Chapelon F., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Ros M.M., | Nutr Cancer 2014; 66(1):14-28 |
Dietary intakes of individual flavanols and flavonols are inversely associated with incident type 2 diabetes in European populations | Zamora-Ros R., Forouhi N.G., Sharp S.J., Gonzalez C.A., Buijsse B., Guevara M., van der Schouw Y.T., Amiano P., Boeing H., Bredsdorff L., Spijkerman A.M.W., van der A D.L., | J Nutr 2014; 144(3):335-43 |
Dietary patterns in relation to disease burden expressed in Disability-Adjusted Life Years | Struijk E.A., Beulens J.W.J., May A.M., Fransen H.P., Boer J.M.A., de Wit G.A., Onland-Moret N.C., van der Schouw Y.T., Hoekstra J., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Peeters P.H.M. | Am J Clin Nutr 2014; 100(4):1158-65 |
Dietary protein intake and incidence of type 2 diabetes in Europe: The EPIC-InterAct case-cohort study | van Nielen M., Feskens E.J., Mensink M., Sluijs I., Molina E., Amiano P., Ardanaz E., Balkau B., Beulens J.W., Boeing H., Spijkerman A.M., van der A D.L., et al. | Diabetes Care 2014; 37(7):1854-62 |
Dietary vitamin D intake and risk of type 2 diabetes in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition: The EPIC-InterAct study | Abbas S., Linseisen J., Rohrmann S., Beulens J.W.J., Buijsse B., Amiano P., Ardanaz E., Balkau B., Boeing H., Clavel-Chapelon F., Fagherazzi G., Franks P.W., Spijkerman A.M.W., Tjonneland A., Tumino R., van der A D.L., | Eur J Clin Nutr 2014; 68(2):196-202 |
Differences in the prospective association between individual plasma phospholipid saturated fatty acids and incident type 2 diabetes: the EPIC-InterAct case-cohort study | Forouhi N.G., Koulman A., Sharp S.J., Imamura F., Kröger J., Schulze M.B., Crowe F.L., Huerta J.M., Spijkerman A.M.W., van der A D.L., | Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2014; 2(10):810-8 |
Differences in weight loss across different BMI classes:A meta-analysis of the effects of interventions with diet and exercise | Barte J.C.M., Veldwijk J., Teixeira P.J., Sacks F.M., Bemelmans W.J.E. | Int J Behav Med 2014; 21(5):784-93 |
Discrete choice experiments in health economics: a review of the literature | Clark M.D., Determann D., Petrou S., Moro D., de Bekker-Grob E.W. | Pharmacoeconomics 2014; 32(9):883-902 |
Discrimination of influenza infection (A/2009 H1N1) from prior exposure by antibody protein microarray analysis | te Beest D., de Bruin E., Imholz S., Wallinga J., Teunis P., Koopmans M., van Boven M. | Plos One 2014; 9(11):e113021 |
Disease prevention: saving lives or reducing health care costs? | Grootjans-van Kampen I., Engelfriet P.M., van Baal P.H.M. | Plos One 2014; 9(8):e104469 |
Do practice characteristics explain differences in morbidity estimates between electronic health record based general practice registration networks? | van den Dungen C., Hoeymans N., van den Akker M., Biermans M.C.J., van Boven K., Joosten J.H.K., Verheij R.A., Waal M.W.M., Schellevis F.G., van Oers J.A.M. | BMC Fam Pract 2014; 15:176 |
Doelmatiger testbeleid van soa-poliklinieken GGD | Suijkerbuijk A.W.M., Over E.A.B., Koedijk F.D.H., van Benthem B.H.B., van der Sande M.A.B., Lugner A.K. | Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2014; 158(15):650-5; A6980 |
Doelmatiger testbeleid van soa-poliklinieken GGD | Suijkerbuijk A.W.M., Over E.A.B., Koedijk F.D.H., van Benthem B.H.B., van der Sande M.A.B., Lugner A.K. | Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2014; 158(15):650-5; A6980 |
DON shares a similar mode of action as the ribotoxic stress inducer anisomycin while TBTO shares ER stress patterns with the ER stress inducer thapsigargin based on comparative gene expression profiling in Jurkat T cells | Schmeits P.C.J., Katika M.R., Peijnenburg A.A.C.M., van Loveren H., Hendriksen P.J.M. | Toxicol Lett 2014; 224(3):395-406 |
Dopamine-dependent behavior in adult rats after perinatal exposure to purity-controlled polychlorinated biphenyl congeners (PCB52 and PCB180) | Lilienthal H., Heikkinen P., Andersson P.L., van der Ven L.T.M., Viluksela M. | Toxicol Lett 2014; 224(1):32-9 |
Dose-to-dose variations with single packages of counterfeit medicines and adulterated dietary supplements as a potential source of false negatives and inaccurate health risk assessments | Venhuis B.J., Zwaagstra M.E., Keizers P.H.J., de Kaste D. | J Pharm Biomed Anal 2014; 89:158-65 |
Drug-induced endoplasmic reticulum and oxidative stress responses independently sensitize toward TNFalpha-mediated hepatotoxicity | Fredriksson L., Wink S., Herpers B., Benedetti G., Hadi M., de Bont H. , Groothuis G., Luijten M., Danen E., de Graauw M., Meerman J., van de Water B. | Toxicol Sci 2014; 140(1):144-59 |
Dynamic changes in energy metabolism upon embryonic stem cell differentiation support developmental toxicant identification | van Dartel D.A.M., Schulpen S.H., Theunissen P.T., Bunschoten A., Piersma A.H., Keijer J. | Toxicology 2014; 324:76-87 |
ECHI indicator development and documentation | Verschuuren M., Achterberg P.W., Gijsen R., Harbers M.M., Vijge E., van der Wilk E.A., Kramers P.G.N. | Bilthoven: National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, 2012. Joint Action for ECHIM |
Een trendscenario en vier perspectieven voor 2040. De Volksgezondheid Toekomst Verkenning 2014 | Schoemaker C., van Loon J., Hoeymans N. | Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2014; 158(14):631-5 ;A7477 |
Effect modification of the association of cumulative exposure and cancer risk by intensity of exposure and time since exposure cessation: A flexible method applied to cigarette smoking and lung cancer in the SYNERGY study | Vlaanderen J., Portengen L., Schüz J., Olsson A., Pesch B., Kendzia B., Stücker I., Guida F., Brüske I., Wichmann H.E., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Am J Epidemiol 2014; 179(3):290-8 |
Effect of including nonfatal events in cardiovascular risk estimation, illustrated with data from the Netherlands | van Dis I., Geleijnse J.M., Boer J.M.A., Kromhout D., Boshuizen H., Grobbee D.E., van der Schouw Y.T., van der Schouw Y.T., Verschuren W.M.M. | Eur J Prev Cardiol 2014; 21(3):377-83 |
Effect of using repeated measurements of a Mediterranean style diet on the strength of the association with cardiovascular disease during 12 years: The Doetinchem Cohort Study | Hoevenaar-Blom M.P., Spijkerman A.M.W., Boshuizen H.C., Boer J.M.A., Kromhout D., Verschuren W.M.M. | Eur J Nutr 2014; 53(5):1209-15 |
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of 3-monthly versus 6-monthly monitoring of well-controlled type 2 diabetes patients: A pragmatic randomised controlled patient-preference equivalence trial in primary care (EFFIMODI study) | Wermeling P.R., Gorter K.J., Stellato R.K., de Wit G.A., Beulens J.W.J., Rutten G.E.H.M. | Diabetes Obes Metab 2014; 16(9):841-9 |
Effects of long-term exposure to air pollution on natural-cause mortality: An analysis of 22 European cohorts within the multicentre ESCAPE project | Beelen R., Raaschou Nielsen O., Stafoggia M., Jovanovic Andersen Z., Weinmayr G., Hoffmann B., Wolf K., Samoli E., Fischer P., Nieuwenhuijsen M., Vineis P., Xun W.W., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Lancet 2014; 383(9919):785-95 |
Effects of prophylactic and therapeutic paracetamol treatment during vaccination on hepatitis B antibody levels in adults: two open-label, randomized controlled trials | Doedée A.M.C.M., Boland G.J., Pennings J.L.A., de Klerk A., Berbers G.A.M., van der Klis F.R.M., de Melker H.E., van Loveren H., Janssen R. | Plos One 2014; 9(6):e98175 |
Effects of prophylactic and therapeutic paracetamol treatment during vaccination on hepatitis B antibody levels in adults: two open-label, randomized controlled trials | Doedée A.M.C.M., Boland G.J., Pennings J.L.A., de Klerk A., Berbers G.A.M., van der Klis F.R.M., de Melker H.E., van Loveren H., Janssen R. | Plos One 2014; 9(6):e98175 |
Environmental interventions in low-SES neighbourhoods to promote healthy behaviour: enhancing and impeding factors | Lakerveld J., Verstrate L., Bot S.D., Kroon A., Baan C.A., Brug J., Jansen A.P.D., Droomers M., Abma T., Stronks K., Nijpels G. | Eur J Public Health 2014; 24(3):390-5 |
Erratum: Non-invasive risk scores for prediction of type 2 diabetes (EPIC-InterAct): a validation of existing models | Kengne A.P., Beulens J.W.J., Peelen L.M., Moons K.G.M., van der Schouw Y.T., Schulze M.B., Spijkerman A.M.W., Griffin S.J., | Lancet Diabetes Endocrin 2014; 2(4):e11 |
Evaluating the performance of integrated approaches for hazard identification of skin sensitizing chemicals | van der Veen J.W., Rorije E., Emter R., Natsch A., van Loveren H., Ezendam J. | Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 2014; 69(3):371-9 |
Evaluation of assays for measurement of serum (anti)oxidants in hemodialysis patients | Ruskovska T., Jansen E.H.J.M., Antarorov R. | BioMed Res Int 2014; 2014:843157 |
Evaluation of In Silico models for the identification of respiratory sensitizers | Dik S., Ezendam J., Cunningham A.R., Carrasquer C.A., van Loveren H., Rorije E. | Toxicol Sci 2014; 142(2):385-94 |
Evaluation of the zebrafish embryo as an alternative model for hepatotoxicity testing | Driessen M. | Leiden: Universiteit Leiden, 2014. Proefschrift |
Exploring the uncertainties in cancer risk assessment using the integrated probabilistic risk assessment (IPRA) approach | Slob W., Bakker M.I., te Biesebeek J.D., Bokkers B.G.H. | Risk Anal 2014; 34(8):1401-22 |
Exposure-based validation list for developmental toxicity screening assays | Daston G.P., Beyer B.K., Carney E.W., Chapin R.E., Friedman J.M., Piersma A.H., Rogers J.M., Scialli A.R. | Birth Defects Res B Dev Reprod Toxicol 2014; 101(6):423-8 |
Fish intake during pregnancy, fetal growth, and gestational length in 19 European birth cohort studies | Leventakou V., Roumeliotaki T., Martinez D., Barros H., Brantsaeter A.-L., Casas M., Charles M.-A., Cordier S., Eggesbo M., van Eijsden M., Forastiere F., Wijga A.H., | Am J Clin Nutr 2014; 99(3):506-16 |
Flavonoid and lignan intake in relation to bladder cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study | Zamora-Ros R., Sacerdote C., Ricceri F., Weiderpass E., Roswall N., Buckland G., St-Jules D.E., Overvad K., Kyro C., Fagherazzi G., Kvaskoff M., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Br J Cancer 2014; 111(9):1870-80 |
Fruit and vegetable intake and cause-specific mortality in the EPIC study | Leenders M., Boshuizen H.C., Ferrari P., Siersema P.D., Overvad K., Tjonneland A., Olsen A., Boutron-Ruault M.C., Dossus L., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Eur J Epidemiol 2014; 29(9):639-52 |
FTO genetic variants, dietary intake and body mass index: insights from 177,330 individuals | Qi Q., Kilpelainen T.O., Downer M.K., Tanaka T., Smith C.E., Sluijs I., Sonestedt E., Chu A.Y., Renstrom F., Lin X., Ängquist L.H., Huang J., Liu Z., Li Z., Verschuren W.M., | Hum Mol Genet 2014; 23(25):6961-72 |
Gastrointestinal and respiratory illness in children that do and do not attend child day care centers: a cost-of-illness study | Enserink R., Lugner A., Suijkerbuijk A., Bruijning-Verhagen P., Smit H.A., van Pelt W. | Plos One 2014; 9(8):e104940 |
Gender-specific genetic associations of polymorphisms in ACE, AKR1C2, FTO and MMP2 with weight gain over a 10-year period | Bouwman F.G., Boer J.M.A., Imholz S., Wang P., Verschuren W.M.M., Dolle M.E.T., Mariman E.C.M. | Genes Nutr 2014; 9(6):434 |
Gene expression markers in the zebrafish embryo reflect a hepatotoxic response in animal models and humans | Driessen M., Kienhuis A.S., Vitins A.P., Pennings J.L.A., Pronk T.E., van den Brandhof E.-J., Roodbergen M., van de Water B., van der Ven L.T.M. | Toxicol Lett 2014; 230(1):48-56 |
Gene-centric meta-analyses for central adiposity traits in up to 57 412 individuals of european descent confirm known loci and reveal several novel associations | Yoneyama S., Guo Y., Lanktree M.B., Barnes M.R., Elbers C.C., Karczewski K.J., Padmanabhan S., Bauer F., Baumert J., Beitelshees A., Berenson G.S., Boer J.M.A., Burke G., Verschuren W.M.M., | Hum Mol Genet 2014; 23(9):2498-510 |
Gene-centric meta-analysis in 87,736 individuals of European Ancestry identifies multiple blood-pressure-related loci | Tragante V., Barnes M.R., Ganesh S.K., Lanktree M.B., Guo W., Franceschini N., Smith E.N., Johnson T., Holmes M.V., Padmanabhan S., Karczewski K.J., Almoguera B., Barnard J., Baumert J., Verschuren W.M., | Am J Hum Genet 2014; 94(3):349-60 |
Gene-lifestyle interaction and type 2 diabetes: The EPIC InterAct Case-Cohort Study | Langenberg C., Sharp S.J., Franks P.W., Scott R.A., Deloukas P., Forouhi N.G., Froguel P., Groop L.C., Hansen T., Palla L., Pedersen O., Spijkerman A.M.W., van der A D.L., | Plos Med 2014; 11(5):e1001647 |
Genes-environment interactions in obesity- and diabetes-associated pancreatic cancer: a GWAS data analysis | Tang H., Wei P., Duell E.J., Risch H.A., Olson S.H., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Gallinger S., Holly E.A., Petersen G.M., Bracci P.M., McWilliams R.R., Jenab M., Riboli E., Tjonneland A., Boutron-Ruault M.C., Kaaks R., Trichopoulos D., Panico S., Sund M., Peeters P.H., Khaw K.T., Amos C., Li D. | Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2014; 23(1):98-106 |
Genetic association of gastric cancer with miRNA clusters including the cancer-related genes MIR29, MIR25, MIR93 and MIR106: Results from the EPIC-EURGAST study | Espinosa-Pamilla Y., Munoz X., Bonet C., Garcia N., Vencesla A., Yiannakouris N., Naccati A., Sieri S., Panico S., Huerta J.M., Barricarte A., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Int J Cancer 2014; 135(9):2065-76 |
Genetic predisposition of RSV infection-related respiratory morbidity in preterm infants | Drysdale S.B., Prendergast M., Alcazar M., Wilson T., Smith M., Zuckerman M., Broughton S., Rafferty G.F., Johnston S.L., Hodemaekers H.M., Janssen R., Bont L., Greenough A. | Eur J Pediatr 2014; 173(7):905-12 |
Genetic variants in the IL1A gene region contribute to intestinal-type gastric carcinoma susceptibility in European populations | Duraes C., Munoz X., Bonet C., Garcia N., Vencesla A., Cameiro F., Peleteiro B., Lunet N., Barros H., Lindkvist B., Boutron-Ruault M.C., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Int J Cancer 2014; 135(6):1343-55 |
Genome-wide association study identifies multiple loci associated with bladder cancer risk | Figueroa J.D., Ye Y., Siddiq A., Garcia-Closas M., Chatterjee N., Prokunina-Olsson L., Cortessis V.K., Kooperberg C., Cussenot O., Benhamou S., Prescott J., Porru S., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Hum Mol Genet 2014; 23(5):1387-98 |
Genome-wide association study identifies multiple susceptibility loci for pancreatic cancer | Wolpin B.M., Rizzato C., Kraft P., Kooperberg C., Petersen G.M, Wang Z., Arslan A.A., Beane-Freeman L., Bracci P.M., Buring J., Canzian F., Duell E.J., Gallinger S., Giles G.G., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Nat Genet 2014; 46(9):994-1000 |
Genome-wide association study identifies multiple susceptibility loci for pancreatic cancer | Wolpin B.M., Rizzato C., Kraft P., Kooperberg C., Petersen G.M, Wang Z., Arslan A.A., Beane-Freeman L., Bracci P.M., Buring J., Canzian F., Duell E.J., Gallinger S., Giles G.G., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Nat Genet 2014; 46(9):994-1000 |
Genome-wide association study of survival in patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma | Wu C., Kraft P., Stolzenberg-Solomon R., Steplowski E., Brotzman M., Xu M., Mudgal P., Amundadottir L., Arslan A.A., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Gut 2014; 63(1):152-60 |
Genome-wide interaction study of smoking and bladder cancer risk | Figueroa J.D., Han S.S., Garcia-Closas M., Baris D., Jacobs E.J.J., Kogevinas M., Schwenn M., Malats N., Johnson A., Purdue M.P., Caporaso N., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Carcinogenesis 2014; 35(8):1737-44 |
GHB, GBL and 1,4-BD addiction | Brunt T.M., van Amsterdam J.G.C., van den Brink W. | Curr Pharm Des 2014; 20(25):4076-85 |
Global, regional, and national levels and causes of maternal mortality during 1990-2013: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013 | Kassebaum N.J., Bertozzi-Villa A., Coggeshall M.S., Shackelford K.A., Steiner C., K.R. Heuton, Gonzalez-Medina D., Barber R., Huynh C., Dicker D., Templin T., Wolock T.M., van Gool C.H., et al. | Lancet 2014; 384(9947):980-1004 |
Glycated hemoglobin measurement and prediction of cardiovascular disease | di Angelantonio E., Gao P., Khan H.., Butterworth A.S., Wormser D., Kaptoge S., Kondapally Seshasai S.R., Thompson A., Sarwar N., Willeit P., Verschuren W.M., | JAMA 2014; 311(12):1225-33 |
Grey area novel foods: an investigation into criteria with clear boundaries | Sprong C., van den Bosch R., Iburg S., de Moes K., Paans E., Sutherland Borja S., van der Velde H., van Kranen H., van Loveren H., van der Meulen B.M.J., Verhagen H. | Eur J Nutr Food Safety 2014; 4:342-63 |
Guideline-recommended use of asthma medication by children is associated with parental information and knowledge: The PIAMA birth cohort | Wijga A.H., Zuidgeest M.G.P., Kerkhof M., Koppelman G.H., Smit H.A., de Jongste J.C. | Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 2014; 23(4):406-10 |
Health effects of employment: a systematic review of prospective studies | van der Noordt M., Ijzelenberg H., Droomers M., Proper K.I. | Occup Environ Med 2014; 71(10):730-6 |
Health responses to a new high-voltage power line route: design of a quasi-experimental prospective field study in the Netherlands | Porsius J.T., Claassen L., Smid T., Woudenberg F., Timmermans D.R.M. | BMC Public Health 2014; 14(1):237 |
Hepatotoxicity screening on in vitro models and the role of 'Omics | van Delft J., Mathijs K., Polman J., Coonen M., Szalowska E., Verheyen G.R., van Goethem F., Driessen M., van der Ven L., Ramalahgari S., Price L.S. | In: Kleinjans, J. ed. Toxicogenomics-based cellular models: Alternatives to animal testing for safety assessment. Elsevier, 2014:193-212 |
How combined trip purposes are associated with transport choice for short distance trips. Results from a cross-sectional study in the Netherlands | Scheepers E., Slinger M., Wendel-Vos W., Schuit J. | Plos One 2014; 9(12):e114797 |
Human risk assessment of dermal and inhalation exposures to chemicals assessed by route-to-route extrapolation: The necessity of kinetic data | Geraets L., Bessems J.G.M., Zeilmaker M.J., Bos P.M.J. | Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 2014; 70(1):54-64 |
Human TP53 polymorphism (rs1042522) modelled in mouse does not affect glucose metabolism and body composition | Reiling E., Speksnijder E.N., Pronk A.C.M., van den Berg S.A.A., Neggers S.J.W., Rietbroek I., van Steeg H., Dolle M.E.T. | Scientific Reports 2014; 4:4091 |
Identification and quantitation of N,alpha-diethylphenethylamine in preworkout supplements sold via the Internet | Lee J., Venhuis B.J., Heo S., Choi H., Seol I., Kim E. | Forensic Toxicol 2014; 32(1):148-53 |
Immunotoxicity of silver nanoparticles in an intravenous 28-day repeated-dose toxicity study in rats | Vandebriel R.J., Tonk E.C.M., de la Fonteyne-Blankestijn L.J., Gremmer E.R., Verharen H.W., van der Ven L.T., van Loveren H., de Jong W. | Part Fibre Toxicol 2014; 11(1):21 |
Immunotoxicity testing: implementation of mechanistic understanding, key pathways of toxicological concern, and components of these pathways | Roggen E.L., Corsini E., van Loveren H., Luebke R. | In: Kleinjans, J. ed. Toxicogenomics-based cellular models: Alternatives to animal testing for safety assessment. Elsevier, 2014:57-65 |
Implementation of the BeweegKuur in practice: Utilization of care of a lifestyle intervention in the Netherlands | Barte J.C.M., Hendriks M.R.C., Rutten G., Veenhof C., Bemelmans W.J.E. | Int J Health Prom Educ 2014; 52(4):222-8 |
Implementation of transcriptomics in the Zebrafish embryotoxicity test | Hermsen S.A.B., Piersma A.H. | In: Kleinjans, J. ed. Toxicogenomics-based cellular models: Alternatives to animal testing for safety assessment. Elsevier, 2014:127-41 |
Implementation of transcriptomics in the Zebrafish embryotoxicity test | Hermsen S.A.B., Piersma A.H. | Toxicogenomics-based cellular models: Alternatives to animal testing for safety assessment, 2014:127-41 |
Imputation and subset-based association analysis across different cancer types identifies multiple independent risk loci in the TERT-CLPTM1L region on chromosome 5p15.33 | Wang Z. | Hum Mol Genet 2014; 23(24):6616-33 |
In vitro dopaminergic neurotoxicity of pesticides: a link with neurodegeneration? | Heusinkveld H.J., van den Berg M., Westerink R.H.S. | Vet Q 2014; 34(3):120-31 |
In vivo methods for drug absorption - Comparative physiologies, model selection, correlations with in vitro methods (IVIVC), and applications for formulation/API/excipient characterization including food effects | Sjögren E., Abrahamsson B., Augustijns P., Becker D., Bolger M.B., Brewster M., Brouwers J., Flanagan T., Harwood M., Heinen C., Kubbinga M., | Eur J Pharm Sci 2014; 57(1):99-151 |
In vivo murine hepatic microRNA and mRNA expression signatures predicting the (non-)genotoxic carcinogenic potential of chemicals | Melis J.P.M., Derks K.W.J., Pronk T.E., Wackers P., Schaap M.M., Zwart E., van IJcken W.F.J., Jonker M.J., Breit T.M., Pothof J., van Steeg H., Luijten M. | Arch Toxicol 2014; 88(4):1023-34 |
Inflammatory and metabolic biomarkers and risk of liver and biliary tract cancer | Aleksandrova K., Boeing H., Nothlings U., Jenab M., Fedirko V., Kaaks R., Lukanova A., Trichopoulou A., Trichopoulos D., Boffetta P., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., et al. | Hepatology 2014; 60(3):858-71 |
Insulin-like growth factor I and risk of breast cancer by age and hormone receptor status - A prospective study within the EPIC cohort | Kaaks R., Johnson T., Tikk K., Sookthai D., Tjonneland A., Roswall N., Overvad K., Clavel-Chapelon F., Boutron-Ruault M.C., Dossus L., Rinaldi S., Romieu I., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Int J Cancer 2014; 134(11):2683-90 |
Insulin-like growth factor pathway genetic polymorphisms, circulating IGF1 and IGFBP3, and prostate cancer survival | Cao Y., Lindstrom S., Schumacher F., Stevens V.L., Albanes D., Berndt S.I., Boeing H., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Canzian F., Chamosa S., Chanock S.J., Diver W.R., Gapstur S.M., Gaziano J.M., Giovannucci E.L., Haiman C.A., Henderson B., Johansson M., le Marchand L., Palli D., Rosner B., Siddiq A., Stampfer M., Stram D.O., Tamini R., Travis R.C., Trichopoulos D., Willett W.C., Yeager M., Kraft P., Hsing A.W., Pollak M., Lin X., Ma J. | J Natl Cancer Inst 2014; 106(6):dju085 |
Insulin-like growth factor-I and risk of differentiated thyroid carcinoma in the European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition | Schmidt J.A., Allen N.E., Almquist M., Franceschi S., Rinaldi S., Tipper S.J., Tsilidis K.K., Weiderpass E., Overvad K., Tjonneland A., Boutron-Ruault M.C., Dossus L., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2014; 23(6):976-85 |
Intakes of potassium, magnesium, and calcium and risk of stroke | Sluijs I., Czernichow S., Beulens J.W.J., Boer J.M.A., van der Schouw Y.T., Verschuren W.M.M., Grobbee D.E. | Stroke 2014; 45(4):1148-50 |
Integrated approach to the in vivo genotoxic effects of a titanium dioxide nanomaterial using LacZ plasmid-based transgenic mice | Louro H., Tavares A., Vital N., Costa P.M., Alverca E., Zwart E., de Jong W.H., Fessard V., Lavinha J., Silva M.J. | Environ Mol Mutagen 2014; 55(6):500-9 |
Is gezond zijn een voorwaarde voor de participatie van ouderen? | Eysink P., Zantinge E., Harbers M. | Geron 2014; 2:8-11 |
Langer leven, meer ziekte, minder beperkingen. Trends in de volksgezondheid van 2000 tot 2030 | Hoeymans N., Harbers M.M., Hilderink H.B.M. | Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2014; 158(0):A7819 |
Leukocyte telomere length in relation to pancreatic cancer risk: A prospective study | Campa D., Mergarten B., de Vivo I. , Boutron-Ruault M.C., Racine A., Severi G., Nieters A., Katzke V.A., Trichopoulou A., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2014; 23(11):2447-54 |
Lifestyle factors and mortality risk in individuals with diabetes mellitus: are the associations different from those in individuals without diabetes? | Sluik D., Boeing H., Li K., Kaaks R., Johnsen N.F., Tjonneland A., Arriola L., Barricarte A., Masala G., Grioni S., Tumino R., Ricceri F., Mattiello A., Spijkerman A.M.W., van der A D.L., Sluijs I., Franks P.W., Nilsson P.M., Orho-Melander M., Fharm E., Rolandsson O., Riboli E., Romaguera D., Weiderpass E., Sanchez-Cantalejo E., Nothlings U. | Diabetologia 2014; 57(1):63-72 |
Long term stability of parameters of lipid metabolism in frozen human serum: triglycerides, free fatty acids, total-, HDL- and LDL-cholesterol, apolipoprotein-A1 and B | Jansen E., Beekhof P., Schenk E. | J Mol Biomark Diagn 2014; 5:182 |
Long-term exposure to air pollution and cardiovascular mortality: an analysis of 22 European cohorts | Beelen R., Stafoggia M., Raaschou Nielsen O., Jovanovic Andersen Z., Xun W.W., Katsouyanni K., Dimakopoulou K., Brunekreef B., Weinmayr G., Hoffmann B., Houthuijs D., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Epidemiology 2014; 25(3):368-78 |
Long-term exposure to elemental constituents of particulate matter and cardiovascular mortality in 19 European cohorts: Results from the ESCAPE and TRANSPHORM projects | Wang M., Beelen R., Stafoggia M., Raaschou-Nielsen O., Jovanovic Andersen Z., Hoffmann B., Fischer P., Houthuijs D., Nieuwenhuijsen M., Weinmayr G., Vineis P., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Environment Int 2014; 66C:97-106 |
Matrin 3 co-immunoprecipitates with the heat shock proteins glucose-regulated protein 78 (GRP78), GRP75 and glutathione S-transferase pi isoform 2 (GST?2) in thymoma cells | Osman A.M., van Loveren H. | Biochimie 2014; 101(1):208-14 |
Measuring stages of health in all policies on a local level: the applicability of a maturity model | Storm I., Harting J., Stronks K., Schuit A.J. | Health Policy 2014; 114(2-3):183-91 |
Mechanisms of amiodarone and valproic acid induced liver steatosis in mouse in vivo act as a template for other hepatotoxicity models | Vitins A.P., Kienhuis A.S., Speksnijder E.N., Roodbergen M., Luijten M., van der Ven L.T.M. | Arch Toxicol 2014; 88(8):1573-88 |
Melissopalynological analysis and biochemical assessment of the nectariferous plants in Lithuania | Ceksteryte V., Kurttnattiené B., Jansen E.H.J.M., Belova O. | Baltic Forestry 2014; 20(2):218-29 |
Meta-analysis of air pollution exposure association with allergic sensitization in European birth cohorts | Gruzieva O., Gehring U., Aalberse R., Agius R., Beelen R., Behrendt H., Bellander T., Birk M., de Jongste J.C., Wijga A., | J Allergy Clin Immunol 2014; 133(3):767-76 |
Metabolomics profiling for identification of novel potential markers in early prediction of preeclampsia | Kuc S., Koster M.P.H., Pennings J.L.A., Hankemeier T., Berger R., Harms A.C., Dane A.D., Schielen P.C.J.I., Visser G.H.A., Vreeken R.J. | Plos One 2014; 9(5):e98540 |
Metabolomics profiling for identification of novel potential markers in early prediction of preeclampsia | Kuc S., Koster M.P.H., Pennings J.L.A., Hankemeier T., Berger R., Harms A.C., Dane A.D., Schielen P.C.J.I., Visser G.H.A., Vreeken R.J. | Plos One 2014; 9(5):e98540 |
Method development and inter-laboratory comparison about the determination of titanium from titanium dioxide nanoparticles in tissues by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry | Krystek P., Tentschert J., Nia Y., Trouiller B., Noël L., Goetz M.E., Papin A., Luch A., Guérin T., de Jong W.H. | Anal Bioanal Chem 2014; 406(16):3853-61 |
Micronuclei in cord blood lymphocytes and associations with biomarkers of exposure to carcinogens and hormonally active factors, gene polymorphisms, and gene expression: The NewGeneris Cohort | Merlo D.F., Agramunt S., Anna L., Besselink H., Botsivali M., Brady N.J., Ceppi M., Chatzi L., Chen B., Decordier I., Farmer P.B., van Loveren H., | Environ Health Perspect 2014; 122(2):193-200 |
Mitochondrial DNA copy number and future risk of B-cell lymphoma in a nested case-control study in the prospective EPIC cohort | Hosnijeh F.S., Lan Q., Rothman N., Liu C.S., Cheng W-L., Nieters A., Guldberg P., Tjonneland A., Campa D., Martino A., Boeing H., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Blood 2014; 124(4):530-5 |
Mode of action of organotins in immune cells | Hendriksen P.J.M., Schmeits P.C.J., van Loveren H., Shao J., Peijnenburg A.A. | In: Corsini E, van Loveren H, eds. Molecular immunotoxicology. Chichester: Wiley, 2014:307-26 |
Molecular immunotoxicology | Corsini E., van Loveren H. | Chichester: Wiley, 2014 |
Molecular signatures of the evolving immune response in mice following a Bordetella pertussis infection | Raeven R.H.M., Brummelman J., Pennings J.L.A., Nijst O.E.M., Kuipers B., Blok L.E.R., Helm K., van Riet E., Jiskoot W., van Els C.A.C.M., Han W.G.H., Kersten G.F.A., Metz B. | Plos One 2014; 9(8):E104548 |
Molecular signatures of the evolving immune response in mice following a Bordetella pertussis infection | Raeven R.H.M., Brummelman J., Pennings J.L.A., Nijst O.E.M., Kuipers B., Blok L.E.R., Helm K., van Riet E., Jiskoot W., van Els C.A.C.M., Han W.G.H., Kersten G.F.A., Metz B. | Plos One 2014; 9(8):E104548 |
Monitoring and addressing trends in dietary exposure to micronutrients through voluntarily fortified foods in the European Union | Casala E., Matthys C., Peter S., Baka A., Kettler S., McNulty B., Stephen A.M., Verkaik-Kloosterman J., Wollgast J., Berry R., Roe M. | Trends Food Sci Technol 2014; 37(2):152-61 |
Monitoring salt and iodine intakes in Dutch adults between 2006 and 2010 using 24 h urinary sodium and iodine excretions | Hendriksen M.A.H., van Raaij J.M.A., Geleijnse J.M., Wilson-van den Hooven C., Ocke M.C., van der A D.L. | Public Health Nutr 2014; 17(7):1431-8 |
Multimorbidity of chronic diseases and health care utilization in general practice | van Oostrom S.H., Picavet H.S.J., de Bruin S.R., Stirbu I., Korevaar J.C., Schellevis F.G., Baan C.A. | BMC Fam Pract 2014; 15(1):61 |
Naar een standaard voor monitoring van kwetsbare groepen in Nederland | van den Brink C.L., Smulders G.M.J. | TSG 2014;92(3):108-9 |
Nanotechnologie - kansen en risico's van nanogeneesmiddelen | Park M.V.D.Z., Noorlander C.W., Oomen A.G., Vandebriel R.J., Geertsma R.E. | Med Farm Meded 2014; (3) |
Nationale en internationale inventarisatie van interventies voor depressiepreventie | Rompelberg C.J.M., Suijkerbuijk A.W.M., Lemmens L.C. | TSG 2014; 92(8):316- |
Neighborhood and health | Mohnen S.M., Schneider S. | In: Buksch J, Schneider S, eds. Walkability: a handbook of community-based physical activity promotion. Bern: Hans Huber, 2014 |
No causal association identified for human papillomavirus infections in lung cancer | Anantharaman D., Gheit T., Waterboer T., Halec G., Carreira C., Abedi-Ardekani B., McKay-Chopin S., Zaridze D., Mukeria A., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Cancer Res 2014; 74(13):3525-34 |
Non-invasive risk scores for prediction of type 2 diabetes (EPIC-InterAct): a validation of existing models | Kengne A.P., Beulens J.W.J., Peelen L.M., Moons K.G.M., van der Schouw Y.T., Schulze M.B., Spijkerman A.M.W., Griffin S.J., | Lancet Diabetes Endocrin 2014; 2(1):19-29 |
Novel childhood asthma genes interact with in utero and early-life tobacco smoke exposure [Letter to the editor] | Scholtens S., Postma D.S., Moffatt M.F., Panasevich S., Granell R., Henderson A.J., Melén E., Nyberg F., Pershagen G., Jarvis D., Ramasamy A., Smit H.A., Wijga A.H., | J Allergy Clin Immunol 2014; 133(3):885-8 |
Novel insights into excipient effects on the biopharmaceutics of APIs from different BCS classes: Lactose in solid oral dosage forms | Kubbinga M., Moghani L., Langguth P. | Eur J Pharm Sci 2014; 61:27-31 |
Nutrient patterns and their food sources in an international study setting: Report from the EPIC Study | Moskal A., Pisa P.T., Ferrari P., Byrnes G., Freisling H., Boutron-Ruault M.C., Cadeau C., Nailler L., Wendt A., Kuehn T., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Ocke M.C., | Plos One 2014; 9(6):e98175647 |
OECD validation study to assess intra- and inter-laboratory reproducibility of the zebrafish embryo toxicity test for acute aquatic toxicity testing | Busquet F., Strecker R., Rawlings J.M., Belanger S.E., Braunbeck T., Carr G.J., Cenijn P., Fochtman P., Gourmelon A., Hübler N., Kleensang A., Knobel M., Kussatz C., Legler J., Lillicrap A., Martinez-Jeronimo F., Polleichtner C., Rzodeczko H., Salinas E., Schneider K.E., Scholz S., van den Brandhof E.-J., van der Ven L.T.M., Walter-Rohde S., Weigt S., Witters H., Halder M. | Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 2014; 69(3):496-511 |
Off-label prescription of genetically modified organism medicines in Europe: Emerging conflicts of interest? | Schagen F.H.E., Hoeben R.C., Hospers G.A.P. | Hum Gene Ther 2014; 25(10):893-6 |
Organizational aspects of primary care related to avoidable hospitalization: a systematic review | van Loenen T., van den Berg M.J., Westert G.P., Faber M.J. | Fam Pract 2014; 31(5):502-16 |
Overview of 71 European community-based initiatives against childhood obesity starting between 2005 and 2011: General characteristics and reported effects | Bemelmans W.J.E., Wijnhoven T.M.A., Verschuuren M., Breda J. | BMC Public Health 2014; 14(1):758 |
Overweight in infancy: Which pre- and perinatal factors determine overweight persistence or reduction? A birth cohort followed for 11 years | van Rossem L., Wijga A.H., Brunekreef B., de Jongste J.C., Kerkhof M., Postma D.S., Gehring U., Smit H.A. | Ann Nutr Metab 2014; 65(2-3):211-9 |
Parental preferences for rotavirus vaccination in young children: A discrete choice experiment | Veldwijk J., Lambooij M.S., Bruijning-Verhagen P.C.J., Smit H.A., de Wit G.A. | Vaccine 2014; 32(47):6277-83 |
Parental preferences for rotavirus vaccination in young children: A discrete choice experiment | Veldwijk J., Lambooij M.S., Bruijning-Verhagen P.C.J., Smit H.A., de Wit G.A. | Vaccine 2014; 32(47):6277-83 |
Particle size dependent deposition and pulmonary inflammation after short-term inhalation of silver nanoparticles | Braakhuis H.M., Gosens I., Krystek P., Boere J.A.F., Cassee F.R., Fokkens P.H.B., Post J.A., van Loveren H., Park M.V.D.Z. | Part Fibre Toxicol 2014; 11(1):49 |
Peer support to decrease diabetes-related distress in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: Design of a randomised controlled trial | de Vries L., van der Heijden A.A.W.A, van 't Riet E., Baan C.A., Kostense P.J., Rijken M., Rutten G.E.H.M., Nijpels G. | BMC Endocr Disord 2014; 14(1):21 |
Pharmacy technicians' attention to problems with opening medicine packaging | Philbert D., Notenboom K., Koster E.S., Fietjé E.H., van Geffen E.C.G., Bouvy M.L. | J Pharm Technol 2014; 30(1):3-7 |
Physical activity, sex steroid, and growth factor concentrations in pre- and post-menopausal women: a cross-sectional study within the EPIC cohort | Rinaldi S., Kaaks R., Friedenreich C.M., Key T.J., Travis R., Biessy C., Slimani N., Overvad K., Ostergaard J.N., Tjonneland A., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., et al. | Cancer Causes Control 2014; 25(1):111-24 |
Physicochemical characteristics of nanomaterials that affect pulmonary inflammation | Braakhuis H.M., Park M.V.D.Z., Gosens I., de Jong W.H., Cassee F.R. | Part Fibre Toxicol 2014; 11(1):18 |
Plasma alkylresorcinol concentrations, biomarkers of whole-grain wheat and rye intake, in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort | Kyro C., Olsen A., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Skeie G., Loft S., Aman P., Leenders M., Dik V.K., Siersema P.D., Pischon T., Christensen J., Overvad K., Boutron-Ruault M.C., | Br J Nutr 2014; 111(10):1881-90 |
Plasma alkylresorcinols, biomarkers of whole-grain wheat and rye intake, and incidence of colorectal cancer | Kyro C., Olsen A., Landberg R., Skeie G., Loft S., Aman P., Leenders M., Dik V.K., Siersema P.D., Pischon T., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | J Natl Cancer Inst 2014; 106(1):djt352 |
Plasma methionine, choline, betaine, and dimethylglycine in relation to colorectal cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) | Nitter M., Norgard B., de Vogel S., Eussen S.J.P.M., Meyer K., Ulvik A., Ueland P.M., Nygard O., Vollset S.E., Bjorge T., Tjonneland A., Hansen L., Boutron-Ruault M.C., Racine A., Cottet V., Kaaks R., Kuhn T., Trichopoulou A., Bamia C., Naska A., Grioni S., Palli D., Panico S., Tumino R., Vineis P., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., van Kranen H., Peeters P.H., Gunter M.J., Riboli E. | Ann Oncol 2014; 25(8):1609-15 |
Plasma-serum cholesterol differences in children and use of measurements from different specimens | Berentzen N.E., Wijga A.H., van Rossem L., de Jongste J.C., Boshuizen H.C., Smit H.A. | Ann Nutr Metab 2014; 63(4):305-10 |
Polymorphisms of Helicobacter pylori signaling pathway genes and gastric cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer-Eurgast cohort | Companioni O., Bonet C., Munoz X., Weiderpass E., Panico S., Tumino R., Palli D., Agnoli C., Vineis P., Boutron-Ruault M.C., Racine A., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., et al. | Int J Cancer 2014; 134(1):92-101 |
Positive health effects of the natural outdoor environment in typical populations in different regions in Europe (PHENOTYPE): A study programme protocol | Nieuwenhuijsen M.J., Kruize H., Gidlow C., Andrusaityte S., Anto J.M., Basagana X., Cirach M., van Kempen E., van Kamp I., Wendel-Vos W., | BMJ Open 2014; 4(4):e004951 |
Potential association between the recent increase in campylobacteriosis incidence in the Netherlands and proton-pump inhibitor use - an ecological study | Bouwknegt M., van Pelt W., Kubbinga M.E., Weda M., Havelaar A.H. | Euro Surveill 2014; 19(32): pii: 20873 |
Potential effect of salt reduction in processed foods on health | Hendriksen M.A.H., Hoogenveen R.T., Hoekstra J., Geleijnse J.M., Boshuizen H.C., van Raaij J.M.A. | Am J Clin Nutr 2014; 99(3):446-53 |
Practical problems with medication use that older people experience: a qualitative study | Notenboom K., Beers E., van Riet-Nales D.A., Egberts T.C.G., Leufkens H.G.M., Jansen P.A.F., Bouvy M.L. | J Am Geriatr Soc 2014; 62(12):2339-44 |
Pre-diagnostic anthropometry and survival after colorectal cancer diagnosis in Western European populations | Fedirko V., Romieu I., Aleksandrova K., Pischon T., Trichopolous D., Peeters P.H., Romaguera-Bosch D., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Dahm C.C., Overvad K., | Int J Cancer 2014; 135(8):1949-60 |
Prediagnostic immunoglobulin E levels and risk of chronic lymphocytic leukemia, other lymphomas and multiple myeloma-results of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition | Nieters A., Luczynska A., Becker S., Becker N., Vermeulen R., Overvad K., Aleksandrova K., Boeing H., Lagiou P., Trichopoulos D., Trichopoulou A., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Carcinogenesis 2014; 35(12):2716-22 |
Prediagnostic intake of dairy products and dietary calcium and colorectal cancer survival-results from the EPIC cohort study | Dik V.K., Murphy N., Siersema P.D., Fedirko V., Jenab M., Kong S.Y., Hansen C.P., Overvad K., Tjonneland A., Olsen A., Dossus L., Racine A., Bastide N., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Cancer Epidemiol Biomarker Prev 2014; 23(9):1813-23 |
Prediagnostic plasma testosterone, sex hormone-binding globulin, IGF-I and hepatocellular carcinoma: Etiological factors or risk markers? | Lukanova A., Becker S., Hüsing A., Schock H., Fedirko V., Trepo E., Trichopoulou A., Bamia C., Lagiou P., Benetou V., Trichopoulos D., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Int J Cancer 2014; 134(1):164-73 |
Prediagnostic telomere length and risk of B-cell lymphoma. Results from the EPIC cohort study | Hosnijeh F.S., Matullo G., Russo A., Guarrera S., Modica F., Nieters A., Overvad K., Guldberg P., Tjonneland A., Canzian F., Boeing H., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Int J Cancer 2014; 132(12):2910-7 |
Premenopausal serum sex hormone levels in relation to breast cancer risk, overall and by hormone receptor status - Results from the EPIC cohort | Kaaks R., Tikk K., Sookthai D., Schock H., Johnson T., Tjonneland A., Olsen A., Overvad K., Clavel-Chapelon F., Dossus L., Baglietto L., Rinaldi S., Chajes V., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Int J Cancer 2014; 134(8):1947-57 |
Preoperative fasting protects against renal ischemia-reperfusion injury in aged and overweight mice | Jongbloed F., de Bruin R.W.F., Pennings J.L.A., Payan-Gómez C.., van den Engel S., van Oostrom C.T., de Bruin A., Hoeijmakers J.H.J., van Steeg H., IJzermans J.N.M., Dolle M.E.T. | Plos One 2014; 9(6):e100853 |
Preterm birth, infant weight gain, and childhood asthma risk: A meta-analysis of 147,000 European children | Sonnenschein-van der Voort A.M.M., Arends L.R., de Jongste J.C., Annesi-Maesano I., Arshad S.H., Barros H., Basterrechea M., Bisgaard H., Chatzi L., Wijga A.H., | J Allergy Clin Immunol 2014; 133(5):1317-29 |
Problems experienced by older people when opening medicine packaging | Philbert D., Notenboom K., Bouvy M.L., van Geffen E.C. | Int J Pharm Pract 2014; 22(3):200-4 |
Programming of metabolic effects in C57BL/6JxFVB mice by exposure to bisphenol A during gestation and lactation | van Esterik J.C.J., Dolle M.E.T., Lamoree M.H., van Leeuwen S.P.J., Hamers T., Legler J., van der Ven L.T.M. | Toxicology 2014; 321C:40-52 |
Progress with a global branded food composition database | Dunford E., van Rossum C., Westenbrink S., | Food Chem 2014; 140(3):451-7 |
Prolactin determinants in healthy women: A large cross-sectional study within the EPIC cohort | Tikk K., Sookthai D., Johnson T., Dossus L., Clavel-Chapelon F., Tjonneland A., Olsen A., Overvad K., Baglietto L., Rinaldi S., Romieu I., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2014; 23(11):2532-42 |
Prospective seroepidemiologic study on the role of Human Papillomavirus and other infections in cervical carcinogenesis: Evidence from the EPIC cohort | Castellsagué X., Pawlita M., Roura E., Margali N., Waterboer T., Bosch F.X., de Sanjosé S., Gonzalez C.A., Dillner J., Gram I.T., Tjonneland A., Munk C., Pala V., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Int J Cancer 2014; 135(2):440-52 |
Prostate cancer (PCa) risk variants and risk of fatal PCa in the National Cancer Institute Breast and Prostate Cancer Cohort Consortium | Shui I.M., Lindstrom S., Kibel A.S., Berndt S.I., Campa D., Gerke T., Penney K.L., Albanes D., Berg C., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Chanock S., Crawford E.D., Diver W.R., Gapstur S.M., Gaziano J.M., | Eur Urol 2014; 65(6):1069-75 |
Quantitative dose-response analysis of ethyl methanesulfonate genotoxicity in adult gpt-delta transgenic mice | Cao X., Mittelstaedt R.A., Pearce M.G., Allen B.C., Soeteman-Hernandez L.G., Johnson G.E., Bigger C.A.H., Heflich R.H. | Environ Mol Mutagen 2014; 55(5):385-99 |
Rare variants of large effect in BRCA2 and CHEK2 affect risk of lung cancer | Wang Y., Mackay J.D., Rafnar T., Wang Z., Timofeeva M.N., Broderick P., Zong X., Laplana M., Wei Y., Han Y., Lloyd A., Delahaye-Sourdeix M., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Nat Genet 2014; 46(7):736-41 |
RARE-Bestpractices: a platform for sharing best practices for the management of rare diseases | Taruscio D., Morciano C., Laricchiuta P., Mincarone P., Palazzo F., Leo C.G., Saverio S., Guarino R., van Kranen H.J., | Rare Diseas Orphan Drugs 2014; 1(1) |
Reducing our environmental footprint and improving our health: greenhouse gas emission and land use of usual diet and mortality in EPIC-NL: a prospective cohort study | Biesbroek S., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Peeters P.H.M., Verschuren W.M.M., van der Schouw Y.T., Kramer G.F.H., Tyszler M., Temme E.H.M. | Environ Health 2014; 13(1):27 |
Regulatory watch: Outcomes of EMA marketing authorization applications: does partnering have an influence? | van den Bogert C.A., Souverein P.C., Putzeist M., Leufkens H.G.M., Janssen S.W.J., Koëter G.H. | Nat Rev Drug Discover 2014; 13(12):878 |
Reply to SN Thornton and P Lacolley [Letter to the editor] | Hendriksen M.A.H., Geleijnse J.M., Boshuizen H.C., van Raaij J.M.A. | Am J Clin Nutr 2014; 100(1):298-9 |
Reply to the comment by Van der Deen et al.: Possible methodological reason for the finding that 'Neither tax increase nor reimbursement reduced health disparities'"" | Over E.A., Feenstra T.L., Hoogenveen R.T., Droomers M., Uiters E., van Gelder B.M. | Nicotine Tob Res 2014; 16(7):1031-2 |
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Risk factors for cancers of unknown primary site: Results from the prospective EPIC cohort | Kaaks R., Sookthai D., Hemminki K., Krämer A., Boeing H., Wirfält E., Weiderpass E., Overvad K., Tjonneland A., Olsen A., Peeters P.H., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | Int J Cancer 2014; 135(10):2475-81 |
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Self-reported whole-grain intake and plasma alkylresorcinol concentrations in combination in relation to the incidence of colorectal cancer | Knudsen M.D., Kyro C., Olsen A., Dragsted L.O., Skeie G., Lund E., Aman P., Nilsson L.M., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Tjonneland A., Landberg R. | Am J Epidemiol 2014; 179(10):1188-96 |
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Thyroid-stimulating hormone, thyroglobulin, and thyroid hormones and risk of differentiated thyroid carcinoma: The EPIC study | Rinaldi S., Plummer M., Biessy C., Tsilidis K.K., Ostergaard J.N., Overvad K., Tjonneland A., Halkjaer J., Boutron-Ruault M.C., Clavel-Chapelon F., Dossus L., Kaaks R., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., | J Natl Cancer Inst 2014; 106(6):dju097 |
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Weight change later in life and colon and rectal cancer risk in participants in the EPIC-PANACEA study | Steins Bisschops C.N., van Gils C.H., Emaus M.J., Bueno de Mesquita H.B., Monninkhof E.M., Boeing H., Aleksandrova K., Jenab M., Norat T., Riboli E., Boutron-Ruault M.C., | Am J Clin Nutr 2914; 99(1):139-47 |
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WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative: Body mass index and level of overweight among 6-9-year-old children from school year 2007/2008 to school year 2009/2010 | Wijnhoven T.M.A., van Raaij J.M.A., Spinelli A., Starc G., Hassapidou M., Spiroski I., Rutter H., Martos E., Rito A.I., Hovengen R., Pérez-Farinós N., Petrauskiene A., Eldin N., Braeckevelt L., Pudule I., Kunesova M., Breda J. | BMC Public Health 2014; 14:806 |
WHO European childhood obesity surveillance initiative: School nutrition environment and body mass index in primary schools | Wijnhoven T.M.A., van Raaij J.M.A., Sjöberg A., Eldin N., Yngve A., Kunesova M., Starc G., Rito A.I., Duleva V., Hassapidou M., Martos E., Pudule I., Petrauskiene A., Farrugia Sant'Angelo V., Hovengen R., Breda J. | Int J Environ Res Public Health 2014; 11(11):11261-85 |
Zebrafish embryotoxicity test for developmental (neuro)toxicity: Demo case of an integrated screening approach system using anti-epileptic drugs | Beker van Woudenberg A., Snel C., Rijkmans E., de Groot D., Bouma M., Hermsen S., Piersma A., Menke A., Wolterbeek A. | Reprod Toxicol 2014; 49C:101-16 |