Evaluation of an in-house cat scratch disease IgM ELISA to detect Bartonella henselae in a routine laboratory setting
The use of Bartonella henselae-specific age dependent IgG and IgM in diagnostic models to discriminate diseased from non-diseased in Cat Scratch Disease serology
Etiology of cat scratch disease: comparison of polymerase chain reaction detection of Bartonella (formely Rochalimaea) and Afipia felis DNA with serology and skin tests
Een vergelijkende studie naar de verwekker van kattekrabziekte. Detectie van Bartonella- (voorheen Rochalimaea) en Afipia felis-DNA, serologie en huidtest
Predominance of two Bartonella henselae variants among cat-scratch disease patients in The Netherlands
Pitfalls and fallacies of cat scratch disease serology: evaluation of Bartonella henselae-based indirect fluorescence assay and enzyme-linked immunoassay
Serological testing for Bartonella henselae infections in The Netherlands: clinical evaluation of immunofluorescence assay and ELISA
Evaluation of sensitivity, specificity and cross-reactivity in Bartonella henselae serology [Letter to the editor]