Pay attention to the expiration date, especially in case of perishables. Follow the preparation and storage instructions. Buy products that look fresh and unblemished. Always buy perishables and frozen products last when you’re running errands.
Wash your hands frequently, especially before preparing food, after touching raw meat and fish, and before you sit down to eat. In addition, always wash your hands after you visit the toilet, after changing nappies, and after touching your pets or other animals. Wash your hands with liquid soap and scrub for at least 15 seconds. Dry your hands thoroughly with a clean towel or with paper towels. Also pay attention to kitchen hygiene: change dishcloths, tea towels and hand towels daily, and disinfect door handles and water taps with an all-purpose cleaning product. Rinse fruits and vegetables in running water, especially when eating raw.
Make sure that prepared food does not come into contact with products that are not cooked yet. Use different cutting boards to chop raw meat and vegetables. Wash your knives with dish detergent in between or use different knives.
Follow the storage instruction on the product packaging. Use products before the ‘use by’ date. Put products that need to stay chilled in the refrigerator (4 °C) as soon as possible, and keep them chilled until right before use. Are you going to have a barbecue or picnic? Then keep your meat and salads chilled. If a dish of food has been left out of the refrigerator or cooler for more than two hours, throw it away.
Heat meat, fish and shellfish thoroughly until they are cooked. Food that has already been prepared, such as leftovers or soup, must be heated all the way through before eating.
Do not drink any raw (unpasteurised) milk, and boil tap water if you aren’t completely sure it’s safe (for instance while travelling abroad).