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- Obstacles concerning the reuse of building materials and soil necessitate review of standards and rules
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- 50th anniversary of the heel prick test: health benefits for hundreds of newborns each year
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- Fewer whooping cough antibodies if vaccination occurs before 24th week of pregnancy
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Recent publications
- Mental health. Factors affecting it, with operational perspective for government
- Adviesvraag bepalen doelgroep van de Maatregel Gerichte beƫindiging (MGB)
- Assessment framework for use of urban waste water for agriculture: towards an assessment framework. Phase 1: Legal framework and food safety
- Usability of REACH information on risks of skin exposure in the extended safety data sheet
- Legislation and practice: possibilities for improving occupational safety in the construction chain
- Leaching of PFAS from soil and sediment integrated into soil standards. Exploring possibilities
- Evaluation of the standards framework on use and reuse of secondary building materials
- Bottleneck analysis for reuse of soil and dredged material
- Gevoeligheidsanalyse parameters voor kritische emissiewaarden bij uitloging uit bouwstoffen