Publication date 02-08-2018 | 00:00
Modification date 15-11-2018 | 10:58
Title | Authors | Reportnumber: |
A scan of the safety and quality of our environment (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | van Zijverden, M. ; Maas, R.J.M. ; Mennen, M.G. ; Montforts, M.H.M.M. | 2017-0030 |
Agricultural practices and water quality on farms registered for derogation in 2015 | Hooijboer, A.E.J. ; de Koeijer, T.J. ; Prins, H. ; Vrijhoef, A. ; Boumans, L.J.M. ; Daatselaar, C.H.G. | 2017-0039 |
Agricultural practices and water quality on farms registered for derogation in 2015 (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Hooijboer, A.E.J. ; de Koeijer, T.J. ; Prins, H. ; Vrijhoef, A. ; Boumans, L.J.M. ; Daatselaar, C.H.G. | 2017-0038 |
Analysis of incidents in large companies with hazardous substances 2016/2017 (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Kooi, E.S. ; Manuel, H.J. ; Mud, M. | 2017-0085 |
Annual report 2016. Air monitoring network IBP Hilversum (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Stefess, G.C. | 2017-0146 |
Annual report Bureau REACH 2016. Taking care of chemicals (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Beekman , M. ; Zweers, P. | 2017-0007 |
Assessment of the level of regulatory control for flaring and venting of natural gas. Research to support the implementation of Directive 2013/59/Euratom. (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | van der Schaaf, M. ; van der Reijden, A. | 2017-0114 |
Background concentrations and quality criteria for groundwater: data for antimony, arsenic, barium, cadmium, cobalt, copper, mercury, lead, molybdenum, nickel and zinc (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Verweij, W. ; Boumans, L. ; Claessens, J.W. ; Lijzen, J.P.A. | 2017-0125 |
Cardiovascular and metabolic effects of environmental noise. Systematic evidence review in the framework of the development of the WHO environmental noise guidelines for the European Region | van Kempen, E.E.M.M. ; Casas, M. ; Pershagen, G. ; Foraster, M. | 2017-0078 |
Clearance levels for specific clearance of wet sludges from the Dutch oil and gas sector and geothermal sector. Clearance levels for specific clearance of wet sludges from the Dutch oil and gas sector and geothermal sector (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | van der Schaaf, M. ; Folkertsma, E. | 2017-0107 |
Concentration limit value for substances of very high concern in waste streams (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Wassenaar, P.N.H. ; van Leeuwen, L.C. ; Luit, R.J. | 2017-0099 |
ConsExpo Web. Consumer exposure models - model documentationUpdate for ConsExpo Web 1.0.2 | Delmaar, J.E. ; Schuur, A.G. | 2017-0197 |
Contra-expertise on determination of radioactivity of waste water and ventilation air of Urenco Nederland B.V. Period 2015 (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Kwakman, P.J.M. ; Overwater, R.M.W. | 2016-0157 |
Contra-expertise on the determination of radioactivity in waste water and ventilation air of COVRA N.V. Period 2015 (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Kwakman, P.J.M. ; Overwater, R.M.W. | 2016-0155 |
Contra-expertise on the determination of radioactivity of waste water and ventilation air of NRG. Period 2015 (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Kwakman, P.J.M. ; Overwater, R.M.W. | 2016-0156 |
Contra-expertise on the determination of radioactivity of waste water and ventilation air of the Borssele nuclear power plant. Period 2015 (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Kwakman, P.J.M. ; Overwater, R.M.W. | 2016-0154 |
Development of Dutch ammonia concentrations in air in 2005-2014 (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Stolk, A.P. ; Noordijk, H. ; den Hollander, H.A. ; van Zanten, M.C. ; Wichink Kruit, R.J. ; van Pul, W.A.J. | 2016-0136 |
DSO Road Traffic Data Report & Advice (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Lolkema, D.E. ; de Gruijter, D.G. ; Hoogerbrugge, R. | 2016-0146 |
Dwellings in the Netherlands with possibly higher radon concentrations. Research to support the implementation of Directive 2013/59/Euratom (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Smetsers, R.C.G.M. | 2017-0032 |
Effects of asbestos on health. Current and future prevalence in the Netherlands (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Eysink, P.E.D. ; Hulshof, T.A. ; Poos, M.J.J.C. | 2017-0194 |
Effects of the national manure policy on the groundwater quality in groundwater protection areas (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Claessens, J. ; van der Aa, N.G.F.M. ; Groenendijk, P. ; Renaud, L. | 2016-0199 |
Environmental considerations in the medicinal product chain (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | van der Grinten, E. ; van der Maaden, T. ; van Vlaardingen, P.L.A. ; Venhuis, B.J. ; Moermond, C.T.A. | 2016-0207 |
Environmental radioactivity in the Netherlands. Results in 2015 | Knetsch, G.J. | 2016-0183 |
Environmental risks of fipronil in manure. Risk assessment of manure application on soil (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Moermond, C.T.A. ; Smit, C.E. ; van der Linden, A.M.A. ; van Vlaardingen, P.L.A. ; Bodar, C.W.M. | 2017-0153 |
European critical loads: database, biodiversity and ecosystems at risk. CCE Final Report 2017 | Hettelingh, J.P. ; Posch, M. ; Slootweg, J. | 2017-0155 |
Evaluation of health risks of playing sports on synthetic turf pitches with rubber granulate | Oomen, A.G. ; de Groot, G.M. | 2017-0016 |
Evaluation of health risks of playing sports on synthetic turf pitches with rubber granulate. Scientific background document | de Groot, G.M. ; Oomen, A.G. ; Mennen, M.G. | 2017-0017 |
Evaluation signaling value emerging contaminants drinking water policy (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | van der Aa, N.G.F.M. ; van Leerdam, R.C. ; van de Ven, B.M. ; Janssen, P.J.C.M. ; Smit, C.E. ; Versteegh, J.F.M. | 2017-0091 |
Ex ante evaluation of local policy for dealing with diffuse soil lead (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Otte, P.F. ; Zeilmaker, M. | 2017-0174 |
Fate of plant protection products in soilless cultivations after drip irrigation: measured vs. modelled concentrations. Interpretation of the 2014 experiment with the Substance Emission Model | van der Linden, A.M.A. ; Hoogsteen, M.J.J. ; Boesten, J.J.T.I. ; van Os, E.A. ; Wipfler, E.L. | 2016-0063 |
Generic exemption and clearance levels for radioactive materials. Research to support the implementation of Directive 2013/59/Euratom (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | van der Schaaf, M. ; Folkertsma, E. ; van Dillen, T. | 2017-0046 |
Greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands 1990-2015. National Inventory Report 2017 | Coenen, P.W.H.G. ; van der Maas, C.W.M. ; Zijlema, P.J. ; Arets, E.J.M.M. ; Baas, K. ; van den Berghe, A.C.W.M. ; van Huis, E.P. ; Geilenkirchen, G. ; Hoogsteen, M. ; Spijker, J. ; te Molder, R. ; Dröge, R. ; Montfoort, J.A. ; Peek, C.J. ; Vonk, J. ; Oude Voshaar, S. ; Dellaert, S. | 2017-0033 |
Greening via microbial plant protection products (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Scheepmaker, J.W.A. ; de Jong, F.M.W. | 2017-0111 |
Guidance on the risk assessment of arsenic in soil for private vegetable gardening (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Swartjes, F. ; Janssen, P. ; Dusseldorp, A. ; Hagens, W. | 2017-0177 |
Healthy living environment, healthy people (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Staatsen, B.A.M. ; van Alphen, Th. ; Houweling, D.A. ; van der Ree, J. ; Kruize, H. | 2016-0172 |
Healthy urban environment Utrecht (GO! Utrecht). Action perspectives for a healthy living environment (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | van Alphen, Th. ; Linde, K. ; Kok, L. ; Aben, J. ; den Hertog, F. ; de Vries, W. ; Maas, R. ; Wesseling, J. ; Staatsen, B. ; Storm, I. | 2017-0189 |
Import of NORM residues (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Goemans, P. ; Folkertsma, E. | 2017-0138 |
Informative Inventory Report 2017. Emissions of transboundary air pollutants in the Netherlands 1990-2015 | Jimmink, B.A. ; Coenen, P.W.H.G. ; Dellaert, S.N.C. ; Geilenkirchen, G.P. ; Hammingh, P. ; Leekstra, A.J. ; van der Maas, C.W.M. ; te Molder, R.A.B. ; Oude Voshaar, S.V. ; Peek, C.J. ; van der Sluis, S.D. ; Smeets, W.L.M. ; Wever, D. | 2017-0002 |
Intervention radiology - Survey of Dutch practices, focussing on radiation protection of patients (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Bijwaard, H. ; Valk, D. | 2017-0025 |
Learning from occupational diseases? A new perspective explored. Exploratory study using Storybuilder for occupational diseases (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | van Guldener, V.R. ; Bellamy, L. ; Chambon, M. ; Manuel, H.J. ; Melssen, N.Z.M. ; Proper, K.I. | 2017-0022 |
Methodology report on the calculation of emissions to air from the sectors Energy, Industry and Waste (Update 2016), as used by the Dutch Pollutant Release and Transfer Register | Peek, C.J. ; Montfoort, J.A. ; Dröge, R. ; Guis, B. ; Baas, C. ; van Huet, B. ; van Hunnik, O.R. ; van den Berghe, A.C.W.M. | 2017-0126 |
Minerals Policy Monitoring Programme report 2011-2014. Methods and procedures | van Vliet, M.E. ; van Leeuwen, T.C. ; van Beelen, P. ; Buis, E. | 2016-0051 |
Multiple stress by repeated use of plant protection products in agricultural areas | Luttik, R. ; Zorn, M.I. ; Brock, T.C.M. ; Roex, E.W.M. ; van der Linden, A.M.A. | 2016-0152 |
National legal and regulatory framework in various North Sea countries concerning the transboundary movement of NORM residues | Goemans, P. ; Folkertsma, E. | 2017-0190 |
National precautionary policies on magnetic fields from power lines in Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom | Stam, R. | 2017-0118 |
Natural Capital and the Environmental and Planning Act (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Thijssen, M. ; Mesman, M. | 2017-0001 |
New maps of concentrations and depositions for NSL and PAS: 2016 (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Velders, G.J.M. ; Aben, J.M.M. ; Geilenkirchen, G.P. ; den Hollander, H.A. ; Nguyen, L. ; van der Swaluw, E. ; de Vries, W.J. ; Wichink Kruit, R.J. | 2017-0117 |
Noise monitor 2016. Validation of motorway and railway noise (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Jabben, J. ; Haaima, M. ; den Hollander, H.A. ; van Wijnen, H.J. | 2017-0122 |
NSL 2017 monitoring report. State of affairs of National Air Quality Cooperation Programme (NSL) (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Rutledge-Jonker, S. ; Berkhout, J.P.J. ; Wesseling, J.P. ; Mooibroek, D. ; Nguyen, P.L. ; Groot-Wassink, H. ; Sanders, A. | 2017-0156 |
Options for an effective groundwater quality assessment framework. The standards and tools for assessing the quality of groundwater in the Environment and Planning Act (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Swartjes, F.A. ; Schijven, J.F. ; Blok, T. ; Otte, P.F. | 2017-0129 |
Outlook on use of bioavailability in assessment of soil and sediment. Opportunities for metals (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Lijzen, J.P.A. ; Verschoor, A.J. ; Mesman, M. ; de Boer, P.T. ; Osté, L. ; Römkens, P. | 2015-0215 |
PAS Nitrogen Monitoring Report. State of affairs 2016 (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Sterkenburg, A. ; van Alphen, A. | 2017-0121 |
PFOA and possible health effects. A review of scientific literature | Rijs, K.J. ; Bogers, R.P. | 2017-0086 |
PFOA in blood. Measurements in serum in residents around DuPont/Chemours in Dordrecht, The Netherlands (report in Dutch) | van Poll, R. ; Jansen, E. ; Janssen, R. | 2017-0077 |
PFOA measurements in blood. Measurements in serum in residents around DuPont/Chemours in Dordrecht, The Netherlands | van Poll, R. ; Jansen, E. ; Janssen, R. | 2017-0113 |
Preparing 'Information Houses' for the Digital Systems Environment and Planning Act (DSO). Report on the coordination in 2016 (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | van Langen, M. ; Loeff, P.I. | 2017-0098 |
Processes involving naturally occurring radioactive materials in the non-nuclear industry in the Netherlands - updated basic information. Research to support the implementation of Directive 2013/59/Euratom (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Folkertsma, E. ; van der Schaaf, M. | 2017-0042 |
Production and use of medical radioisotopes in the Netherlands. Current and projected market demand and production capacity (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Roobol, L.P. ; van der Reijden, A. ; de Waard-Schalk, I.R. ; Bijwaard, H. | 2017-0063 |
Radiation level measurements around the site of Borssele nuclear power plant in 2015 (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Tanzi, C.P. | 2017-0053 |
REACHing out to the bio-based economy. Perspectives and challenges of EU (European Union) chemicals legislation | Luit, R.J. ; Waaijers-van der Loop, S.L. ; Heugens, E.H.W. | 2016-0178 |
Recommendations on generic data sets. For the purpose of the Environment and Planning Act. (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Baumann, B. ; Spijker, J. ; Loeff, P. | 2016-0205 |
Regarding the regulation of gamma radiation from building materials in dwellings. Research to support the implementation of Directive 2013/59/Euratom (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Smetsers, R.C.G.M. ; Tomas, J.M. | 2017-0179 |
Regulations in surrounding countries for the import of NORM residues (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Goemans, P. ; Folkertsma, E. | 2017-0136 |
Research into indicative water quality standards for substances used in the GenX technology (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Smit, C.E. | 2017-0045 |
Risk Analysis and Risk Management in drinking water production in The Netherlands (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | van den Berg, H.H.J.L. ; Friederichs, L. ; Versteegh, J.F.M. ; Smeets, P. ; de Roda Husman, A.M. | 2017-0036 |
Risk assessment and presence of FRD-903 in drinking water and drinking water sources for a selection of drinking water production locations in the Netherlands. (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Versteegh, J.F.M. ; de Voogt, P. | 2017-0175 |
Risk assessment of adding Gasodor S-Free to natural gas (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | van Kesteren, P.C.E. ; de Knecht, J.A. ; van Iersel, P.W.C. ; te Biesebeek, J.D. ; Palmen, N.G.M. ; Bakker, J. ; Puts, C.F. ; Guichelaar, S.K. | 2017-0102 |
Risk limits for PFOA in soil and groundwater. Elaboration for generic and land use specific policy (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Lijzen, J.P.A. ; Wassenaar, P.N.H. ; Smit, C.E. ; Posthuma, C.J.A.M. ; Brand, E. ; Swartjes, F.A. ; Verbruggen, E.M.J. ; Versteegh, J.F.M. | 2017-0092 |
Risks of antiparasitic veterinary products for groundwater and surface water (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | van der Linden, A.M.A. ; Lahr, J. ; van Beelen, P. ; Wipfler, E.L. | 2017-0009 |
Significance of PFOA blood test results for people living nearby DuPont/Chemours (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Oomen, A.G. ; Herremans, J.M.M. | 2017-0101 |
Study on Identification Map for Noise | Lolkema, D.E. ; de Gruijter, D.G. | 2017-0005 |
Substances of very high concern and the transition to a circular economy. An initial inventory | Wassenaar, P.N.H. ; Janssen, N. ; de Poorter, L.R.M. ; Bodar, C.W.M. | 2017-0071 |
Technical evaluation of a potential release of OX513A Aedes aegypti mosquitoes on the island of Saba | Glandorf, D.C.M. | 2017-0087 |
Tritium contamination in Petten and potential risks for the environment (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Slaper, H. ; Twenhöfel, C. ; van der Knaap, Y. | 2017-0103 |
Unambiguously determining circularity in the construction industry. Environmental performance as the starting point (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | de Valk, E. ; Quik, J.T. | 2017-0128 |
Update of an assessment framework for the quality of the living environment in the Schiphol Amsterdam Airport region (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Kruize, H. ; Leidelmeijer, K. ; Houthuijs, D.J.M. ; Swart, W.J.R. | 2016-0175 |
Updating of trend modelling of measured nitrate concentration at farms. Mineral Policy Monitoring Programme (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Boumans, L. ; Fraters, D. | 2016-0211 |
UV-radiation and health (report in Dutch, English synopsis) | Slaper, H. ; van Dijk, A. ; den Outer, P. ; van Kranen, H. ; Slobbe, L. | 2017-0074 |
Waste handling and REACH. Recycling of materials containing SVHCs: daily practice challenges | Janssen, M.J.M. ; van Broekhuizen, F.A. | 2016-0159 |
Water quality in the Netherlands; status (2012-2015) and trend (1992-2015). Addendum to report 2016-0019 | Fraters, B. ; Hooijboer, A.E.J. ; Rijs, G.B.J. ; van Duijnhoven, N. ; Rozemeijer, J.C. | 2017-0050 |
Water quality in the Netherlands; status (2012-2015) and trend (1992-2015). Addendum to report 2016-0076 (report in Dutch) | Fraters, B. ; Hooijboer, A.E.J. ; Rijs, G.B.J. ; van Duijnhoven, N. ; Rozemeijer, J.C. | 2017-0008 |
Water quality standards for PFOAA proposal in accordance with the methodology of the Water Framework Directive | Verbruggen, E.M.J. ; Wassenaar, P.N.H. ; Smit, C.E. | 2017-0044 |
Wetted surface area of recreational boats | Bakker, J. ; van Vlaardingen, P.L.A. | 2017-0116 |