More news
- Overweight will continue to increase until 2050, especially among young adults
- Still too much nitrogen and phosphorus in groundwater and surface water
- Environmental Incident Service offers assistance to Bonaire in relation to waste fire
- Slightly more radon found in homes than 10 years ago
- Doubling of people with dementia and arthrosis by 2050
- Data from National Immunisation Programme available through MijnRIVM and in personal digital health environments
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Recent publications
- Evaluation of air quality monitoring networks in the province of North Holland
- Kwalitatief gedragsonderzoek naar de motivaties en barrieres bij zonbeschermende maatregelen
- Aggregate exposure – exploring the use of an allocation factor in risk assessment
- RSV vaccination in the elderly. Background information for the Health Council
- Bewegen door 65-plussers. Naar mate van vitaliteit en zelfstandigheid
- Tuberculosis in the Netherlands in 2023
- Agricultural practices and water quality in the Netherlands: status (2020-2023) and trends (1992-2023) Results of the monitoring of the effects of the EU Nitrates Directive action programmes
- The essential use concept for accelerating the phase-out and substitution of most harmful chemicals. Requirements for horizontal implementation into EU legislations addressing chemicals
- Choosing a healthy future. Public Health Foresight Study 2024